Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 10 March 2008
Latest Update: Saturday, 15 March 2008 1:10 p.m.
Monday, 10
March 2008
Happy birthday to my sister. I will not give her age but she is five years younger than me if that tells you anything.
I ended up not going to grocery store Friday night since we decided
to make a Costco run over the weekend. While I don't usually buy a
gallon of milk and four quarts of orange juice at one time, that and
coke was all we needed for the weekly shopping.
Instead of going over Saturday morning we waited until yesterday
afternoon since we were going to Frances' for dinner which is on that
side of town. We used one of the coolers our Southern Foods ordered
arrived in with some ice to keep the cold stuff cold. We stock up on a
lot of canned/bulk items to hold us for about three months. As a matter
of fact, I doubt I will have to make a grocery store run for at least
another week.
As mentioned we had dinner at Frances' house to celebrate her birthday along with mom and dad's anniversary.
Tuesday, 11 March 2008
No update.
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
I had my annual physical scheduled for 1:30
this afternoon. When I called last month to make an appointment this
was the earliest they had in terms of dates and the earliest in time of
day. I explained that I cannot wait until 3 pm to eat so she gave me an
8am blood work appointment. As usual they were running late which meant
it was 8:45 by the time I got to work.
I worked through lunch Monday and yesterday to make up as much of the
time as possible. Fortunately an intense project I was to start first
thing this morning was delayed until the attorneys were ready for me at
I left at 1 and as I predicted left the doctors office at just about 3
pm. The doctor pronounced me fine in terms of his exam. I now must
await the results of my blood work and pap smear.
It is such a beautiful day with temperatures this afternoon reaching 70
degrees. I walked the dogs for Bob then we ate an early dinner.
We have been watching Emma staring Gwyneth Paltrow and the Campion mystery series staring Peter Davison.
Thursday, 13 March 2008
[Thursday] [Friday]
I finished up the project I was working on
late this afternoon. Since I still had time to make up from my doctor's
appointment yesterday I only took 20 minutes for lunch. Just enough
time to swallow a snack and take a quick walk around the block. I
normally leave at 5 but by staying until 5:15 I was able to finish up
the last of the documents and make up 15 more minutes. That will give
me 45 minutes for lunch tomorrow.
It being the middle of March the ACC
tournament has started here in North Carolina. The first round was
played today with games tomorrow through the weekend. And of course
from there it goes into the NCAA tournament.
Last night I finished up the Louise Penny. I need to request the next
and most recent book in the series from the library. Tonight I am
starting another Vineyard mystery, First Light. Although the book is
listed as being the next book in the series as we are reading them, it
is actually a co-author work with Craig teaming up with William Tappley.
Tappley writes a fishing/Boston lawyer series of his own which I have
not read. Craig and Tappley go on to write two more books in this mini
series, the last one published in 2007 just before Craig died.
Warm and springlike weather continues. I am certain it will turn cold
again before all is said and done with this years winter season even
though spring officially starts next week.
Friday, 14 March 2008
No update
Saturday, March 2008
[Saturday] [Sunday]
The Thompson's have been busy beavers today.
This morning while I vacuumed the house and mopped the bathroom floors
Bob was downstairs doing some clean up in his lab. Around 10am I was
pretty much finished up here. I took the mop and water down to Bob so
he could give his lab floor a swoosh.
I then took the dogs down back to play while I did a load of my work
clothes and flatten another load of cardboard. Not sure how but we
accumulate a tremendous amount of cardboard boxes. Some of this pile
came from the cleanup. Speaking of which, Bob has done a good job with
the clean up. Goodwill picked up another big load last Thursday. Both
his office and the spare room are looking much better.
While I had the dogs down back I picked up sticks and did some general
tidying up around the lawn. We came back upstairs for lunch before I
went out to mow the lawn. The mower was still set on a lower setting
from last month when I mowed the high stuff and to get up stray leaves
and debris. While the front had some really high clumps especially in
the front I did not realize how high the whole yard had grown. I guess
with the rain and the warm weather the fertilizer applied a week or so
ago has started to work. The yard looks nice and green except for the
Bermuda areas. I set the mower back up to the summer mowing height.
Most likely will not need to mow again for a couple of weeks at the
We have a This End Up pine furniture in most of our house including our
kitchen table and two bench type seats. They sit in the corner of the
kitchen along the wall diving the kitchen and dinning room. While I
always sweep under and around the benches I don't pull the table and
back bench out very often for normal weekly cleaning. I eat breakfast
at the outer end of the table but we eat the rest of our meals on the
couch in the den. I usually pull the benches and table out to clean
real good along the wall, etc when I do the deep clean at the end of
the year. With my knee surgery and missing the deep clean last year I
missed doing the kitchen.
Last night as I went to put the dog bowls on the kitchen table for a
refill I hit the edge of the table with Duncan's which still had food
in the bottom. The good news is they eat primarily dried food. The bad
news is the dried food went all over and under the bench and the floor.
Thus this morning the kitchen corner has now had a deep clean. Oh well,
it needed to be done anyway.
Warm again today though not as warm as yesterday's 72. Rain with
possible storms coming in later this afternoon and tonight. I have a
few more things to do this afternoon before Duke plays in the
semi-final at 3:30.
Sunday, 16 March 2008
[Sunday] [Next
Good morning. We had just over half an inch
of rain yesterday afternoon along with some major thunder but not a lot
of lightening. By early evening the storm had pretty much blown itself
past us. There were a few tornado warnings south of us. Today is cool
and sunny but those darn 20 to 30 mph winds are supposed to crank up
this afternoon. Dad has some yard projects he needs help with but the
last few weekends have not been good outdoor weather. Dad does not need
to be out in the wind plus he has a lot of trees in his backyard where
large limbs could come crashing down.
The winds are not bad right now, 15 mph, so I took the dogs out back
for an early playtime. Otherwise I just doing odd household chores,
projects, and paying bills this morning. Duke lost last night to
Clemson. They play UNC for the ACC title this afternoon. Paul and
Mary are coming over this afternoon to help Bob with some chemistry
videos. I shall have dog duty as Mary is allergic to they guys. It is
not fair to them to be up here all afternoon by themselves with us
downstairs. They will be talking Chemistry stuff that will be way
beyond my mental capacity anyway. I'm afraid an MLS is no match for two
PHD's in chemistry and Bob's science background.
The NASCAR race is also on if it is on a station we carry and the golf match later this afternoon.
I finished the Vineyard mystery First Light. The book was set up with
Tapply and Craig's characters going back and forth for each chapter as
the plot moved forward. It worked much better than some books I have
ready in that style. I could not tell the difference between the two
authors' writing. Not sure how they actually wrote the book but it was
just as good as the ones authored by Craig alone. As I mentioned
before, I have not read any of Tapply as a comparison. I have plenty of
books in my library stack to choose from.
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