Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 10 December 2007
Latest Update: Sunday, 16 December 2007 2:00 p.m.
Monday, 10
December 2007
made up a joke of the day at work today. By 10am my day had already
been chaotic. I told everyone "today is the day from you know
where....and you know where is not Disneyland!"
The weather has turned positively spring like. High in the low 70's
today with highs tomorrow expected to reach a record breaking 78
degrees. Fine if you live in Florida. I prefer my seasons and my
temperatures to be accordingly.
As I mentioned last week I am reading another Emma Fielding
archaeologist mystery. Emma is snowed in at a conference in Maine where
the guest of honor is found dead outside with a cracked skull. Inside,
one of the book exhibits was vandalized and conference goers are all in
a tizzy. Good writing, good characters, etc.
After a very busy week last week I finally made it back to the gym
tonight. Still doing cardio machines and upper body work until I get
the knee sorted out.
Tuesday, 11 December 2007
No update.
Wednesday, 12 December 2007
Last night when we walked the dogs after
dinner we stopped to visit with Kim down the street. She was wrestling
with outdoor Christmas decorations. We had a nice chat, enjoying the
mild weather. I have been wearing shorts all week.
We are still watching House of Elliot. Bob and I have decided we saw
season one and that was it. Since it was almost twenty years between
Upstairs/Downstairs and this show and now 20 years since House and now,
it should be about time for Jean Marsh to have a new series coming out.
Thursday, 13 December 2007
[Thursday] [Friday]
I went back to the doctor this afternoon for
the results of my MRI. I have a torn meniscus and some arthritis. I
knew about the arthritis and suspected the other. They had an opening
for this Monday to do the surgery so I took it. I have been limping
around since September and am ready to get it over with. It will be out
patient, take about 30 minutes, and home again. I should be able to
walk on it after the procedure and out of work only three days.
I had about an hour between my appointment and my Friends of the
Library meeting so I ran a couple of errands. We had our annual Holiday
party along with our meeting. They had enough finger food/sandwiches
left over for me to bring Bob a plate for his dinner.
Last night I finished the Emma Fielding. She left several teasers at
the end for the next book. I need to start another of the Craig
mysteries I purchased. I have two to read to catch up with books I
picked up today from the library in the series. I can be reading those
while Bob reads the library books.
We had passing shower late this afternoon. It is still rather warm for the season.
Friday, 14 December 2007
No update.
Saturday, 15 December 2007
[Saturday] [Sunday]
I spent most of today working on the
basement, both the finished and unfinished sides. We had as usual, a
large accumulation of cardboard boxes which needed flattened. I filled
two trash bags with assorted junk and stacked up some large stuff that
will need to go out to the curb next trash day.
Paul and Mary may be coming over later this afternoon to help Bob with
something in his lab. I hauled the Christmas decorating boxes out to
the cleaned up unfinished area then vacuum and dusted up the cobwebs. I
hauled a huge load of cardboard to the fire station to get it out of
the way. After I cleaned out the fireplace Bob hauled in wood to build
a fire. We may sit downstairs tonight and enjoy a real fire instead of
the gas logs up here.
The weather has turned cold and windy with rain for later this
afternoon and evening. The high's today are not to make it out of the
30's. The counties north and west of us may get some icing but they
have not included us as yet.
Sunday, 16 December 2007
[Sunday] [Next
We got about an inch and half of much needed
rain over night. At one point I had planned to try to get the leaves up
today but the ground and the leaves will be much too wet. Although the
temperatures will climb back into the low 40's we have 20 to 30 mph
winds today with gusts over 40. Not exactly good outdoor working
conditions. We have enough dead limbs in the trees in the back,
especially the pine, that it would actually be dangerous to be outside
working any way. I can hear the wind screaming around the corner of the
house while sitting here at my desk.
Paul and Mary did not get over yesterday afternoon to look at the chem
lab for Bob but can hopefully stop by this afternoon. After dinner last
night I walked the dogs then took then down around back so Duncan would
not have to go down the basement stairs. We sat in front of a nice fire
reading until 9 pm at which time I took the dogs up and around for
their last time while Bob secured the downstairs area. A nice relaxing
I finished reading the Craig mystery, Death on a Vineyard Beach.
Interestingly enough, this book did not have a murder. When a wealthy
Vineyard islander goes to Boston for an opera evening someone attempts
to gun him down in front of the theater. It just so happen J.W. and Zee
where there at the same time. J.W. steps in to prevent the murder of
the guy and his body guard not knowing they were from the island. J. W.
gets hired to track down who the killer was. It was a great book, with
the usual J.W. and Zee stories along with some other interesting
developments. A very clever plot setting that worked well for the
I am now reading another J.A. Jance in the Beaumont series I picked up at the library. We are almost finished with this series.
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