Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 21 May 2007
Latest Update: Sunday, 27 May 2007 3:00 p.m.
Monday, 21
May 2007
you had a good Monday. I did. It was busy but nothing overwhelming. I
am busy working away at data base and file clean up stuff. I warmed up
to a nice comfortable 81 degrees by lunch time. I took about half an
hour walk after eating.
I sat up last night reading until I finished the Joanna Brady. Today
at lunch at I started a book from my TBR pile, a new Bay Tanner by
Katheryn Wall. I am actually reading the next to most recent,
Resurrection Road. Wall sets her books on Hilton Head Island and
surrounding areas. In this novel Bay is revisiting the tragic accident
which took her husbands life when a drug lord's plane blew up. The son
of one of the men who died in the explosion, has come looking for Bay
thinking she was responsible for his dad's death. Not long after they
talk, the kid turns up dead setting Bay and her Interpol boy friend
after the murderers.
So far it looks to be a quiet week for a change. I made it to the gym
tonight. Hopefully I will make it two nights this week.
Tuesday, 22 May 2007
No update.
Wednesday, 23 May 2007
News around here is about as dry as the
weather. Thus, no post last night. It was gym night tonight. After
dinner and dog walks I stopped outside to water the few plants I out
out a couple of weeks ago. No sense wasting water on the lawn. You
can't put enough down to do any good and it actually ends up being more
harmful than good. A built in sprinkler system is about the only way to
get a really go watered lawn. I am not about to spend that much money.
I can put out more grass send in the fall.
I am still reading the Bay Tanner. As I predicted, it is very good.
Thursday, 24 May 2007
[Thursday] [Friday]
Last year I wrote about a book I ready by Karsten Heuer,
Hiking the Y2K about his walking journey with his Border Collie from
Yellowstone up to through the Canadian Rockies. Now I am chasing
caribou with him and his wife, whom he met on his hike. They married
just before taking off on a five month trek following the migration of
a herd of caribou through the Yukon. Karsten is an excellent writer,
taking me right along with him and Leanne on their journey. This book
was also made into a documentary in Canada. When I hit their website to
give you a link I have learned they, along with their two year old and
their Border Collie, are going to hike, row and walk 1000 miles from
their home in Alberta to visit Canadian author Farley Mowat who now
lives on Cape Breton. I love Mowat's books, having bought and read
several over the years.This adventure is also being filmed as a
documentary. I have signed up to get blog reports of their progress
along the way.
Every once in awhile I need to take a break from fiction and mysterys to take a arm chair journey somewhere in the wilds.
The weekly shopping and monthly pet supply store visits have been
completed. The trash has been taken out and the recycling is ready to
go. That about wraps up tonights chores.
Friday, 25 May 2007
Well folks, I feel really weird being home over Memorial Day weekend. Since 2003 we
have spent this same weekend with our good friends Marcia and Brian
Bilbrey. As you know, we went up earlier this month in order for Marcia
and I to attend the mystery conference. Even so, it did not hit home
until this afternoon driving home that at this time of day I would
normally being lounging on their deck instead driving home from work.
After dinner I started a project I shall finish tomorrow. I have a
small flower bed in the front which used to have a two tier landscape
timber edging around it. I pulled up the longer boards and used just
the short ones. The small board have finally rotted in places and
started looking bad. The long boards, which I was storing in the back
under the deck still looked good. Tonight I pulled them back up front
to see if they fit the space. A little of the grass will have to be dug
out but I can do that tomorrow.
Our friends Paul and Mary have just arrived to pick up Mary's notebook. Better run out to say hello.
Saturday, 26 March 2007
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Bob and the dogs let me sleep in until 8:30. I work up about 7:10 and they were all still sleeping away at that point.
I made a quick trip out to Lowe's to pick up some more bedding plants,
a couple of perennials, planting soil and a bag of mulch. I added the
bedding plants and one of the small perennials to my newly extended
little flower bed I started working on last night. I had to dig out a
little more grass this morning to make room for the boards and have
some space to run the mower around. Then I added the additional soil
and mulch. The other bedding plants went in the larger bed. By the time
I finished doing all the planting it was time for lunch. The dogs had
been out in the heat long enough even though they did lay in the shade
to watch to me work.
While I was in for a light lunch I called dad to make arrangements for
golf tomorrow. A few minutes later he called back to ask Bob about a
problem they were having with one of their electrical outlets int he
kitchen. Bob told him we would be over Monday to take a look at it.
Just before I went out to mow Bob volunteered to let me fix the outlet
while I was over at there tomorrow. At that point I had decided he no
longer loved me anymore since he was basically volunteering for me to
fry myself. I know nothing about electricity. Even more, it one of
those things in life, along with snakes and chain saws I am afraid of.
After I mowed I used the sod pieces I dug up out front to fill in
some bare spots in the back flat part of the yard by the desk stairs. I
have a heck of a time getting grass to grow in that area. When I came
in from mowing it was a little after 1. Bob said we better take off
earlier than I planned 3 pm leaving time for the Home School Conference
because it ended at 4. He suggested we go from there to my folks house
to fix the outlet. I quickly jumped in the shower, dressed, and walk
the dogs while Bob got his electrician gear together getting us out of
here by 2.
The Home School Conference is held every year at the convention center
uptown. We drove up and parked in my parking deck which was a couple of
blocks away. We walked around the book fair for about an hour to give
Bob and idea of what types of science curriculum books were out there
beyond what he had already bought.
It turns out Bob did not have to replace the outlet. The wires were
jammed up in the box and had somehow come loose. Our original plan had
been to go down to the conference late then stop at the deli on the way
home for dinner. Although we finished up at my folks house around 4 we
decided to stop at McAlister's Deli on the way home for an early dinner
The weather has turned hot with highs today almost reaching 90 but the
low humidity makes it tolerable to be outside. I wish we could get some
of that rain from the Midwest over this way. The yard is starting to
look brown where it gets the sun all day long. In the shade it still
looks fine. Even with the dry weather it was high enough to mow.
Thursday evening we started watching Wives and Daughters staring Francesca Annis. This is the 1999 adaptation of Elizabeth Gaskell's novel. There was also a series made in 1971.
Sunday, 27 May 2007
[Sunday] [Next
It was very pleasant this morning when we
teed off around 7:20. While it did get warm as the morning progressed a
nice breeze came up. We finished a little after 11 before it turned
really hot. Dad and I both played pretty well today. Mom had lunch
ready for us when we got home. I hung out visiting with them for a
while before heading home.
I have some things to do at my desk today but otherwise plan on
spending the day relaxing. I finished reading the caribou adventure
last night and Bob and and I finished watching the remainder of Wives
and Daughters. Tonight is the 600 hundred mile NASCAR race from
Charlotte, the Coca Cola 600. I think both the regular and senior PGA
golf tour events are being covered on the local TV stations. Plenty to
keep me occupied while I catch up on reading and working the Sunday
crossword puzzle.
For dinner tonight I am throwing some steaks and chicken on the grill and fixing pasta salad. Simple and quick.
Have a great rest of the day.
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