Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 2 October 2006
Latest Update: Sunday, 8 October 2006 9:00 a.m.
am one of the few people who really like Mondays. I am usually rested
and ready to get the week going. Well, today was not a good Monday. I
spent two hours on the phone with our tech support guy for our CMS
software. I have some major problems that he could not make sense of.
He is a really good engineer who knows out software in depth. Finally
he gave up and reported the problem to the software company.
After lunch I started working on the destruction stuff. This year we
are destroying from the CMS database for the first time. I am inventing
the process as we go along. As I work on the returned reports I am also
setting up the procedures to follow. Sure enough, last week I "started
over" three times by having to go back through the reports I had
already done to add another procedure. This afternoon though I was
finally on a roll when I discovered yet another step that has to be
covered. Yep, back came out all the reports I had been through to cover
the ground again.
Needless to say I was ready to hit the gym on the way home and
work out my frustrations. Just as we finished eating Stephanie called
to see if I wanted to walk. We took the usual short course with the
dogs then finished our walk after returning them back home.
3 October 2006
Steadily busy. Today was better just kept
busy all day long. I worked through lunch to make up time for later
this week. Tomorrow morning I have an 8 am dentist appointment.
Tomorrow evening I will pick Bob up after work to head over to the
library to set up for the book sale. We will grab dinner afterwards.
Thursday morning I have another errand to run that will make me late
again. Thursday after work it will be back to the library for the
opening of the book sale. Posts may be sporadic the next couple of days.
4 October 2006
No update.
5 October 2006
[Thursday] [Friday]
Things are still very busy and hectic at
work. Just before quitting time, which is 5 pm, I checked the weather
channel radar. The forecast had been for rain/storms to start late this
afternoon. There was one very large, green/red/yellow blob on the radar
just west of our area of the county and coming our way. As I drove out
of town toward home the skies were very dark, much like what happened
last Thursday.
I called Bob to see if we had any weather alerts or if it was pouring
rain. If so, I was going to skip the grocery and pet store stops and
come on home. Bob said there were no alerts and it was not even
Sure enough, when I got the strip mall where I shop the skies had
cleared and the storm had moved on off to the north and east. If the
forecasters can be believed, the temperatures tonight are to be 60.
Right now it is 70 and very muggy. Tomorrow's highs are to be 60 with
10 to 15 mph winds. If the temperatures are to fall that far and stay
that cold with a front coming through usually get some kind of storm
system with it.
We were walking the dogs after dinner when Stephanie asked me if I
wanted to walk. I had Bob bring the dogs back in and we too off for a
quick walk at the time thinking we might still have to beat the rain.
So far we've been spared.
Last night I read a short Hamish, A
Highland Christmas. It was only about 120 pages, almost like a
short story. I had finished up Chow
Down late Wednesday night. Next up, another Anne Perry, Highgate Rise.
6 October 2006
Just plain old tired! It was another
frustrating day at work with computer software problems, project
interruptions, etc, etc. The day more or less capped off what my entire
week has been like.
Finally, about 3:30 my boss asked me if I would like to go over to our
off site storage facility and check on something that needed one of us
to check into. I called and told them I would be there at 4. My boss
said for me to call him with a report and then I could go on home. WOW!
Just what I needed. I took care of business, ran a quick errand, and
made it home a little after 5.
On the weather front. We did get that storm, about 10:30 last night. We
had about .67 inches of rain by morning. It was supposed to rain all
day with temperatures steadily falling from 68 degrees to 55 by mid
afternoon. As I drove home the skies looked wicked with big dark clouds
mixed in with white all on a very gray background. However, it had not
rained all day but the wind blew drying off the grass and leaves from
the rain.
I checked the radar, nothing in sight so I hurried out to get the lawn
mowed. In addition to be fairly high the leaves were pretty thick in
some places. With more rain forecast for tomorrow I wanted to get it
mowed tonight if possible. Other than a sprinkle or two I manged to get
finished before it rained or got too dark to see.
7 September 2006
[Saturday] [Sunday]
The dogs let us sleep in until 8. I left the
house around 9 to make a drug store stop before heading over to the
library. I was scheduled to work the book sale from 10 - 12.
Back home, I fixed a bit of lunch before starting on the house
cleaning. I went downstairs to put in a load of laundry. I decided to
put the storm windows in the lower basement window back in. Bob was
trying to help but got frustrated when I was telling him out to do it.
Who could blame him. He was having trouble getting them to go back in
and I was trying to tell him what I thought was the correct orientation
since I took them out. Being the original windows in the house, these
are the ones I struggled with for half an hour last week to remove. I
should have thrown them away at that point.
After Bob got tired of arguing with me and wrestling with the windows
he headed back up stairs to leave me to it. I got the damn thing wedged
in the frame, torqued it too much making and my hand slip and... yep
you can guess what happen. Down goes my hand through the glass sitting
at a vertical angle. Fortunately I hit it with the back of my hand
along the knuckles. Bob came flying back down the steps to see if I was
alright. He yelled to see if I got cut. I told him no then looked down
to see a couple of minor gouges in the skin that were not bleeding a
little. Nothing major. While he cleaned up glass I came upstairs,
smeared on some antibacterial cream and put gauze over it then wrapped
that part of my hand with vet wrap so I could put on gloves and help
Bob with the clean up. No worse for the wear.
I finished up the weekly cleaning and have now parked myself at my desk
for the usual organizing and bill paying chores.
It is a nasty day to be outside. Winds gusting up to 20 mph,
temperatures in the mid to upper 50's and periods of rain.
8 October 2006
[Sunday] [Next
I am off this morning for a little over night
trip. This past Thursday morning I drove my folks over to nearby
Greensboro to one of my mom's sister's house. Each year their only
living brother gets his daughter's house on an island just off the
Wilmington, NC coast. He invites the five remaining sisters down for a
few days. In the past mom and dad have missed a couple of times due to
being out of town or other having other plans. My aunt in Greensboro
does not always go but when she does her son drives her down.
This year my folks wanted to go but I asked dad not to drive down. It
is too far a trip for him at his age for driving. I offered to drive
them down and go back to pick them up on Sunday. Instead, since
my aunt was going too, my cousin drove them all down on Thursday
morning. I shall drive down today, spend the night, and we will all
return home tomorrow. It is about a 3 1/2 to 4 hour trip. I wanted to
get down early this afternoon to have time to enjoy a partial day at
the beach and a visit with my aunts and uncles.
The weather is still yucky with gray skies, periods of rain, and cool
temperatures. The coast is to be the same but somewhat warmer.
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