Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 9 October 2006
Latest Update: Sunday 15 October 2006 3:20 p.m.
had a nice drive down yesterday taking exactly 4 hours with one quick
bathroom/gasoline stop. It was very windy at the beach but warm enough
to walk. Dad and I took a short walk not long after I arrived. Just
before dinner it started thundering for about half an hour before a
pretty good storm rolled in the for the night.
We sat up until 11 watching Grumpy Old Men in DVD. I slept on the
sleeper sofa located downstairs between the two sets of bedrooms where
all the sisters and my folks were sleeping. The master bedroom is on
the same floor with the kitchen and great room.
This morning we awoke to more rain but by 10:30 the clouds has started
breaking up and the sun came out. The tide was too high to walk so dad
and I took a walk down the road for half a mile or so.
We ate lunch, said our goodbyes and took off for home about 1 arriving
in Greensboro to drop off my aunt about 4:45. I stopped for gas just
before the ramp to get back on I 40. Up the street was a K & W. We
decided to stop and eat while the 5 o'clock rush hour was going on. By
the time we ate and got on the road again a lot of the traffic had
thinned out.
I dropped of my folks and called Bob to let him know I was on the way
home. Stephanie and I then did our usual walk about 7 taking the dogs
first and then continuing on with our walk. After spending all day in
the car it was nice to get out and stretch my legs.
Hopefully I will have pictures tomorrow night if Bob has time to work
on them.
10 October 2006
No update.
11 October 2006
Pictures from the beach trip. This is the
swinging bridge you must drive over to get to the island. It is a gated
community. I was about three cars back. It had just started to swing
back in place when I pulled up in line. For fear of missing a good shot
I did not take time to put the long lense on the camera.

It was very windy when I arrived Sunday afternoon. This is loose sand
blowing across the hard pack where the tide had gone back out.

Dad had to hold his hat down. It was very hard for him to walk between
the wind and the sand.

I snapped this guy on the way back. The skies are getting pretty dark
with white clouds below. This was about half an hour before the storm.

These bushes are all over the island. My aunts said they are oleander.
I need to do some research to see if they will grow this far west.

The gang starting at the head of the table and going left: dad, mom and
her siblings ranging in age from 91 down to 73. This is the great room
on the main floor. The kitchen is off to the right, the living room
area to the left behind that wall. All those windows face the ocean.
Not in the picture are my uncle's wife and me of course taking the

12 October 2006
[Thursday] [Friday]
No update
13 October 2006
No update
14 September 2006
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Catching up. Sorry, posts have been a little
sporadic this week due my hectic schedule. I heard from one of my
readers who said she enjoyed the pictures. Thanks, I enjoy sharing!
Wednesday night I picked up Bob after work to go back over to the
library to take down the book sale. This process goes much faster than
the setting up one. I sort books for Goodwill and those to keep for our
ongoing book sale while others come along behind me and box.
Thursday as our usual Friends monthly meeting. I worked through lunch
in order to leave at 4. After my meeting I made the usual grocery store
run. Last night turned out to be clear and cool. Bob and I and Paul
took advantage of a nice evening to get in some observing. While we did
not rack up any high numbers of objects found we did bag a couple of
very difficult ones on our list and enjoyed just being out under the
stars again. It was about 11:50 by the time we got home, played with
and walked the dogs, and got to bed. I read for about ten minutes to
finish up a chapter in the Anne Perry I had started at lunch. I am
still reading Highgate Rise.
Perry's books are little longer and slower in reading time. Not sure if
I mentioned the plot earlier but Thomas and Charlotte are trying to
solve the murder of a prominent doctor's wife who was burned to death
by an arsonist who set fire to their house. A few days later, the
doctor's friend, of whom he had been staying with, was killed the same
way. While Thomas works on the police angle, Charlotte has discovered
the social side of things when she learns the doctors wive, from a very
wealthy minister's home, owned tenement property of which they became
rich. These are Victorian era tenements with open sewers, mold, rats,
and from two to 20 people living in one room.
I slept in this morning until about 8:15 when Malcolm came over and
asked to go out. After I finished the weekly house cleaning I took off
to run several errands. After lunch I fired up the leave vacuum for the
first time this season making quick work of the leaves on the drive,
natural areas and most of the lawn where they lay the heaviest.
Afterwards I mowed. That's about it for today.
A perfect day in terms of the weather, 63 degrees, light winds, and
clear blue skies.
15 October 2006
[Sunday] [Next
We had a little frost on the pumpkin, so to
speak this morning. I picked up dad around 9 for golf since we knew it
would be about that time before they let us start going off. Also, dad
can't play when it's below 40, he gets too cold. But, armed with hand
warmers he did pretty well. We only played the back nine since the
front side was full.
This afternoon Bob put up the new lights for the front porch. The ones
up there were about 15 or so years old and starting to look pretty bad
bad from the weather even though they are under the porch roof. We then
put the new house numbers up, on the wood front door this time. The
others were nailed to side of the porch over hang but had to come
down when we had the siding put on.
I did a couple of outdoor type chores before coming in to do some work
here at my desk. The weather is almost a carbon copy of yesterday
though just a little cooler. I'm grilling ribs and chicken for dinner
allowing me to continue to enjoy this gorgeous fall weather.
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