Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 23 June 2008
Latest Update: Sunday, 29 June 2008 1:00 p.m.
Monday, 23
June 2008
Bob took time out from his busy schedule to download and post my pictures from my trip on Saturday.

The sign behind the tall flowers indicates this section of flowers are deer resistant.

told Bob when I took close ups I included the sign so I would not have
to remember what I took pictures of. I might try to plant this next

One of the many test beds, this one of flowers. The veggies are to the left of the bed where those folks are standing.

Tuesday, 24 June 2008
I forgot to mention the movie we watched
coming home Saturday. Holiday Tours has a license to show movies. I
have seen some really good ones over the years that I most likely would
never have heard of or watched. They also show a couple of really good
comedians. Obviously the movies/comedians are good family
entertainment. The one we saw Saturday was Eight Below
about a guide who runs a sled dog team at a science base in Antarctica.
While on a trip with a scientist both the guide and the scientist are
injured during a blizzard. The team gets them back to base camp but all
must fly out leaving the dogs. The pilot was to return immediately to
get them but was unable to. The story goes back and forth between
showing the dogs and the guide once he makes it back to the states.
Another excellent dog movie.
I finished reading the Craig/Tapply last night and started a new Nancy Martin who writes the Blackbird Sister mysteries, Murder Melts in Your Mouth.
The Rescue Mission, a local non-profit that helps the homeless, picked
up my two old lawn mowers today. They will repair them to sell in their
outlet store. The one old mower was actually dad's at one time. When he
bought a new one I kept the old one as a backup. I had to use it a
couple of times when mine was in the shop.
Last night was gym night, tonight I came home and mowed. With the dry
weather it was not all that high but the forecast for the rest of the
week is to be back into the low to mid 90's.
Wednesday, 25 June 2008
No update.
Thursday, 26 June 2008
[Thursday] [Friday]
Just dropping in to say hello. Not really
much in the news other than weather. The temperatures at noon were in
the low 90's so I skipped walking and read instead. When I left work it
looked like a storm was coming in. But, by the time I got to the gym it
looked like it was going to go past us. It has been like that all week,
rain to the north or south of us. I rained a few drops on the way home.
When we walked the dogs after dinner we checked the outside rain gage
which read a tenth of an inch. Not enough to register on the inside
We been watching Lovejoy, Eureka, and a new version of Robin Hood. All the actors and actresses are excellent but the actor playing the sheriff is really good.
Friday, 27 June 2008
No update.
Saturday, 28 June 2008
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Around four o'clock yesterday afternoon I was
checking the weather to see if any rain was coming in. A pretty good
sized storm was just reaching us here at home. I called Bob to let him
know in case he wanted to take the dogs out before it hit. We only got
.33 inches of rain but evidently a lot of wind. I had limbs and sticks
down all over the place when I got home. It had passed through here and
downtown by the time I left work and headed to the grocery store.
Bob got up at 7 with dogs and I got up around 8. I had to made a trip
out to Lowe's Home Center to pick up a few things I needed for yard
projects today. I let the dogs help in front yard while I picked up
sticks and limbs and pulled a few weeds from the flower bed and natural
areas. Then I put them in the house while I edged. I will not be able
to mow again until we get a substantial rain. Other than the Bermuda
the grass is looking a little brownish and not growing much. After I
cleaned up the mess from edging I came in to take a break and eat
lunch. It was hot in the sun even though the temperatures were only in
the low 80's. A good breeze would come up every once in awhile.
After lunch I took the dogs down back while I cleaned and pulled weeds.
We played a little ball in between the work. Malcolm has been bouncing
off the walls the last couple of days. I wanted him to get a chance to
really run around and burn some energy. Duncan is doing fair. I'm not
sure if it is the actual heat or the humidity that makes his back end
weak. He had several falls yesterday while outside on his walk. He did
pretty good today. After I finished the clean up I planted the tree
rose in the big plastic planter I bought at Lowe's.
I did some reading during the week on line and in my garden book about
the tree rose. The area of South Carolina where Park Seed is located
borderlines the zone 7 & 8. The rest of SC is 8 which usually on
gets down to between 10 and 20 degrees in winter. We are in zone 7
which averages 0 10 10 degrees. From what I read tree roses do best in
as low as 8. 7 and lower they need to be protected in winter. Now, we
very rarely get the 0 to 10 here in the Piedmont. If we do it usually
only lasts for a couple of days. The recommended procedure for cold
weather is bring it indoors for the winter or cover the top of the
plant with burlap or similar material. I decided to plant my tree rose
in a large planter. That way I can either bring it in this winter or
move it to a protected area near the house. I moved a couple of my
bedding plants from the front to plant around the base of the tree rose
to make the top of the planter look a little more attractive. I put the
planter by the steps to the deck where it will get a lot of sunshine.
That's about all for today. I had a very busy week at work. I think I
shall take the rest of the day off and rest. Last night I finished
reading the Blackbird Sisters mystery. Today I shall start one of the
China Bayles I have in my library stack.
Sunday, 29 June 2008
[Sunday] [Next
We have had a rather exciting Sunday morning.
The phone woke me with a weird ring at 6:50 which was followed by all
sorts of beeps and rings. We had lost power setting off UPS all over
the place. Not sure why the phone rung. I While Bob shut down systems
and turned off the infernal beeping I took the dogs out. Bob called
1-800-PowerOn to find out how long the outage would be. The recording
said fixed by 10am this morning. Bob went back to bed, I stretched out
on the sofa. Not able to sleep I went back to bed to read. The bedroom
gets the morning sun making it bright enough to read without needing
light. I read several chapters in the China Bayles, Lavender Lies I
started last night before getting sleepy enough to put my book down and
try to get in some additional snoozing. The house came alive at 9am
waking me back up.
The dogs and I got back up. I gave them their morning vitamins/pills
and fixed me a bowl of cereal before settling down with the Sunday
paper. When Bob got up he started resetting the network, etc. only to
discover the router was dead. After checking the Sunday Best Buy ad to
see if they had what he needed I called to find out they did not open
until 11. While he took his shower I penned up the dogs to give the
house a quick run through with vacuum. After he got dressed, Bob
vacuumed under his desk where he pulled out the router and ups
It took about an hour to drive over to Best Buy, shop, and home again.
I took the dogs out back for some playtime while Bob worked on getting
us back up. The temperatures had jumped pretty quickly from a pleasant
75 to close to 90. We had brief storm come by us yesterday afternoon,
the bulk of it went south, giving us another .28 inches of rain.
Poor Malcolm. With July 4th next Friday they had the fireworks tents
set up in the parking lot of the grocery store around the corner. Last
night kids has already started firing them off. One bang and he makes a
beeline for the house pulling like a train. They do not bother him
while he is indoors. I am sure it will be like that all week.
This afternoon I shall finish up the house cleaning, clear off my desk, and pay some bills. Another weekend gone already.
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