Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 3 December 2007
Latest Update: Friday, 8 December 2007 1:00 p.m.
Monday, 3
December 2007
greetings. The decorations are pretty much done. I only do the front
rooms of the house; den, living and dinning rooms, kitchen table, and
hall bath. I have a few odds and ends to finish up next weekend. It
will be a busy week for me with dinner tonight at the Vineyards with
the publisher of Make, dinner Wednesday night with my friends, and the
golf club association Christmas party Friday night. Tis the season for
The temperatures are mild but it is very windy with gusts today
reaching close to 40 mph. I see the northeast and New England are
getting slammed with their first big snow storm of the season.
Tuesday, 4 December 2007
My MRI appointment was originally scheduled
for 2:40. At 1:40 they call me at work and asked if I could come early
because of a cancellation. I left immediately arriving a little after
2. By the time I was checked in and set up it was probably close to
2:30. They were doing two sets, one on my knee and one on the swelling
on my leg. I made it though the knee scans, about half an hour or so
worth but barely made it to the end for the calf. They had my knee and
leg bent with my feet ankles taped together. I was having a very hard
time staying still toward the end of the third scan and barely made it
to the end of the fourth. Then they were going to inject a dye and run
some some. Nope, even with my high pain tolerance my leg and knee were
killing me after lying in that position for 35 minutes. We skipped the
dye scans. If they need those I can go back. It was after 4 by the time
I got out of there.
I have my results and follow up visit next week.
I made a couple of quick stops on the way back across town before stopping at the drug and grocery stores.
We have been watching Assent of Man and House of Eliott. Bob and I watched House of Eliott
when it first aired but I don't remember it all that well. Another
excellent British show. Set in the 1920's, two sisters Evangeline
and Beatrice Eliott are left penniless after their father drops dead of
a heart attack. The young women must now turn to their only talent,
sewing as a means to try and make a enough money to survive. This show
was created by two excellent actresses from Upstairs/Downstairs. If you
love British drama you this is must see TV.
Wednesday, 5 December 2007
No update.
Thursday, 6 December 2007
[Thursday] [Friday]
I had dinner last night at the Celtic Cafe
with my friends Nancy and Betsy. Yes, it is really an Irish restaurant
run by an lady from Ireland and her son. Lots of Irish type menu items.
The food was very good. We spent two hours eating and visiting,
catching up on all our news.
I have finished the Craig mystery and started another Dana Cameron,
Emma Fielding archaeologist mystery. I have been reading from my TBR
pile lately. Guess I will need to reserve some library books soon to
pick back up with Jance and Perry.
Scott's Lawn Service came yesterday to put down the winter feed. I will
not be able to do the lawn until we get some rain which, at this point,
there is not any in sight. Not to worry I have plenty of things to do
in the house this weekend.
Friday, 7 December 2007
No update.
Saturday, 8 December 2007
[Saturday] [Sunday]
I am definitely envious. Brian posted a picture of the snow
from his window at home. It has tried to do something here twice in
this week. Earlier in the week we had snow showers early in the
morning. Yesterday they had schools starting two hours late after sleet
and freezing rain fell early in the morning creating black ice and lots
of accidents. The mountain communities west and north of us got a good
snow. Oh well. Today the high is to be 60 with more of the same all
next week.
Between being gone on vacation in September, the fall leaves, and gone
again over Thanksgiving I have let the house go other than a quick
vacuum every couple of weekends. This morning I attacked with a
vengeance. After giving Bob a haircut before he turned into Grizzly
Adams I went on a cleaning rampage with vacuum, mop, and dust rag. I
usually do my spring cleaning during this time. The bedroom and
bathroom had theirs back when I did the painting and we put down the
new floor. The living room and den will get done when I take down the
decorations which leaves the two offices and tech room.
I have ironing to do and the usual piles of junk on my desk to deal with. Enjoy your weekend.
Sunday, 9 December 2007
[Sunday] [Next
I goofed on the link I posted yesterday to Brian Bilbrey's snow picture
from his work office window, not his home office. No wonder I could not
figure out why I did not recognize the landscape. Any way, I fixed the
link. Thanks Brian for the corrections.
No snow here today. It's 67 degrees right now. It was about 53 when dad
I teed off around 10 this morning. It was cool when the wind came up
but once the sun came out from behind the clouds it got pretty warm. We
only played nine but it was good to get out.
I got a few gifts wrapped yesterday afternoon. I may get some more done this afternoon after paying some bills, etc.
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