Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 3 March 2008
Latest Update: Sunday, 9 March 2008 1:00 p.m.
Monday, 3
March 2008
have had a big project at work that has required a lot of time on my
feet standing. I spent all day Wednesday and Friday working on it.
Friday night I was pretty much wiped out. Today was more of the same. I
had hoped to finish up today but have a little more to do in the
morning. I knew I would be too tired to hit the gym tonight so I
decided to go tomorrow night instead.
In addition to the Morse's we have also been watching some of the
Lord Peter Whimsey mysteries and the movie Ladies in Lavender.
Yesterday afternoon I happen to catch a show on our local PBS
station they were running during their fund raising/begging. They were
doing a segment on hit songs from the late 1960's. Each group or person
would be introduced with coverage from the 60's then cut to current day
live performances. How odd to see balding/graying old wrinkled guys
singing 40 year old rock/pop songs.
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
The predicted rains did not get here until
late this afternoon. By the time I left work it was just a steady rain
which had almost stopped by the time I got to the gym. While I was
working out the local tv station announced a tornado watch until
midnight. The earlier rains had moved through. The severe weather was
coming from a second round of rain and storms with the low/cold front.
By the time I got home, heated up dinner, and fed the dogs the heavy
rain and thunder storms had just started as we went to take them out
for their after dinner walk. As I sit in my office I can hear the rain
pelting my office windows. Hopefully we will get enough of a break to
let them out at least in the front yard.
Both my knees are doing very well. The surgery one feels great while
the left one is bothering me very little. I shall continue to be
careful with my activities and movements over the next few weeks.
Wednesday, 5 March 2008
No update.
Thursday, 6 March 2008
[Thursday] [Friday]
Last night I had an appointment to get my
hair cut then ran a few errands while on that side of town. Tonight was
gym night, tomorrow night library, pet store, and grocery store. All
this translate into getting home late every night this week since
Monday which makes for a long week.
Still very warm and pleasant temperatures. I walked a couple of blocks
to meet my friend Bonnie for lunch. It was a beautiful afternoon to be
Just talked with my dad. He will not get a new surgery date until after
he goes back to the heart doctor in April. Rats. He had hoped to get
his knee fixed by warm/golf weather. As much trouble as he is having
with it I doubt he can play until after he has the surgery even if my
doctor turns me loose at the end of the month.
Friday, 7 March 2008
No update.
Saturday, 8 March 2008
[Saturday] [Sunday]
We had right at an inch of rain yesterday. It
was one of those cold, blowing type of nasty days. By the time I left
work at 5 it was just drizzling.
Today we have a cold front coming through bringing up 30 to 40 mph
winds with gusts up around 50 mph. How do you explain to a dog it is
too wet let alone too dangerous to play ball in the backyard? With the
trees we have in the back yard and the surrounding neighbors yards a
good sized limb could come down at any time. As wet as the ground is
from all the recent rains, some trees could very easily go ever as
We are making continued good progress in the clean up projects. The
work room looks much better. Still some organizing of things Bob needs
to keep. I have just about finished up in my office. This afternoon I
need to iron a bushel load of work shirts and pants and tackle a few
other assorted chores.
Last night I finished up the Anne Perry and started A Fatal Grace, the
second book in the Louise Penny, Inspector Armand Gamache mystery
series. I was able to reserve it from the library.
Sunday, 9 March 2008
[Sunday] [Next
Today is my parents 62nd wedding anniversary. I will be seeing them later on this afternoon.
The dogs let us sleep in until 8am which I am sure they thought was
7am. After the warm spell mid to upper 20's for a low this morning
seemed pretty chilly. Yesterday afternoon while I was ironing I looked
out my office window to see sleet coming down. Later it turned to a
cold rain. Finally last night the winds died down a little by the time
we walked the dogs for last time.
The weekly house cleaning has been done. I cleaned and organized
another drawer in the work room and have had the dogs out back from
some playtime.
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