Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 24 March 2008
Latest Update: Sunday, 30 March 2008 1:10 p.m.
Monday, 24
March 2008
good news is that Duncan appears to be back to his normal self. He was
walking pretty good last night and Bob said he did fine today. We
stopped by Pet Smart on the way over to Frances and Al's yesterday.
They did not have the lift harness in the store. Bob ordered one
on-line today because we know he will have more of these weak spells.
As usual, Frances put on a wonderful spread of ham, macaroni/cheese,
broccoli casserole, deviled eggs, and rolls. The night before she had
made a large pasta casserole using fettucine sauce, carrots, chicken,
asparagus, etc. She gave me some that for my lunch today. Of course, we
brought home lots of leftovers from last night's dinner for tonight. It
being gym night it was a nice quick heat up meal when I got home.
Last night I started another Vineyard mystery, Vineyard Enigma.
Author Craig loves libraries and librarians. Just about every book he
has JW go to the library to do research. He raves about what a great
place libraries are and how wonderful librarians are in helping him
find what he needs. I really wish two things: I had read these books
before I went to Cape Cod and Martha's Vineyard and before he died. I
am almost certain his injections of library lore are from real
experiences possibly in researching his books. It would have been nice
to e-mail and ask him and to thank him for giving us such high praise.
Although I no longer practice my profession as such, I use a lot of my
skills in my current job.
We have had some very strange weather today. After a very chilly
night, it never made it out of the 40's for a high. It was raining a
very cold rain last night when we walked the dogs last time. Tonight is
to be cold again. I walked at lunch today. It was raw and windy even
for me.
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
Last night I finished the Vineyard. Tonight I
am starting St. Patrick's Day Murder by Leslie Meier, which is her
newest one. Be interesting to see what Lucy Stone is up to in Tinker's
Cover this time.
If you also read Bob's
page you know his latest new toy is a very nice microscope he is using
to work on the forensic book. I vaguely remember doing slides and
looking at things under a microscope back in high school. Bob usually
has something to show me each night when I get home. I've mentioned a
few things I would like to look at. He's going to show me how to mount
things on slides myself.
Tomorrow I was supposed to go back to the orthopedic doctor for a
follow up visit on both knees. I canceled the appointment since there
is really no need to go. Although I still have some twinges in one knee
or the other they are both doing okay. I pretty much know what I can
and cannot do. As I feel the knee getting stronger I will try stuff. If
I try something and feels like it is too much I'll stop. If down
the road I don't feel like things are progressing as they should I'll
go back to see him.
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
The last of the cold spell has passed on
through. It made it up to the high 70's today. After dinner I went
around to the back to haul the yard cart out to the curb. I noticed the
azalea's along the driveway have all of a sudden sprouted buds. In
places where the longer limbs of the bushes are up against the house
the buds have actually bloomed out. That side of the house faces south
which makes it get a lot of the afternoon and evening heat and sun. I
bet if I checked the bushes on the north side of the house they will
not have buds on them yet. Hopefully we will not get a late freeze.
We've been watching episodes of A Fine Romance starring Judy Dench and
Michael Williams. Dench and Williams were real life husband and wife,
married from 1971 until Williams died at age 65 in 2001. In this
British comedy, Dench meets a very shy home landscaper Williams through
Dench's sister. The series first aired from 1981 to 1984. Our local PBS
station runs episodes on Saturday night.
Thursday, 27 March 2008
[Thursday] [Friday]
No update.
Friday, 28 March 2008
I'm about done in. I have spend the last two
days at work pretty much on my feet all day hauling stuff and unloading
files. I picked Bob up after work to go to the library, dinner, and the
grocery store.
I am now reading the most recent release by Jacqueline Winspear, An
Incomplete Revenge. Maisie Dobbs has been hired by the son of her
mentor whom she worked for when she was a young girl as a maid. The
Compton's sponsored her education and study which helped her to
eventually open her investigation business. Her elderly father lives on
their country estate in a small cottage and tends to the horses. Young
James Compton is interested in buying an old brick factory along with
the surrounding property in a small rural village. Over the course of a
a few months there have been a string of mysterious fires and vandalism
of which he has asked Maisie to investigate before he purchases the
property. It is hop picking season bringing in families from London and
bands of gypsies. Maisie must try to get to the bottom of the malice
going on in the village and what the secrets are behind it.
Very warm today. Highs in the mid 70's. Tonight is to be a low of 45. Tomorrow is to be a high of 45. Spring weather for sure.
Saturday, 29 March 2008
[Saturday] [Sunday]
I had originally planned earlier in the week
to mow the lawn last night. But as I said last night, I was just
worn out from this past week. Also, the weather gods yesterday morning
had announced thunderstorms for last night but clearing and cold for
today. Ah. Rest this morning, mow, odd jobs this afternoon.
The dogs, or I should say "alarm clock" Malcolm, let us sleep in until
7:45. Bob got up with them. I intended to get up soon after. About the
time he took them out it started to rain, pretty hard, in fact. So, I
snoozed and rested for another hour listening to the rain fall. Other
than doing a couple of small loads of my work clothes and the sheets, I
have no intention of doing much else except rest. Along with the off
and on all day rain we get cold, high of 48, and winds. Great day to
stay inside and relax.
Sunday, 30 March 2008
[Sunday] [Next
The weekly house cleaning chores are
completed. It is another cold and windy day. We had a very light
sprinkle this morning early. Yesterday we only got about 1/4 of an inch
all day.
With the forecast not looking any better for the the early part of next
week I decided to go ahead and mow the lawn after I finished the house
cleaning. I took the dogs out back first to let them play for a
bit and to see just how wet it was. With the wind blowing the grass was
damp/wet but not soaking. Some of the places in the front were really
getting hight, the back not quit so bad. When I started the actual
temperature was 43 but felt like 35. It felt like snow rather than rain
if anything was going to fall. With the mower deck set all the
way up it went pretty well. I had a small amount of grass sticking to
the undersides of the deck but not enough to clog the mower. I scrapped
the sides good with a stick when I got to the back yard.
I've paid the bills, cleaned off my desk, and caught up on my web
pages. Other than cooking dinner and walking the dogs that's about it
for today. Next week will be pretty busy getting things settled in on
the new floor.
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