Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 8 January 2007
Latest Update: Sunday 14, January 2007 4:00 p.m.
Monday, 8
January 2007
was good to back to work today to get some rest. I really busted butt
over the weekend to get this house back into some kind of order.
Over the weekend I started another J.A. Jance mystery, Tombstone Courage.
Widow Joanna Brady runs for sheriff of Cochise Co., Arizona in place of
her murdered husband gunned down by a drug lord. As the first female
sheriff in Arizona she has an uphill fight both outside and inside the
department. When one of the local old timers is found dead in an old
mine pit Joanna discovers he was tossed in on top of an old skeleton.
Her first day on the job, Joanna now must solve two crimes. While
trying to cope with becoming the sheriff and being a recent widow
Joanna also must deal with the grief of her nine year old daughter.
The weather finally turned off chilly after the rain went through this
morning. When I walked it lunch and when we left work at 5 it was very
windy. I went to the gym from work. Stephanie just called to walk as
soon as she gets the girls out of the tub.
And finally, the Bob's chemistry book has been approved by O'Reilly.
Guess I better wrap this up. I am about cross eyed and brain dead from working all day on a spread sheet.
Tuesday, 9 January 2007
Another windy and cold day. They had snow in
the mountains but it did not make it this far east. It is be very cold
tonight and tomorrow night with high's tomorrow in the 40's. I have a
haircut tomorrow night after which I will be running errands. It will
most likely be too late for me to post when I get home.
Otherwise not much else in the news. I am almost finished with the Joanna Brady mystery.
Wednesday, 10 January 2007
No update.
Thursday, 11 January 2007
[Thursday] [Friday]
Today was Friends of the Library meeting then
a quick stop at the grocery store. I have just finished my walk with
Stephanie. She drove our route in her car. We walk approximately 2.5
miles which is a very nice walk. Tonight we took the dogs on their
loop, did our loop, and then walked the dog loop again which may have
stretched the distance to 3.0 miles.
I had six scoops of mulch delivered today. Guess you know what I will
be doing this weekend. Earlier this week I called two different lawn
care companies for quotes on doing the yearly fertilizing. Of the two
companies I called I thought Scott's Lawn Care was the best deal. They
treat six times a year, the same number as I do. It is almost time for
the grab grass preventative so I had to get something lined up pretty
Work is busy but nothing major going on right now. I am working on
various destruction related projects until we are ready to go off site
later this month.
I am now reading another Thomas and Charlotte Pitt. More on that later
this week after I have read a little more. Bob and I are watching some
more Jeeves and Wooster's.
Friday, 12 January 2007
No update.
Saturday, 13 January 2007
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Greetings on a beautiful Saturday. Today
kicks off the first day of a four days off for me. We are closed Monday
and I am adding Tuesday.
We were up at 7:30. I took off around 8:15 to run some errands getting
back about an hour later. I immediately started wheelbarrowing mulch
from the bottom of the driveway out to the natural areas in the front.
There is not a good place for dumping six loads of mulch in the front.
The driveway is too narrow except at the very bottom in the turn around
area. However, it is not that far back up the drive until I can cut
across the lawn.
By 10:30 I had about 1/4 of it moved in piles. I stopped to take a
break from hauling to spread then took a short break at my desk to
check my mail. The dogs have been out a couple of times to help.
Malcolm is in his glory running from back to front, working Duncan and
the wheelbarrow. Duncan runs around checking things out and sniffing.
I took a half hour lunch break. Now I am taking another longer break
after getting down to about half the pile left. The temperatures are
warm, low 60's after a cool start to the day. Perfect for working
outdoors. The sun is in and out. I'll keep chipping away at the pile
and taking short breaks for a couple of more hours at least.
Sunday, 14 January 2007
[Sunday] [Next
You guessed it. I finished scooping and
spreading that big pile of mulch yesterday. Other than a couple of
short breaks in the afternoon I dumped and spread the last barrel load
around 4pm. I would estimate I hauled somewhere between 60 and 70
wheelbarrow loads of mulch. While I was in the shower Mary and Paul had
stopped over to drop off some things for Bob. With Mary being allergic
to the guys they have to stand outside on the front walk to talk. After
I dressed I saw they were still out there so I quickly grabbed shoes
and socks and headed out.
After they left we walked next door to visit with Stephanie who was
vacuuming out her van. While we were visiting with her and
Emma, Olivia was inside napping, Gerald came home. He just happened to
have his hauling trailer along filled with stuff to for the dump. Bob
brought over the pallet which contained his chemicals then we brought
over the three large boxes of junk we had waiting.
Needless to say it was early night for me. We watched one Jeeves and
Wooster then walked the dogs. I was in bed by 8:30. This morning I was
up again at 7 to head off to play golf. It took five or six holes to
get the stiffness out of my joints from yesterday's activities but all
in all I played pretty well. The weather started out a little cool and
cloudy but it quickly warmed up. At the same time the wind picked up
but it was still a very pleasant day.
After lunch Frances wanted me to stop by her house. Her and Al just
returned home late last night from a week long cruise in the Carribean.
She wanted to show me her post cards and things they bought. She bought
me a neat ball cap from St. Thomas and a very nice large tote bag. They
had a good time but, like me, prefer bus trips on good old terra
ferma. Other than using a boat to get from one place to another I
have no desire to spend seven days on a long ship out at sea. Not my
cup of tea at all.
I took advantage of the warm weather to run the lawn vacuum and mower
this afternoon. That takes care of the outdoor stuff for now.
That about wraps things up for this afternoon. Rest and relaxing are on the menu for tonight.
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