Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 11 June 2007
Latest Update: Sunday, 17 June 2007 2:30 p.m.
Monday, 11
June 2007
greetings from a stormy triad. We had a brief shower downtown before we
got off from work. I made it to the gym just as the bottom fell out
back on our side of town. When I got home we had .08 in the rain gage.
While we were eating dinner we had an additional .50 inches of rain. It
is pouring down again and thundering. The guys will have to wait for
their after dinner walk until this weather system goes through.
Last night after I had gone to bed to read there was a very loud boom
that startled me and the dogs. Not long after we could hear the sirens
going. Then this morning Bob said he kept hearing all kinds of thumping
and other assorted loud noises somewhere behind the house on the back
street. It turns out a fire started in a house just past where our
neighborhood ends. A propane tank blew up. I am sure what Bob heard was
the fire hoses. As the crow flies but about half a mile from here. A
friend of ours who lives in the neighborhood across the flood plain
from us said it shook their house. The road he exits on out of his
neighborhood was blocked of this morning. It turns out a lawnmower
parked under a deck malfunctioned starting a fire. I am sure they
probably had a propane tank nearby for a grill or something.
Otherwise, not much else in the news.
Tuesday, 12 June 2007
I finished the J. P. Beaumont last night.
Jance really left things hanging in this one. I just reserved the next
one in the series at the library along with the last one in the Joanna
Brady series she has out.
Today at lunch I started the new Nancy Martin, Blackbird Sisters
series, A Crazy Little Thing Called Death. Nora and her wacky sisters
are always getting into trouble solving crimes. The sisters come from a
long line of Pennsylvania Blue-bloods. Their parents ran off to
squander their fortune leaving Nora to deal with an aging farm, no
money and lots of taxes. Worse yet, Nora has fallen in love with, and
agreed to marry a member of the mob, obviously not of the jet set
crowd. To earn money, Nora has a job as a society column writer
for a local newspaper which gains her entry into the society world she
can no longer access now that she is broke and engaged to a man from
the wrong side of the tracks.
The Blackbird sisters will keep you in stitches as they run amok in Philadelphia society.
Wednesday, 13 June 2007
Today was the first of three free ice cream
days at the Firm. They hold one a month during the summer. The cool
weather continues. There were more thunderstorms in the area this
afternoon but I think they all missed up again. We are under severe
thunderstorm watch until 10 pm as we were last night. But, around 8
last night they called it off for our area.
Bob heated up mom's chicken casserole while I was at the gym so dinner
was ready when I got home. We watched the last of the last of the
Clatterford earlier this week. Friends of the Library meeting tomorrow
Thursday, 14 June 2007
[Thursday] [Friday]
No update.
Friday, 15 June 2007
Last night by the time I got home from the
grocery store after the Friends meeting, fixed dinner, ate, walked the
dogs, took out the trash and recycling; it was already 8 pm. I tried to
stay awake long enough to finish the Nancy Martin but at 10:45 I was
barely getting the words from the page to my brain. Today at lunch ,
instead of reading for half an hour and walking half an hour I stayed
in to finish my book. It was a nasty day to be outside anyway. The
weather, like is has been all year, has been very weird this week. Cool
and damp with very little sunshine. While we have not had any rain at
our house other parts of the county have. But, the cool temperatures
and clouds help the plants and flowers to have a break from 90 degrees
and baking sun.
The Friends of the Library are gearing up for a big event in July. Each
summer the library participates in a summer reading program for kids
organized by the State Library. Each year has a different theme, with
this years being clues and mystery oriented. To celebrate the end of
the summer reading program we are sponsoring a raffle as a fund raiser
as well as having a story teller and a local children's book author who
just happen to have written a mystery. It should be a lot of fun and
bring in some money for the library.
Tonight I shall start the newest Mary Daheim, Emma Lord mystery, The Alpine Scandal.
Saturday, 16 March 2007
[Saturday] [Sunday]
It's been a relaxed sort of day today. Bob
and I did a Costco run this morning. That takes a couple of hours by
the time we drive over, walk around the store, and get back home. The
rest of the has been spent doing various odd jobs. Bob organized the
food pantry over the stove. I finished organizing and cleaning up one
area of basement that needed some attention. It was hard to get to the
shelves we were using downstairs to store our Costco food and paper
products. In between the dogs and I were out and about visiting with
Stephanie for awhile and later Steve, Mimi, and their dogs.
I bought two sets of new sheets this morning, a new set for summer and
flannels for this winter. They had the flannels at a great price since
it is summer time. While I was messing around in the basement I washed
those plus a basket load of my work shirts and pants. Of course, now I
have a basket load of ironing awaiting my attention.
The weather has been weird today. It was cloudy and spitting rain
this morning. The sun came out after lunch turning things warm and
muggy. The temperatures are only in the low 80's. Now it has clouded up
again like it wants to rain. I hope to cook steak and chicken on the
grill if the rain holds off. Bob has to reattach the propane tank.
Guess I will hit the couch to relax the rest of the afternoon. The golf U.S. Open from Pittsburgh is this weekend.
Sunday, 17 June 2007
[Sunday] [Next
Dad and I celebrated Father's Day on this
morning on the golf course. I always pay his green fee when we play on
this day. Last night we had a pretty decent storm roll through around
8pm. We only got .4 inches of rain but that side of town and the golf
course got over an inch. It was pretty sloppy playing this morning with
lots of standing water in the fairways. But, we had a good time as
usual. It warmed up pretty quickly once the sun got up high enough to
burn off the fog.
I did not stay for lunch since we will be going over to Frances's house
later this afternoon for dinner. Dad gets to pick the main course
Frances will cook. I am taking pie for dessert.
After a quick lunch I picked up the sticks blown down from the storm and mowed. That's about it for today.
Happy Father's Day to all you dad's out there and enjoy your day.
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