Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 28 May 2007
Latest Update: Sunday, 3 June 2007 12:00 p.m.
Monday, 28
May 2007
Happy Memorial Day as we honor the brave men and women who have given up their lives for their country.
I had a dentist appointment at 8 am this morning. I was shocked when
they scheduled my crown/filling work for today thinking they had made a
mistake but they are always open on this day. He had some destruction
to do before he could began the work. I had a filling partially chipped
out of an upper left tooth pretty far back. In front of that tooth I
had a crown that my previous dentist did not put on correctly. For that
reason I am now going to this current dentist. First he drilled out the
old filling and refilled that tooth then he had to remove the old
crown. At one point I was certain he was excavating the basement of an
old building with the drilling, cracking, and pulling going on. Once
the old crown was off then he had to prepare the remaining tooth for
the new crown and made me a temporary. He took a couple of impressions
before he got one he was satisfied with for the new crown.
2 1/2 hours later I was finally out of there. Back home, I fixed a warm
bowl of soup for lunch before penning up the dogs for the weekly house
cleaning. I helped Bob put up the new light fixture in the downstairs
entry to the stairs. That is the one that fell a couple of months ago
while we downstairs doing something.
I am sitting here working at my desk on some Friends of the Library
stuff, etc until 2:30 at which time I will leave for my hair cut
appointment. I have a load of card board ready to drop off at the
recycling center on the way.
Last night's intended cookout became a cook in when the propane tank
ran low on fuel. I am usually pretty good about keeping up with it
getting low. The old tank had one of those indicator strips you poured
hot water on. It changed colors where the tank was still full. I have
not put one on the new tank but shall look around for one next time I
am at Lowe's. I brought the chicken and steaks inside and cooked them
on the George Foreman instead. While I was watching the race I started
reading another J. A. Jance, Joanna Brady mystery.
The temperatures today are reach close to 90 but there is a nice breeze
and low humidity. I will have to water the flowers after dinner.
Tuesday, 29 May 2007
Last night Bob and I watched the first four
episodes of another season of Monarch of the Glen. Tonight we watched
one episode with dinner which was late since I went to the gym. On the
was back from walking the dogs after dinner from down the street we saw
Stephanie and the kids out back. We stopped to visit with them for
awhile. We have time to watch one more episode before bed/reading time.
In this J.A. Jance I am currently reading, Exit Wounds, Joanna Brady
has a lot going on. While investigating the murder of a woman who lived
in a mobile home Joanna and her crime scene staff find a small puppy.
Joanna takes the puppy home with her rather than let it go to the
pound. The next day, when she goes to the animal control, which is part
of the sheriff's department she spies a female Australian Shepherd whom
she also adopts. That same day she takes the home pregnancy test and
discovers she is pregnant while at the same time trying to run for
reelection of her office. Lots of action and subplots to keep the book
moving to say the lease.
Wednesday, 30 May 2007
Not really much news. Work is steady but
nothing stressful A lot of the folks took the week off for the holiday.
I made the weekly grocery store run on the way home. The skies were
dingy with a few clouds that looked like they might be willing to give
up a rain shower. I think it sprinkled in some places in the city but
not here. Scott's came today to treat the lawn. It is starting to look
dry and brown in places. I think we have had only 1/2 in of rain for
the month.
Two more episodes of Monarch on this disk.
Thursday, 31 May 2007
[Thursday] [Friday]
No update.
Friday, 1 June 2007
Gosh, where has the year gone? I cannot believe it is the first of June.
I finished the Joanna Brady and started a book from my TBR pile by Lee Charles Kelley, Dogged Pursuit.
Bob and I went to the library after work then to dinner at the Chinese
Restaurant. Although we have piles of books to read on our TBR shelf I
don't want to loose my places in the various series I am reading. I
decided to reserve the next books in those series and then alternate
between library and TBR books. Needless to say, I will not run out of
anything to read for awhile.
It is still hot and dry. Although I am watering the plants they are not
doing as well as they would with good old rain. One of the perennials
is not doing well in the spot I planted it. If it lives until Sunday I
will move it.
Tomorrow I am off on a day trip with the folks. I will tell you all about it Sunday.
Enjoy your weekend.
Saturday, 2 March 2007
[Saturday] [Sunday]
No update
Sunday, 3 June 2007
[Sunday] [Next
It started raining lightly over night
sometime. I could tell the streets were wet when I got up during the
night to go to the bathroom. I woke up this morning to the sound of
heavy rain and wind. So far we reached about .80 inches of rain from
what was tropical storm Barry. The bulk of the rain has moved on
through but wind and wrap around shower bands will stay with us all
day. After all is said and done this rain will be at least help to
green up the yards, plants, and trees.
I am using the day to catch up on little chores around the house and otherwise just spending the day relaxing.
We had a good time yesterday. The Holiday Tour's bus picked us up in
Winston at 8:30 heading west toward the NC mountains. There are two
churches, one in Glendale Springs, the other in West Jefferson. Inside
the small, wood churches are fresco's
painted by a NC artist who had studied abroad learning how to paint
fresco's. We stopped at the first church before driving on to Shatley Springs
for an old fashion country lunch. You can read about the history of the
place on the web site. My history of this place goes back to the mid
1960's when, as a family, we used to drive up there to have Sunday
dinner, or lunch every couple of years. One year, I think I was about
14, dad made reservations to spend to the night. At the time, they had
little cabins and one big house. We stayed upstairs in the big house. I
can remember it being cold, foggy, and rainy. We ate dinner then went
up the house. Dad built a fire in the pot bellied stove. The downstairs
was rented out to a couple it turns out my parents knew. Until bedtime,
we all sat around the big fireplace downstairs.
That big house is now pretty much run down in ill repair. The small
cabins are gone. They have extended the dinning rooms and built small
cabins in the back along a fishing pond. The food was still good: fried
chicken, country ham, pintos' biscuits, slaw, apples, mashed potatoes,
etc. After we ate we walked around the grounds until time to leave for
the short drive over to West Jefferson and the other church. We also
stopped at a local cheese factory where they sell the cheeses they
The weather was perfect, about 70's degrees and over cast. The
predicted storms and showers held off which was nice, since we were in
and out of the bus half a dozen times. We got back to Winston about
5:15. After the big lunch we decided to just hit the K & W
cafeteria for a light dinner. I took the folks home and then Frances.
She had a small book case I bought and stained for her back when
she lived in her apartment. It has grown too small for her use so she
gave it to me. When I dropped her off at home Al loaded the book case
for me in the back of the Trooper.
We found a perfect spot for it in the den to help with shelving our ever growing collection of books.
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