Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 26 March 2007
Latest Update: Sunday, 1 April 2007 1:15 p.m.
Monday, 26
March 2007
saw our friend Mary at the gym tonight. She asked how Duncan was doing.
I told he was basically back to being his old self and that we would
most likely reach a decision sometime this week on our next course of
action concerning the tumor. I also told her after very two stressful
weeks things seem to be settling back down to normal. Although I did a
lot this weekend I still managed to get enough rest to ready to face a
new week.
The weather remains warm and sunny making my lunch time walk very
pleasant. I think I mentioned last week I have started another Anne
Perry, Traitor's Gate. Pitt was raised on an estate where his father
worked as a game keeper. Sir Author Desmond, the estate owner, decided
since his son was being schooled at home he may as well educate the
game keepers son to give his son some competition and a playmate. Now
Sir Desmond has died mysteriously at his London club. A former member
of the foreign office, the jury declares his death an accidental
overdose of laudanum. His son believes he was murdered to cover up a
leak between the foreign office and the recent British support in the
Colonial Office of Cecil Rhodes in Africa.
Previous plots in the Pitt series have been surrounded by a secret
organization call the Inner Circle. Know for it powerful members and
influence within the city, members who fall out of favor have been know
die mysterious deaths. Pitt has been called up by Matthew, Sir
Desmond's son to investigate his father's death while also looking for
the "leak" concerning events taking place in Africa. Having watched a
PBS series on Cecil Rhodes and Africa several years ago I can recall
only basic facts of the real events which are taking place at this time
in history. I am only up to 1995 in this series. Her books are long and
slow reading because of the depth of her characters and very often the
history involved which I find fascinating.
Tuesday, 27 March 2007
Not much news but I thought I would stop in
to just say hello. We did set a record high today of 85 degrees. The
previous record of 84 was set back in 1955.
Bob wanted Subway sandwiches for dinner so I made a quick drugstore stop which is practically across the street.
We have finished watching the I Claudius series. Not sure what we will start next.
Have a great evening.
Wednesday, 28 March 2007
No update.
Thursday, 29 March 2007
[Thursday] [Friday]
I went to the gym last night. After dinner I came back to check my mail and forgot to write a journal entry.
We went from a record high again yesterday, 85 to a high of 48 today.
The low tonight is to be back down into the mid 30's. I walked up to
the main branch of our public library today at lunch. It's only about 4
blocks but it was really cold and windy. Most of the rain had moved out
but it was still sprinkling just a little.
My friend Nancy, who I have dinner with every couple of months,
is retiring tomorrow from the library. She worked for me when I was
head of the Reynolda Branch back in the late 80's/early 90's. Her
department at the Main library gave her a very nice reception from 12 -
2. Nancy called me at work last week and invited me to come. It was
nice to see some of the other folks I used to work with though a lot of
the faces have changed. Most of the staff I worked with are now
retiring or have left to pursue other jobs like I did.
After work I made the usual library/pet store/grocery store run.
Bob called the oncologist in Greensboro today to make an appointment
for Duncan. We go Monday to discuss all the options as to what is the
best way to treat the tumor in his mouth. Once we talk with her we will
make final decision based on what will be best for him for the years he
has left remaining.
Friday, 30 March 2007
I got a head start on the weekend chores by
mowing and edging tonight after dinner. The weather for tomorrow is
iffy at best. Even if we do not get scattered storms by the afternoon
the grass will not dry very well if the day starts out cloudy as
predicted. If we have any dew at all it will still be wet at noon.
Doing that first edging of the season is like cutting concrete. The
edge track grows back in over the winter making it very difficult to
cut it anew the first time in spring. I had just enough time to get the
front walk and curb edged and swept/blown before it turned completely
dark on me. If the weather hold tomorrow afternoon I can edge the back
drive and short walk and clean up the driveway.
