Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 1 January 2007
Latest Update: Sunday, 7 January 2007 2:15 p.m.
Monday, 1
January 2007
New Year! Happy Birthday Duncan! He turned 12 years old today. Last
night Bob and I watched the first 4 hours of Elizabeth R staring Glenda
Jackson. It was aired in 1971 but have never seen it. We started at
dinner time and finished up around 9 pm. Just as we started our the
door for last time out the new neighbors across the street started a
pyrotechnic display that would have put some small town fireworks shows
to shame. Whiz, bang, pop, smoke, and whole works. Poor Malcolm was
just terrified. Even though we tried going the opposite way down the
street he was pulling to get away. As we turned around to head back to
the house I suggested Bob take Malcolm. After a full day of house
cleaning I was just too tired to try to hold on. During the leash
exchange he was pulling so hard he just pulled the lease right
out of my hand and took off down toward the back of the houses trailing
the leash behind him.
I took off after him yelling his name afraid he would get
tangled up either in something or around his legs. It was too dark in
the back to see him as I cut through our next door neighbors yard
toward our house. Finally I heard him come crashing through the bushes
right behind me heading for the safety of his home. We took them in
through the basement door. The "show" went on for at least half an hour
with Malcolm pacing the house, winning, and barking. Duncan was hiding
in my office. When they had finally shot their wad Malcolm came over
beside me and laid down on the floor. I read until about 10:30 before
turning out the light. I guess we did not have any midnight fireworks
because the next time I woke up mother nature was proving her own. We
had a small thunder storm right around 1:30 or so with rain pelting the
windows. The wind and rain woke me several more times during the night.
We had over 3 inches by the time we got up this morning with at least
one or two more on the way before this systems goes out of here this
This morning I shall continue with the house cleaning with the worst
now behind me. I still have the deck window side of the den before
getting to the rest of the house. I hope to finish that up in a couple
of house in order to tackle my office and desk. After lunch we are
heading over my folks house for Bob to install my dad's new amplified
phone by his chair. On the way home we have a drop in party with an old
friend of mine from my library days and his wife.
Tonight we will watch more of the Elizabeth R.
Tuesday, 2 January 2007
no update.
Wednesday, 3 January 2007
It has been a couple of busy evenings. Last
night I went to the gym. Just as we were finishing up dinner and
getting ready to walk the dogs Stephanie called to go walk. After we
came in from walking I checked my mail while Bob went over to help her
with something on her computer. We then finished watching the remainder
of the Elizabeth R episode we started with dinner. When that we over I
switched to the Orange Bowl with about 5 minutes left in the first
half. I sat up until the very end hoping Wake would pull out a win over
Louisville. Even though they lost they played a good game 24 to 13.
After work today was library and grocery store. Late this afternoon Bob
had a call from our friend Mary. She had flown into Greensboro from
Oklahoma. She and Paul had been out visiting his parents. Paul drove
out last Tuesday but Mary had to fly later in the week and fly back
today due to a limited vacation schedule. When she was getting off the
plane she realized her car keys were in a coat pocket she had left in
Paul's car for him to bring home.
We did have a key to their house but they had borrowed it back last
fall when Paul's dad was here on a visit. Mary took a taxi from the
airport to her house where Bob went over to wait with her on a
locksmith. In the meantime I had unpacked the groceries and made a bowl
of soup for dinner. I thought Bob and Mary had already headed back to
Greensboro to pick up Mary's car. Bob called just as I finished eating
to tell me the lock smith had just gotten them into Mary's house and
they were now ready to head to Greensboro. I walked the dogs while Bob
and Mary came over here where we all jumped in my car to take off for
the airport after a quick stop at Subway for dinner.
The dogs are all confused as we have been coming and going since late
this afternoon. Guess I better go play some ball with them before it's
time to go to bed.
Thursday, 4 January 2007
[Thursday] [Friday]
No update.
Friday, 5 January 2007
Another busy evening. I went to the gym from
work. After a light supper I walked the dogs. We started the final
episode of Elizabeth R during dinner and then continued after I did a
quick mail check. Stephanie called at 8:15 to walk. We took the dogs on
their usual route for their last time out. When I got back we finished
watching Elizabeth. It was almost 10 by the time I made to bed, the
third night in a row it was later than my usual bed time. Although I
managed to stay awake to read for about 45 minutes I still lacked about
100 pages in my Eve Diamond.
I had intended to finish it today at lunch but instead had to make yet
another trip over to the eye place. I am still having problems with my
glasses in these new frames. Today they tried turning the lens in a
little more to the right to line up the focus area better in my right
eye. That took 45 minutes total leaving me 15 to read one chapter while
I ate my lunch. Hopefully I will finish up tonight.
We are watching the fourth and final disk of Elizabeth R which is interviews and background stuff on the mini series.
After the almost 4 inches of rain on Monday we had another wet day
today. I forgot to look at our rain gage but I don't anyone in the area
got more than half an inch at most.
Saturday, 6 January 2007
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Summer in January. It is currently 62 degrees
with a predicted high of 71. Way to warm for January to suit me
although it makes for a nice day to be cleaning up the garage and
finished basement area. Bob helped by allowing me haul off a trooper
load of old PC's to Goodwill. I added a few boxes of clothing and other
assorted items. On the way over to dump that load I made a trip to Home
Depot to pick up paint color strips.
Back home it was time for a lunch break. I had the dogs out back
running around while I visited with our back neighbors. They will be
putting their house on the market next month. We hate to see them go.
I have vacuumed and repacked the Christmas boxes away in the downstairs
closet. I removed the center set of shelves to give me more room. By
doing so I can now get all the boxes in that closet rather than having
to put some in there and others out in the garage. I still need to
vacuum those rooms, haul off a load a cardboard, and do some more work
in the garage area.
This morning I was telling Bob about our soda machines at work. Each
floor has a break room with an ice/water machine, three types of
coffee, and a soda dispensing machine. Last week I as asking our
facilities manager if we could replace one of the six soda's with a
fruit punch. Our vendor does not offer fruit punch but they do offer
Fanta. In order to get a change made the entire floor has to vote. The
majority for the six choices wins. I cannot remember the exact number
we we have about ten or twelve choices to choose from. In addition to
the above we also have hot chocolate both regular and sugar free.
Crystal light packs for lemonade, tea, and raspberry, as well as
regular and decaf tea bags. I thought it very democratic that one
person cannot make a change for the floor but instead it must come to a
vote. They do the same thing when coffee flavors are requested. Since I
do not drink coffee I do not participate. Bottom line is the Firm
treats us very well in providing the staff with free drinks.
Guess I better get back to work.
Sunday, 7 January 2007
[Sunday] [Next
Grey and chilly. We were not sure when the
rain would come in this morning thus not golf. Fine with me. I am still
cleaning house and organizing rooms. The living and dinning rooms are
now pretty much complete. I did an all over house vacuum for the usual
dog hair and dirt. It has drizzled off and on all morning until half an
hour ago when the steady rain finally started. The temperatures today
are to be much cooler with highs only in the 50's and rain through the
The front page headline in our local newspaper this morning was "where
is our winter?". December and January have been mostly record high
temperatures. While the ski slopes are going broke the citizens at
large are paying less for their heating bills. I still predict a wild
and wicked February and March but we will see. I can remember mild
winters back when I was a teenager before we hit another round of very
bad, cold, snowy winters.
I shall continue my cleaning project in my office this afternoon.
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