Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 14 July 2008
Latest Update: Sunday, 20 July 2008 12:40 p.m.
Monday, 14
July 2008
was a normal, busy Monday. I was working so intensely on a project late
this afternoon when I finally looked at the clock it past 5pm. Since I
usually leave at 4:45 on gym night I was technically late leaving.
Since I walked to the post office and back around to the office the
long way I only did about 35 minutes at the gym.
I learned a neat trick yesterday at my mom's house. As you know my
sister is a wonderful cook. She has a two year degree in food service.
Her and mom watch all those cooking shows on the food channel.
Yesterday, mom had sliced and peeled several large potatoes to make
homemade fries for our lunch. She did not use them all. Since I was
frying chicken for dinner last night I asked Frances if there was a way
I could preserve them until I fixed dinner. She had me put them in a
plastic zip lock bag with a few ice cubes and cold water. I brought
them home and put them in the fridge until time to fix dinner.
After I emptied and drained them I cut them up to make a small pan
of hash browns. The potatoes had not discolored at all and were just as
fresh as if I had just sliced them myself. Ha. The things you learn.
I am still reading the Louise Penny mystery. Inspector Gamache and his
team from the Surete du Quebec are investigating the death of a woman
who died during a seance in the old Hadley house. The Hadley house has
made previous appearances in the Three Pines Mystery series. Now empty,
the locals consider the house haunted with evil spirits. As Gamache
goes about his business investigating the murder he has several enemies
on his team out to get him for his part in the prosecution of a popular
big wig in the Surete.
Tuesday, 15 July 2008
No update.
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
What a day! I love, love my job but boy is it
mentally exhausting. It was a day of untangling problems and digging
through legal documents. By late this afternoon my brain was sizzled. I
had planned to come home and mow. With the rain and cool nights it was
getting high again. Plus, I need to drop the mower deck down one notch.
Bob called while I was at lunch to let me know Scott's had come to
treat the lawn. He called me back a few minutes later with another
message. He had thoughtfully gone out to ask the lawn guys if I could
mow this evening. They told him I should wait at least 24 hours.
So, I switched tomorrow nights plans to tonight. I picked up Bob after
work to make a quick stop at the library and have dinner at new Italian
deli just around the corner. They do mostly take out and catering but
they do have a high counter around one side of the restaurant and a big
table for eating in. They specialize in mostly sandwiches and fabulous
desserts. We passed on the desserts. The sandwiches are good and they
have vegetarian choices if we go with Paul and Mary.
From there it was on to the drugstore and a quick stop at the grocery store to pick up juice and drinks for Bob.
For the middle of July we are having very mild weather. Highs in the
80's, lows at night down into the high 60's and low 70's. The humidity
is up, between 40 and 60% but that's the south in the summer time.
Thursday, 17 July 2008
[Thursday] [Friday]
Last night I stayed up until almost midnight
to finish the Louise Penny. This started off a little slow and
confusing but midway through it picked up. Between taking short lunches
and not being able to stay up long to read I was determined to finish
it last night.
Today I worked until 2:00 using the time I had banked all week plus no
lunch today. This morning I ordered three scoops of mulch to be
delivered. Not sure how much that is in square feet, or round pile
footage or whatever but it is a lot. Unfortunately the only place large
enough to dump it and not block the drive is at the bottom of the hill.
That requires wheel barreling it back half way up the hill and across
the yard to the natural areas in the front.
Of course, I first had to mow. After I finished I let the dogs help me
with several loads before I put them back in. I did pick a good day
weather wise. Clear skies, humidity in the low 30% and temperatures in
the mid to high 80's with a really nice breeze. I moved about a third
of the pile before stopping around 4:30 to in for dinner and a rest.
After we ate I moved another third finishing up the biggest natural
area to be covered. I quit around 7:45. Had I not had to mow I most
likely would have been able to move most if not all of it to the front.
There are few small beds in the back.
The forecast has been for afternoon thunderstorms tomorrow so I decided
to get started this afternoon. This was a project originally planned
for 4th of July weekend but mom's hospital adventure took precedence.
There is low down in Florida that may be coming our way with lots of
rain if it holds together. I hope to finish Saturday morning before it
gets here or the forecasted afternoon thunderstorms.
Time to go rest and cool off.
Friday, 18 July 2008
No update.
Saturday, 19 July 2008
[Saturday] [Sunday]
I spent the morning hauling and spreading the
remaining mulch pile. It took most of the three scoops for the front. I
did not have enough left to do more than part of a small area in the
back. After lunch I edged and swept up then trimmed the dead blooms off
the three high geranium bush in the back. The white one blooms real
early. Not only do they fade but the blooms are so big and heavy the
bow the limbs down in my way when I mow by that bush. There was also a
sticky vine growing out that liked to reach out an grab when when I
went by,
The weather was coolish but humid I had the dogs out several times to
help. There was a pretty good breeze off and on for awhile. That low in
Florida went out to sea. It looks like it will hug the coast rather
than come inland and bring us any chance of rain. We've had high clouds
from the feeder bands but the rains bands do look as if they will get
this far west.
I am reading the third in the Tapply, Brady Coyne mysteries. In Follow
the Sharks Tapply introduces a character that was a drafted by the Red
Sox. The pub date for this novel is 1985. Coyne negotiates the contract
for Eddie Donagan who just so happen to be discovered by one of Coyne's
clients and friend Sam. Eddie's career as an ace pitcher goes in the
tank a few years after Eddie marries Sam's daughter Jan. Eddie's
continuous mysterious disappearances for months at a time finally force
Jan to move back in with father along with Eddie and Jan's young son.
One Saturday morning E.J., now ten, leaves the house to deliver his
paper route and never returns. Sam calls Coyne to help Jan with the
emotional support while the police and FBI search. Several days later
Coyne gets the ransom call. Even after they deliver the money the boy
does not reappear.
Sunday, 20 July 2008
[Sunday] [Next
After I gave Bob his hair cut I did the weekly house cleaning chores.
In writing about the Tapply book yesterday I forgot to finish one of my
thoughts about the pub date of the book. Growing up my dad took my to
the local AAA minor league baseballs games. At the time we were the
farm team for the Red Sox. I am sure many of the players I saw play in
the 60's went on to be famous ball players in Boston or with other
teams. The local paper is running a bio on the Monday sports page of
famous ball players who played here in Winston for our farm team or the
opposing team. The city is building a new baseball stadium to replace
the old one. In Tapply's book, he uses references to a few real players
active at the time, which of course I recognize from watching baseball
on the tube. In one of Craig/Tapply's combined efforts another washed
up Red Sox baseball player makes an appearance. And Craig references
the Red Sox many times in his novels.
I am getting ready to run some errands to the pet store and Lowe's. At
Lowe's I am picking up another lantana plant for my dad for an early
birthday present. The one we planted earlier died but not from natural
causes. He had his lawn guys do some work in his natural area and I
think they mistakenly sprayed with with weed killer. After I get the
plant in the ground we are going over to Frances and Al's for a
cookout. Al's son and grandchildren are in town staying at their house
for a visit.
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