Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 19 March 2007
Latest Update: Sunday, 25 March 2007 4:00 p.m.
Monday, 19
March 2007
had dinner tonight with our friend and former vet. She owned the
practice Bob's parents were taking their dogs to when Bob and I met in
1983. She sold the practice in the late 1990's. When she sold the
practice she had to sign a do not compete clause within a certain mile
radius of her old practice. Since we were only a couple of miles from
her practice we just stayed on there. In the meantime she was doing
fill in work at several practices rather than one place which made it
impossible for us to follow her.
After a couple of years we became displeased with the quality of vet
care at her old place and switched to the new vet who just opened his
practice even closer to us. In the meantime, Sue settled in as a part
time/fill in vet at a clinic in Clemsons. I have called her a couple of
times in the past to ask her questions about some health issues that
have come up with Duncan. You can bet I called her last Tuesday when we
thought Duncan had a fast growing cancer. After talking with her last
week we made plans to have dinner tonight to discuss further options
once we got the path report back.
I called her Thursday to let her know it was not cancer but still
wanted her opinion as what we should do. She made some good
recommendations which we will explore further. She enjoys being a part
time vet doing nothing but clinical work which is seeing animals but
not doing any type of surgery. In my book she is one of the best
vets between her knowledge and practice skills. As a matter of fact
while we were sitting there eating another couple recognized her and
stopped to say hello. As soon as she saw them she said "oh my, you are
so and so' mom". Like a good physician, she knew the name of their
animal but could not remember their name.
It was a very busy day at work but nothing horrid. So far, keep you
fingers crossed, this week has gotten off to a much better start than
last week.
Tuesday, 20 March 2007
Not really much in the news. I finished
reading another J. A. Jance mystery last night and started another
Hamish. I finally made it back to the gym tonight. On the way I had to
make a quick stop at the vet's to pick up Duncan's x-rays and medical
reports from his surgery. We have an appointment with a specialist on
Thursday after to explore all the options to treat the tumor. Although
it was benign it will still continue to grow in his mouth.
Work, busy and hectic as ever. I don't we will ever crawl out from under this avalanche of work that continues to confront us.
The weather has turned warm again. We are supposed to get rain maybe
tonight. I hope so. Scott's Lawn service treated the lawn today and it
needs watered in. If it does not rain substantially between now and the
weekend I can give it a quick watering.
Wednesday, 21 March 2007
No update.
Thursday, 22 March 2007
[Thursday] [Friday]
We had the meeting this afternoon with the
surgeon. She was very confident she could remove all of the tumor. The
procedure will require taking a little of his jaw bone and a tooth on
either side of the tumor.
Before our appointment today she was supposed to talk with the
oncologist but she was out of town. I told the surgeon I would like to
wait to make a decision after some questions I have for her are
answered. Once I have all the facts we will make the best decision for
Duncan in terms of longevity and health.
Otherwise, the weather has turned warmer still with highs today near
80. I hope the warm temperatures hold out through Sunday. Dad and I
would like to play golf again. I also have some outdoor chores to do.
We did not get enough rain to soak in the Tuesday treatment. I will
need to water it in good before I can mow.
Gerald came by this evening. He cannot find replacement handles for the
shower fixtures. Rather than spend 500 bucks drilling from my office to
replace the entire fixture we will live with what we have. While it
does not match the rest of the fixtures no one will see them but us. We
are going to replace the shower head. He will come over tomorrow and do
the last bit of finishing touches in there. Now all I have left to do
is lots of painting.
Friday, 23 March 2007
No update.
Saturday, 24 March 2007
[Saturday] [Sunday]
The stress and strain of the last two weeks
finally took its toll. Between Duncan's medical issues, having the
bedroom and bathroom torn up from remodeling, work stress, and loosing
a friend to cancer, I had about had it by last night. The friend was a
former instructor at Gold's Gym. He and some of the other instructors
left Gold's when Peak opened. I still ran into him downtown at
lunchtime since he worked across the street for RJR. He always had time
for a chat. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer on March 1 and
lived 17 days. I did not even know he was sick. He was 56 years old.
I was already pretty tired by Thursday and just barely hung on to make
it through work yesterday. I picked Bob up after work for a library
stop and eat at the Chinese place. Afterwards I ran into Lowe's for the
basic grocery necessities to get us through the week. After a brief
play session with the guys we walked them for last time around 9. I
went to bed to start reading another Anne Perry mystery. I read about
20 minutes turning out the light at 9:30.
I slept in this morning until 9:30 feeling much better and rested.
Around 10 Gerald came over to do the finishing touches on the bathroom.
While he did that I went out to water in the fertilizer application
from earlier in the week. After he finished up I started painting. I
put another coat on the cabinets and painted the baseboard and window.
Then painted both bedroom windows and the bathroom door and trim. All
those doors will need a second coat when I do the hall trim. I still
have to put a second coat on the front of the cabinet pull out drawers.
But, we will be able to start using our bathroom again on Monday after
everything dries thoroughly.
Once again it has turned warm with highs today in the low 80's. After I
finished up the painting for the day I mowed the lawn before declaring
the work day over.
Hope you have a good afternoon.
Sunday, 25 March 2007
[Sunday] [Next
Another beautiful spring day here in the
Carolina's. I don't know if we reached a new high for today but 82 is
awfully warm for the end of March. Dad and I finally made it out to the
golf course today. It was a little cool at 7:30 but it warmed up
I did the weekly house cleaning this afternoon and...drum roll
please... set up the newly remodeled bathroom for use starting
tomorrow...new towels, shower curtain, and all. It looks really nice.
We put the curtains back up in the bedroom but that's about all I will
get done today in there. Pictures and other stuff will have to wait
until next weekend.
Time to take a break, read the paper, and play some ball with the dogs.
Desk chores including paying bills, etc can wait until after dinner.
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