Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 19 February 2007
Latest Update: Sunday, 25 February 2007 2:00 p.m.
Monday, 19
February 2007
Wonder where I've been? Marcia and Brian
decided to drive down on Friday for a weekend visit. They had today off
for Presidents Day giving them a three day weekend. Last week I worked
through lunch Wednesday - Friday to leave at 2. They arrived sometime
before 4. We ordered take out delivered and spent Friday evening
Saturday Marcia and I took off to do some shopping. While were out
running around Marcia decided she wanted to eat at the diner on my
folks side of town. We were on that side of town anyway so I gave them
a call to see if they wanted to go to lunch with us. We stopped by to
pick them up enjoying a nice visit/lunch. We came back home to pick up
Bob and Brian for a trip to the used book store and Costco. They wanted
to see our Costco and I had my usual three month shopping to do
Brian bought this massive 7 pound chocolate cake that later that
night proved to be the best chocolate cake I have every eaten. Saturday
morning while Marcia and I were out running around Bob and Brian were
fooling around with Skype and two way video sitting two feet apart
from each other in Bob's office. Hey Brian, no fair eating the rest of
that cake you took home today in front of the video camera
either. Brian or Bob has a picture of a piece of that cake.
Hopefully they will post it sometime so you can see how big the piece
is Brian cut for Bob.
Anyway, just as we got home from Costco Paul and Mary called to say
they would like to meet us for dinner at the Chinese place.
Sunday morning Bob, Marcia, and Brian watched the first episode of
Firefly. I had much to do in my office including cleaning up several
boxes of mail order stuff I dumped on the floor and a mountain of
papers on my desk. Other than taking a break to wash/dry a load of
towels and take the dogs outside to play, I worked until almost 2
o'clock in my office.
We had all planned to go to the indoor shooting range Sunday
afternoon but Marcia decided she preferred to stay home and relax. I
can shoot anytime so I stayed home with her to watch the Daytona 500,
the first NASCAR race of the year. As usual I watched and read at the
same time. Frances and Al were at the race. Al drove one of the several
buses Holiday Tours had going to the race. Their trip left Saturday
morning and came home today. Frances called me from the track to tell
me where their seats were. I missed the end of the race when the two
big wrecks happened. They really do need to get rid of those restrictor
plates and just let 'em race.
Paul and Mary decided Saturday evening at dinner they would like to
go shoot. They picked up Bob and Brian to go out to the range. When
they finished Bob gave us a call to let us know to meet them at a
nearby Mexican restaurant for dinner. So, in addition to having a great
weekend visiting Brian and Marcia we also saw Paul and Mary two
evenings in a row. And, of course it's always fun to see their dogs
Lucy and Molly.
I finished reading the J. A. Jance last night. Today at lunch I started a new Dana Stabenow, Kate Shugak mystery.
While it was really cold and windy Saturday and Sunday it warmed up
nicely today. I spent the last half hour of my lunch enjoying a short
walk. Tonight it was back to the gym. It was very busy at work as
usual. We are still buried under boxes of files needing closed. I have
several other projects on hold while I help to close files.
Tuesday, 20 February 2007
No update
Wednesday, 21 February 2007
Greetings. After a very cold and windy
weekend and first part of the week it has now turned spring again.
Temperatures today made it well into the mid 60's. Tomorrow is to be
warm but windy. I just spoke with my dad on the phone. His eye
continues to get better each day.
We are still snowed under at work with no sign of things letting up. I
read at lunch today but did not walk. With a busy morning and more of
the same in line for the afternoon I decided to save my energy for the
gym this evening.
I am still reading the new Kate Shugak and enjoying it very much.
