Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 29 October 2007
Latest Update: Sunday, November 4 2007 10:240 a.m.
Monday, 29
October 2007
are finally getting more fall like weather. The low's last night barely
touched the high 30's with a high today in the mid 60's. Chance of
frost tonight. The only plants left at my two lantana's which will die
as soon as we get a good freeze. Afterwards I will cut them back to the
ground for next year. The violas and pansies are glad to get these
cooler temps.
I started the next Craig, Martha's Vineyard mystery, The Woman Who
Walked Into the Sea. A soon to be retired professor and her young
colleague are visiting a professor at his Vineyard home for the summer
for a quiet place to work on an article for fall publication. It will
be her last before she retires but will be a spring board for her young
friend's career. The Vineyard gets a lot of summer professors who use
the island as a place to relax and/or work on projects. Lots of
academic backstabbing rears its ugly head along with the death of one
of the professors. Jackson and his girl friend Zee try to determine if
it was an accidental drowning or murder. At the same time Jackson is
dealing with Zee flirting with one of the handsome academicians who
attracts women like moths to a light.
I headed to the gym from work to get in my usual workout. The knee
is still not up to par. After the long day in the yard yesterday it was
not too good last night. With the brace on today it was back to being
just not up to par. Three weeks until my follow up appointment.
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
No update.
Wednesday, 31 October 2007
Gym tonight on the way home. I decided to go
to work today without wearing my brace. I took it with me as a backup
but it actually felt better without it on. I continue to be very
careful how I step up and down stairs and turning but right now it
feels much better.
I finished the Martha's Vineyard mystery and started another Dana
Cameron, Emma Fielding mystery, A Fugitive Truth at lunch today. By the
way. Not only do I enjoy sharing books and DVD's we watch with my
readers I also use my journal page to record things I may need to look
up later. I read so many books, roughly two and half to three a week
depending on the length and my time, that I forget if I have read
something. Or, I may forget the author or title of something I have
read and need to go back and look it up. And, I often need to look up
something we did, bought, etc.
Bob and I are currently watching the sixth season of the Inspector Lynley series we recorded a few weeks ago.
We had light frost two nights in a row though I think tonight it is not
to get as cold. I noticed driving home this afternoon there are still a
lot of green leaves on the trees. With the dry weather and last
frost/freeze this year the trees are not turning as fast. I also notice
there are very few fallen in the yard so far this week. That is a good
thing. If we don't get rain by the weekend I will have to water in my
seed and fertilizer.
Thursday, 1 November 2007
[Thursday] [Friday]
Friday, 2 November 2007
Saturday, 3 November 2007
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Where have I been? I did not realize I had
not posted since Wednesday. Oops. Nothing special that's for sure.
Thursday was library, pet store, grocery store night. Last night I
guess I was so tired I forgot to do a post.
It was up at regular time this morning leaving the house at the usual 8
am. I drove over to fellow Friends Board member Paula's house to
meet up with her, her husband, and the Friends president and her
husband, Mary Jane and John. John drove us all to the Moorseville
Public Library for the annual meeting of the North Carolina Friends of
the Library meeting. Our Board nominated Paula for volunteer of the
year for our region, which she won. I consider Paula and her husband
Casey as friends as well as Paula being a fellow Board member so I
agreed to go along to support her getting her award.
We had a nice time, it was only about 1:15 drive over. It turns out I
actually know the library director from my old library days. The
meeting ran an hour or so with an hour presentation by a guest speaker
which was interesting followed by a very delicious box lunch from a
local restaurant. We were back home by 2:30.
I have just spent half an hour watering the front lawn by hand while I
had the sprinkler going in the back to water in the seed and
fertilizer. Not getting any rain this week and none in the forecast for
next week I wanted to wet it down to see if it will germinate before it
turns too cold. We are still having warm enough temperatures during the
I finished reading the Emma Fielding last night. I love her books.
Although Emma is an archaeologist, Cameron set this one in an academic
research library where Emma was researching the diaries of the woman
who owned the house she was doing field work on the previous summer.
Sunday, 4 November 2007
[Sunday] [Next
I don't often do a morning update anymore.
With the cooler weather dad and I are going to start playing golf later
in the morning after it warms up a bit. He has trouble keeping his
hands warm when the temperatures are in the 40's. I slept in until 8:30
to get some much needed rest.
Last night we went up to Pilot Mountain for a public observation. What
we usually do is show the public bright objects in the sky, in this
case a very nice comet, until around 8 or so. After most of the crowds
thin out than we can take advantage of the dark skies to do our own
observing. This was not the case last night. The crowds were larger
than ever despite the 20 mph winds. It was not all that cold but the
winds made it hard to keep atlas pages open and scopes from moving.
And, the crowds stayed and stayed. By the time they started leaving
some stray clouds blew in from somewhere, not in the forecast. We
finally packed up around 9:45 to head home. We did look at the comet
and found one very dim object we needed for our Caldwell list using
Paul's 15 inch scope. Otherwise, it was not a very productive night.
Of course, with the time change we had an extra hour when we got home
to play some ball and read. I started the third book in the Craig,
Martha's Vineyard series.
It has been an exciting weekend at the Thompson Techno Grotto. Guess we
need to come up with a new name. Not only did we get the letter
informing us we had indeed paid off our mortgage Bob announced this
morning he no longer needs his tech room. That is the spare bedroom we
turned into a room to house the assorted computer cases, parts, etc. he
needed when building computers for the books. He has now ventured off
into a new field of writing which turned the downstairs kitchen into a
lab. It will take awhile to dismantle the room and then decide what I
will do with it.
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