Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 7 July 2008
Latest Update: Sunday, 13 July 2008 2:20 p.m.
Monday, 7
July 2008
news. The doctors let mom go home today. Dad and I got to the hospital
around 7:30. My plans were to visit then go on to work. We decided I
may as well stay until the doctor came to find out if she could go home
today and what time. She was doing so well yesterday I was pretty sure
they would send her home unless they found something in her blood work
that would require keeping her.
The doctor came in around 8:45, asked a few questions, checked her
over and said she could go home as soon as the discharge papers were
drawn up. I took them home and was at work by 10:45. By working
straight through and staying until 5:15 I only have an hour to make up
during this week.
Since I have actually been away from work since Thursday noon, I had
several projects waiting as well as stuff to catch up on from last week
from being out of work almost two full days after all the coming and
going. In addition to being worn out from a long week of hospital
visits I was up an hour earlier than usual this morning so dad and I
could get to the hospital. I talked to dad this afternoon. He said mom
was doing real well. She is on a somewhat restricted diet until they
make sure the ulcer completely heals and does not leave scar tissue to
reblock the opening.
Bob said we got a little over an inch of rain from a storm yesterday
afternoon. Bob and the dogs will enjoy being back to our usual
Tuesday, 8 July 2008
Mom continues to do well. I called to check on her around lunch time.
We had a pretty good rain storm downtown around noon. I had to walk to
the post office to mail something for Bob. On the way back it started
sprinkling. When I looked out a little while later it was coming down
pretty good. I called Bob to see if it rained here. He said we had a
quarter of an inch. We've had enough rain, along with the summer
lawn treatment, to get the
grass growing pretty good. I had decided if it was not raining when I
got off work or had not rained in the last hour I would forgo the gym
to come home and
mow. Since we had rain earlier instead of mulching I set the deck
down one notch and put the
catching bag on. I wanted to make sure the bag did not have any
manufacturing problems, see how much grass it held, and see if I liked
the way it went on and off. Also, I wanted to put the electric starter
through a normal mowing session with the bag on to see if it indeed
would hold a charge cranking it each time I had to empty the bag. The
grass was still a little damp in places which would have made mulching
tough as high as the grass had grown.
The mower performed great in all the above tests. Just as I was about
to finish the skies started turning dark and the wind picked up blowing
leaves from the trees. I guess that storm passed us by but we have one
moving in now. It had just started to rain when we took the dogs out
after dinner.
Wednesday, 9 July 2008
I guess I have mentioned my work area is
actually in an alcove in the file room. I do not need an outer office
like the secretaries and paralegals have that are along the interior of
the hallway. The outer offices with the large windows are attorneys,
etc. At least I can look out a window unlike when I worked in the
basement. This afternoon when I looked out, I am on the side of the
building that faces northwest, the skies were really dark. When I
checked the weather radar it showed a big, ugly storm already about
where I house is and coming our way. It had passed through by the time
I got off work from downtown but by the time I got to the gym it poured
down again.
We had a lot of wind and 1.75 inches of rain. I picked up the sticks in
the front yard since I had the yard cart already pulled up to go to the
curb tonight. I have some very large limbs down in the back.
Last night I finally finished reading the first Tapply mystery. It was
very good I just have not had a lot of reading time the last week.
Today at lunch I started the third and most recent Louise Penny
mystery, The Cruelest Month featuring chief inspector Armand Gamache
set in Three Pines, Quebec.
Thursday, 10 July 2008
[Thursday] [Friday]
No update.
Friday, 11 July 2008
I was not sure I would make it until 5pm
today. After the long week/weekend with mom sick, getting caught up at
work, and the normal day to day stuff I am completely whacked. We were
really busy today but I managed to hang on until the end. I had to make
a library/grocery store stop on the way home.
Instead of watching a TV series I am watching a concert of Loreena
McKinnett's from Spain, Nights from the Alhambra. I have most if
not all of her CD's including this one. Bob recorded the PBS TV show
for me. I am enjoying relaxing and listening to her music.
Saturday, 12 July 2008
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Malcolm the rooster started pestering at 6:50
to go out. By 7:15 I had enough and got up to let them out then went
back to bed. Bob and I both got up around 8:15. I had some errands to
run after breakfast before getting started in the yard. I let the guys
out to help pick up sticks and limbs from the storm the other night.
Some were so long and big around in diameter I had to saw them in short
lengths before they would fit in the yard cart. I had a cart full by
the time I was finished. I moved a bush and planted another lantana
plant before taking a lunch break.
After lunch I took the guys back out for one short play session.
Although the temperatures are in the high eighties it was still getting
warm and humid for them to be out. I put them back in then mowed. That
2 inches of rain really made the grass grow. I had set the mower deck
back up after the last mowing but it was still high enough to need
another cutting.
Rest and relax, maybe watch some golf are about all I intend to do for the rest of the day.
Sunday, 13 July 2008
[Sunday] [Next
Malcolm let us sleep in until 7:45 which was
fine since I had house cleaning chores, etc to get started on. After I
finished I took the dogs down for some playtime. At 10 am it was only
81 degrees but the humidity was already getting bad. While they rested
in the shade I flatten and put a load of cardboard in the back of the
truck to drop off at the fire station on the way to my folks.
Mom fixed lunch for us, Frances also came over. We had a nice long
visit. Mom is getting along well in her recovery. The doctors did find
the H-Pylori virus in her stomach which caused all the ulcer problems.
She will find out more about that when she goes back for her follow-up
I will keep the dogs in this afternoon except for brief walks. It is 88 degrees with 51% humidity.
Last night Bob and I tried an episode of Torchwood. Another weird program on the order of Eureka crossed with Buffy the Vampire Slayer. We also watched an episode of the Dog Whisperer. Um. Interesting to say the lease. We will watch those periodically.
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