I only had half an hour for lunch today since I had to make up the
extra half hour I used yesterday for Nancy's party. With only about 50
pages left in my book i was just getting to the part where Pitt thinks
he knows who killed the wife of a foreign office dignitary and possibly
who killed Sir Desmond. Guess I will have to finish the book tonight
and find out if the "inner circle" is indeed responsible. As usual,
Perry keeps the plot moving and the suspense building up right to the
Saturday, 31 March 2007
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Today has been on of those days where,
despite the early start, not much has been accomplished. I was up at 7
ready to tackle the day's chores. After breakfast I emptied the bedroom
closet for a good cleaning and reorganization. I am not going to waste
time painting it. It is the old color blue, which is pretty close to
the new wall blue. Bob had intended to go out to Lowe's Home Center
with me but decided not to after discovering some hardware issues
preventing him from doing his usual Saturday morning backup. That was
fine with me. I took off for Lowe's to purchase some odds and ends; the
other stuff can wait until he can go along.
From there I went across town heading for Bed, Bath & Beyond. On
the way I make a quick stop/visit with the folks. I needed to purchase
a couple of more things for both bathrooms, get a new iron, and a
couple of new pots. My pasta/spaghetti pot needed replaced as well as a
couple of my large sauce pans. I'm sure you've heard the story about
buying screw drivers. It's cheaper to buy an entire set of them then it
is to buy two or three. The same way with pots. By the time I would
have spent the money for two pots I could buy an entire set with with
new frying pans for about the same price. I bought a new set of
Faberware which is the same as my old set that has lasted me for well
over twenty five years. I left home at 9 and got back at 11:30, an
entire morning used up to run errands.
After lunch I finished up getting the closet back together and most of
the stuff from my office that goes in the bedroom and bathroom. I have
an extensive collection of beanie babies, teddy bears, and an
assortment of other stuffed animals. They are divided between the
living room and our bedroom The beanie baby collection lived on the top
of the long dresser we were using instead of the chest as did most of
the stuffed animals. Going back to the high chest of drawers
reduced my storage area for my animals. I bought one of those over the
door shoe holders for the beanies which left room for most of the
others. A few had to go live in the living room.
As I finished up in the bedroom I had Bob go down to the basement to
help me install the new barrier I bought last year to go between the
front and back seat of the car. We were using a net which did not keep
Malcolm from coming over the top. I also bought a seat belt harness for
him to hopefully keep him from bouncing around all over the back seat.
While we were standing in the unfinished part of the basement the glass
light fixture cover fell off. Thankfully us nor the dogs were standing
under it. It crashed to the carpeted floor and busted into a zillion
pieces that went flying all over the doorway area and the unfinished
area where we were standing. I grabbed both dogs while Bob opened the
garage door to let the dogs go out that way. We put the door back down
then proceeded to pick up and vacuum up the glass thoroughly. Between
cleaning that up and installing the barrier that was another hour gone.
It's almost 4 now, which means most of this day is shot. I did not get
to the ironing, the Friends newsletter and minutes typed up, nor the
house cleaning done. I had intended to get all that done today in order
to paint the hall and foyer tomorrow. As it stands right now, that will
not happen this weekend.
The thunder storms for this afternoon did not materialize though
tonight was a stronger chance and into tomorrow. That could change too.
I did finish up the Anne Perry and started the new Rhys Bowen, Molly Murphy last night.
Sunday, 1 April 2007
[Sunday] [Next
Another month turned on the calendar. I have
no idea where the first three months of this year has gone other than
to know it has been both at work and home.
While the rain and thunderstorms have yet to appear I needed to stay
home today from playing golf anyway. I spent all morning cleaning,
organizing, and putting all the rooms back to some semblance of order.
Between the painting and remodeling the house has looked torn up for
over a month. With just the hall, foyer, and hall bath remaining to
paint I can do those without having to tear up and move stuff around..
I took the dogs out for a play session in the back yard before tackling
the ironing. Next up, cleaning my desk and taking care of some Friends
of the Library stuff. That's about it for today.
Last night I sat up to watch both games of the semi-finals of the Final
Four. The final game Monday should be a good one. Both teams that won
have good defense and explosive offenses.
The temperatures are still warm. The sun is out right now which may
help to fire up those predicted thunderstorms for this afternoon and
Have a great rest of the weekend and see you tomorrow.
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