Kate and Park Ranger Jim Chopin are working hard to nail a repeated
murderer. Louis Deem has a known track record of "marry and murder"
having killed two young women. But, the State of Alaska never has the
proof necessary to convict and put him in jail. When a smash, grab, and
go break-in results in the murder of a wife and mother the entire Park
is convinced Deem was the man responsible. Kate's adopted son, Johnny
was at the house when the murder took place and saw a man who fit
Deem's description do the deed. Needing solid evidence to convict,
Johnny's life will be in danger if he gets out of jail. I enjoy the
Kate books for many reasons. Her characters both human and animal. You
have to love Mutt if you love dogs. But, she also sneaks in funny, off
the cuff remarks by her characters that help to lighten things up with
a good chuckle once in awhile.
Tonight we are watching the final two episodes on Ballykissangle
currently available on DVD. Another good show wrapped up until the new
episodes come out on DVD.
Thursday, 22 February 2007
[Thursday] [Friday]
No update.
Friday, 23 February 2007
Today being Friday I usually write Yippee,
Skippee. But, I am working tomorrow! The Firm has decided to have a
clean up day. Secretaries, attorneys, and paralegals have been
authorized overtime to come in and clean up file rooms and offices.
Rather than having to use billable hours they are being granted extra
time for this work. In talking to Steve, we decided there should be a
person from the Record Center available to answer questions about
closing files, fetch and put together our off site storage boxes, and
haul stuff down to the record center. My position is not normally
authorized for overtime so what the heck, make some extra money and
help out the Firm.
This file cleaning is one of the reason we are so slammed with work in
the department. Several of the paralegals started the first of the year
sending old stuff off site. Being so far behind and knowing this
weekend would add more work for Drew, who does all our file closing
now, he pulled me off destruction to help with closing. As of 5pm this
afternoon we were still 20 boxes short of getting things completely
cleared for tomorrow. And, with me helping close I have six projects in
various stages of progress including needing to finish up
paperwork/computer cleanup of the destruction. Steve was in our
Research Triangle Park office yesterday and today which did not help
the home front fires much. Drew and I have been working like beavers
all week to keep our heads above water. As a matter of fact, Stephanie
called to walk last night but I was just too tired.
I did finish reading the Kate Shugak. As usual, Stebenow left things
hanging at the end until the next book. I started another Anne Perry,
Thomas and Charlotte Pitt last night. Well, all of the first 15 pages I
manged to read before I fell asleep.
After we finished up watching the Ballykissangels we have now started To the Manor Born.
Made in 1979, Bob and I watched it at least once many years ago
and maybe twice when it ran as a rerun. It is hilariously funny and
well written.
It has turned cold and windy again.
Saturday, 24 February 2007
[Saturday] [Sunday]
No update, again!
Sunday, 25 February 2007
[Sunday] [Next
Well I missed another Saturday post. I was
too tired when I came home yesterday to bother doing more than a quick
five minute check of my mail. Poor Stephanie called me again last night
to walk but I was too tired after spending most of 7 1/2 hours on my
feet hauling boxes down to the record center and walking the floors.
The only time I sat down was to quickly check the record center e-mails
and eat a quick lunch provided by the Firm.
And, on the same note, my house cleaning continues to be on an
every other weekend schedule. It will most likely continue for awhile
when I start back to my painting project next weekend. Every two weeks
is not too bad except for the large amounts of dog hair which collects
in corners when not vacuumed up once a week. With Stephanie being too
busy to give Bob a haircut I took care of that first thing this
morning. With the electric trimmers out I also shaved the matted fur
from the back of Duncan's rear end.
I took off around 11 for my folks house for a lunch and a visit.
Frances also came for lunch and bearing gifts in the form of a
casserole for us to heat up for dinner. I wanted to give mom' her
birthday present a few days early.
Bob is doing laundry. I have some paper work to do plus the bills to
pay. Otherwise, I shall relax and enjoy the rest of the afternoon. The
NASCAR race comes from Sonoma, CA today which gives it a late start
here on the east coast.
The day started off with a light, cold drizzle but turned into a pretty
hard down pour while I was on the way over to my parents. It is just
warm enough for it be rain instead of snow/ice.
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