Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 12 February 2007
Latest Update: Wednesday, 14 February 2007 7:20 p.m.
Monday, 12
February 2007
just spoke with my dad on the phone. He had an appointment this
afternoon with the eye doctor. He can now resume his regular activities
except going to the gym. The doctor is very pleased with this
lens and the progress he has made in just a week.
I am still reading the Gideon Oliver I reviewed last week but wanted
to give you an update. Last night I reached the point in the book where
readers are introduced to a man who trains sniff tracking dogs. In
addition to learning a lot about how the dogs are trained I was
delighted to meet Tess, a bone sniffing Border Collie. Tess is trained
to sniff out only human bones. She has been put to work sniffing out
more of the bones buried on the beach to go with the one found by a
tourist and given to the local museum.
When I was active in Border Collie rescue I placed a dog in a young
woman's home who did tracking and rescue work. In addition to activites
such as flyball, agility, and sheep trials, some Border Collie owners
participate scent trialling. While they do not have the noses of a
bloodhound, they can be trained to sniff out a particular type of scent.
As I mentioned over the weekend our DVD recorder failed. Tonight is
a new episode of Studio 60. Rather than tape it or have Bob download it
I am going to bit the bullet and stay up until 10 pm to watch it live.
As you know, most of the time I am in bed and reading by 9. This will
be a real stretch for me but I am sure I can do it.
Tuesday, 13 February 2007
I would rather have snow than the cold rain
that is falling right now. The temperatures are hovering just above
freezing but the wind chill is down in the low 20's. Nasty weather.
Only ice could be worse. It was miserable walking downtown to my car.
Work, what can I say. Things keep piling up needing to be done. I have
almost finished completing the necessary checking to give our off site
storage company the all green to destroy the boxes we reviewed last
Thursday and shelve all the returns. Once that is completed I can work
back and forth between different projects as necessary.
I call the vet today about Malcolm. As you know, he is way too
excitable, even for a BC. In addition he has to be constantly doing
something. If we make him stop playing ball he lays and licks his legs,
the floor, etc. The later problem has caused some very ugly red and
maroon colored patches on his foreleg and back paws.
Eric suggested a round of antibiotics to clear up the red and a
prescription for a drug used to calm dogs in training. I picked them up
tonight on the way home to get him started immediately on both.
Hopefully we will see results on both issues soon.
Our new DVD player came in today. Last night we started watching
another season of Ballykissangel. When we sat down to dinner I told Bob
to go ahead and fire up the player. He disconnected the small player we
were using when he connected the new player/recorder and put in a disc
for a trial run this evening. BAH! Guess we shall sit and read tonight
Wednesday, 14 February 2007
I drove astro-truck to work today in order to
leave my truck for Bob. He went over to pick up the newly covered
cushions since the guy closes at 4pm. Plus, I had a haircut appointment
for after work. With the weather so cold, 30 degrees but feels like 18
and being in the other truck I decided not to do my usual errand
running after my haircut but instead came straight home. I was also
very excited to see how the cushions turned out. They look and sit very
nice. With the extra layer of padding he wraps around the foam, it
makes them much more solid and will be less likely to wear out as fast.
Bob said he will take a couple of pictures of them tomorrow and some of
the new arrangement downstairs for me to post tomorrow night.
I finished the Gideon Oliver last night. Not sure what I will pick up next.
Last night just as we started out the door with the dogs for last time
Bob said he thought he saw lightening. About that time we had a big
rumble of thunder. We put the dogs raincoats on to keep them somewhat
dry as it was pouring in buckets. The wind had the rain blowing in
sheets across the street. I was pretty much soaked from the knees down
where my coat stopped. The old wives tale says thunder and lightning in
winter means snow 7 to 10 days later or something to that effect.
So far we have dodged three bullets with either ice and/or snow so far
this winter. I doubt very much if our luck will hold our much
Thursday, 15 February 2007
[Thursday] [Friday]
Friday, 16 February 2007
Picture of the new cushion covers.
Picture of the new arrangement
downstairs. Moving the sofa to the bookshelf side of the room and
putting the chair and love seat under the window opened up the room a
lot more. I may take the little brown swivel rocker out.
Saturday, 17 February 2007
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Sunday, 18 February 2007
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