Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 22 October 2007
Latest Update: Sunday, 28 October 2007 4:00 p.m.
Monday, 22
October 2007
first day on my new job went very well. It took most of the morning to
get "installed" in my new office. While waited on the IT guys to
bring up my computer, it followed me from my old desk to my new digs, I
did some easy stuff just get a feel for the type of files I will be
handling. Once I got my computer and phone installed I started on a
file entry project that will consist of a lot of the work I will be
I went to the gym from work. My knee is about the same. I am
continuing to do a lot bike work along with the usual upper body weight
work. I did walk a little at lunch today. Still reading the Kathryn
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Not really much in the way of news. I
finished the Bay Tanner last night. At lunch today I started the third
book in the Jacqueline Winspear Maisie Dobbs series, Pardonable Lies.
This novel won the 2006 Macavity Awards, Sue Feder Historical Mystery Award and was a finalist in the 2006 Agatha Award for best novel which is always announced at Malice.
I am writing the final mortgage payment check tonight to our lender. Yippee!
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
I woke up at 5am this morning to the sound
of...rain. Yes, rain and some thunder off in the distance. We got .37
by the time we got up. Not much more fell today but it started up again
early this evening. We are up to .47 with supposedly more on the way
tonight and tomorrow. The temperatures are also supposed to go back
down to more normal 50's and 60's.
I left work at 3:45 for my yearly mammogram. When I mentioned to my
supervisor and the paralegal I am working for why I had to leave early
they both made yuck noises. I feel the same way about that as I do the
dentist. You go to the dentist to keep your teeth clean and from
falling out of your head. You get pap smears and mammograms to screen
for life threatening illnesses. I do have a very high pain tolerance
but even so, the few minutes of pain are worth far more pain and
suffering you will experience if things are not caught early. October
is National Breast Cancer awareness month. If you have been putting
that mammogram off for one reason or another, call and make an
appointment today.
Thursday, 25 October 2007
[Thursday] [Friday]
We've had well over two inches of rain maybe
closer to three. More on the way tonight and tomorrow. Hopefully the
mountains and the folks east of us are getting that much or more. It
was pouring down on our side of town when I left work for the gym.
Speaking of work. I am getting settled into my new job. I love the work
and am hopefully helping this practice group with their backlog of work.
We are watching the final season of Monarch of the Glen. The trash and recycling are out. Now, to enjoy the rest of my evening.
Friday, 26 October 2007
No update.
Saturday, 27 October 2007
[Saturday] [Sunday]
The sun is out. All told we had about 4
inches of rain here in the Triad. Other parts of the state had more and
some may have had less. I now have wet leaves covering most of the
yard. It will take a lot of sun and wind to dry them enough to be able
to vacuum them up tomorrow. I may have to mow them up instead. The
leave vacuum does not work very well unless the leaves and grass is dry.
Mom and Frances left yesterday morning for a weekend trip with Holiday
Tours. Dad was not real keen on going so he stayed home. I picked him
up after work last night to go out for some dinner and took him to run
a couple of errands before dropping him off back home.
This morning I ran the sweeper through the house to get the leaves and
dog hair up. With leave season in full swing that will last about a
day. Between us and the dogs, especially with them wet, we track them
in constantly. While I cleaned I ran a load of my work cloths. After
lunch I ironed a huge basket of pants and shirts.
I am leaving later this afternoon to run a couple of errands across town then pick dad up for dinner again.
Sunday, 28 October 2007
[Sunday] [Next
No golf this morning. With the very wet,
soggy ground dad did not want to slog around in the mud. Plus, the golf
carts had to stay on the cart paths which makes for a lot of walking
back and forth for him. Instead I spend a productive morning clearing
junk off the end of my desk, filing, and working on a project for
Friends group.
Around 1 I started on the yard. Three hours later I have vacuumed
leaves, mowed, and put out seed and fertilizer. The leaves were at
least dry enough to vacuum up first making the mowing go much faster.
Until we get some rain to wash in the seed and fertilizer I will not be
able to get leaves up.
I did finish reading the Maisie Dobbs last night. Tonight I start the
second book in the Philip R. Craig series Bob found on ABE books. We
have the third one from the library. Yesterday afternoon I stopped at
the used book store and found five of the books in the series. They
covered most of the early ones the library system does not have. I
think we are only skipping one in the series, which I don't mind.
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