Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 26 November 2007
Latest Update: Sunday, 2 December 2007 2:00 p.m.
Monday, 26
November 2007
No update.
Tuesday, 27 November 2007
Yes, I we are back. We left last Tuesday afternoon around 2 pm for Brian and Marcia
Bilbrey's in Bowie arriving at 9. Even though it was only Tuesday
traffic was still very heavy all the way up. We spent five wonderful
days resting, reading, and eating along with a little bit of shopping
for Marcia and I. Brian and Marcia prepared a wonderful Thanksgiving feast.
Marcia and I braved black Friday at an outlet mall. A few stores were
packed but overall the experience was not too bad. We ventured out
again to the local Bowie Town Center Mall on Sunday afternoon for a bit
more shopping. The weather was fairly mild except for Thursday and
Friday. They had such a heavy frost one morning it looked as if it had
I read a Sister Fidelma while I was up there and almost finished the
most recent Carola Dunn. I have about thirty pages left for tonight.
With the Bilbrey's having a fenced in back yard all we had to do was
let the dogs out the back door. It was nice to be able to lay around
reading and relaxing without the faint whisper of chores calling my
The trip home Monday was under gray skies, some fog, and rain as we hit
the North Carolina line. Traffic was very light outside of the major
cities. We made it home by 3 pm. While Bob set up computers I did a
quick bathroom cleaning and vacuuming before doing the unpacking.
It was back to work as usual this morning followed by the gym. The
orthopedist left a message on the machine while we were gone to call
and schedule my MRI. I go next Tuesday afternoon.
As always, it is fun to go away and good to be home. We did get 3/4 of
an inch of much needed rain yesterday. All the leaves have finally
dropped from my trees. At some point I will do a final clean up and one
last mowing but it may not be this weekend. I have Christmas
decorations to pull out and a tree to purchase.
Wednesday, 28 November 2007
No update.
Thursday, 29 November 2007
[Thursday] [Friday]
Tonight I went to my friend Nancy's Pampered
Chef party. I did not know Pampered Chef did fund raisers. Nancy's 12
year old granddaughter, after years of waiting, finally got a kidney
transplant last month. The costs, even with insurance, are
astronomical. "The Children's Organ Transplant Association helps children and young adults who need a life-saving transplant." One
of Nancy's other daughters hosted a show in September to raise money
for COTA. Tonight, Nancy hosted a show for the same cause. Pampered
Chef contributes a nice percentage to the sales of the show. In Nancy's
case, the Pampered Chef representative who does this full time, is also
kicking in part of her earnings from both shows toward this cause.
I am reading another Philip R. Craig Martha's Vineyard mystery at the moment.
Friday, 30 November 2007
No update.
Saturday, 1 December 2007
[Saturday] [Sunday]
I started my weekend off last night by an
early celebration of my birthday, which is actually tomorrow. My sister
is busy tomorrow so we did the family celebration last night at her
house. Frances picked up Bob after work since she is just down the
street, I picked up mom and dad. On the way to her house we picked up
the take out order of stromboli's and French bread. We had a nice
evening visiting and opening presents. As always, I get Christmas type
ornaments to add to my collection as well as a few clothing items. Bob
and I dropped off mom and dad on the way home.
This morning it took about an hour to dismantle the living room and den
mantle in preparation for Christmas decorations. Bob helped me haul the
stuff up from the basement closet to cut down on the stair trips with
my knee. After finishing the preparations I went out to find a tree.
The lot just around the corner had nice trees last year and proved the
same again. Bob helped with the unloading and hauling into the house to
go into the stand.
I shall spend the rest of the today getting the tree decorated taking short breaks periodically as needed.
Hurrah! I can once again print from my computer. For some reason when
Bob upgraded his OS the printer stopped working. It was fixed once but
when Bob's system crashed a month ago the printer stopped working
again. I was sending stuff to work to print or to my sister's and
getting it from her later. Bob moved the printer back to my office
where it used to be. I am running an older version of the OS.
Sunday, 2 December 2007
[Sunday] [Next
Happy 53 to me today. I finished decorating
the tree yesterday afternoon. This morning I started working on my
village. After Bob finished up his computer chores and started a load
of laundry we took off for Lowe's Home Center. About six months ago we
had gone to Lowe's to pick out a new front glass door. I will not get
into why it did not get bought and installed but it had nothing to do
with Bob or us. We actually ordered the door this morning to be
installed sometime this week. I will enjoy using my birthday present
everyday of the year, imagine that!
We also looked at dishwashers and cooktops both of which need more
research before we actually purchase. It may be next year before we do
unless our 20 something year old dishwasher dies first.
After lunch I finished the village and decorating the small tree in the
den. All I have left is tabletop decorations, stockings, etc.
I finished Off Season by Craig and decided to read the next book in the
series to see what happens between J.W. and Zee. Wedding bells are in
the air as well as murder.
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