Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 29 September 2008
Latest Update: Sunday, 5 October 2008 4:00 p.m.
Monday, 29
September 2008
day. I had a hair cut appoint at 5:15. From there I ran a couple of
errand picking up a baked potatoe and drink at Wendy's on the way to
the hospital. I sat in the room and visited with dad while I ate my
dinner. If all goes according to plan he should get to go home tomorrow.
I left the hospital a little after 8.
night I finished Stealing Lumby. I am going to start a William Tapply
tonight. I have another Tapply and a China Bayles from the library to
get caught up on. I will then order the third and most recent book in
the Lumby series.
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
If you are not a regular reader of Bob's page you may want to click over
to see the picture he posted yesterday of our kitchen after we finished
ripping out the counters, sink, and stove top. The range hood is the
old one. We left it up to provide light for working until we are ready
to put up the new one. They came today and installed the new counter
top and dropped the range top in place. Bob has not hooked it up as
yet. We still have to have the plumber in to hook up the fixtures and
new garbage disposal.
I had my appointment this morning with my
knee doctor. He scheduled my MRI for Thursday morning. I was at work by
9:30. At 1:00 mom called to let me know dad was being released from the
hospital. By the time I cleared up what I was working on, walked to the
car, and drove the short distance to the hospital mom was just bringing
down dad's stuff.
He was able to get in the front seat of the
Trooper with little trouble. After getting him and his stuff in the
house I made a trip to CVS to pick up a couple of things they needed.
After making sure dad was settled I came home, leaving their house
around 4pm, to do some yard work.
I picked up all the sticks and
debris blown down from the storm over the weekend then mowed. It was
really high plus some of the leaves are already falling. After I
finished mowing I cranked up the lawn vacuum to get the leaves from the
driveway. While I was working outside Bob ordered pizze. It had arrived
well before I finished in the yard.
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
I finally made it back to the gym tonight, first time since dad had his
knee surgery. I feel energized again. Yard work and ripping out counter
tops is not a substitute for working out at the gym for me.
plumber installed the fixtures and hooked up the new garbage disposal.
Bob ran our first load of dished through the dish washer this
afternoon. Tonight we washed up a large pile of plastic containers and
big bowls we collected since last weekend.
Fall weather is upon us. Tonight is to be in the high 40's with a breeze.
Dad did well his first full day at home. He has a physical therapist coming to the house right now.
Thursday, 2 October 2008
[Thursday] [Friday]
No update.
Friday 3 October 2008
The end of another very long week. I went to
the grocery store after work today for the first time in several weeks;
since the Costco run. I picked up stuff for making a salad for dinner
since Bob has not had time to hook up the range top. Last night we ate
at Zoes.
Last night I finished reading the Tapply. Tonight I will start another China Bayles.
Saturday, 4 October
[Saturday] [Sunday]
I did the usual house cleaning chores
including washing my load of work cloths and sheets. Bob and I went out
to Lowe's to return the facuet set we did not use and look at more
kitchen stuff. We were not happy with the selection of tile. I picked
up paint chips to start deciding on paint colors. Bob headed back to
the car while I went out through the garden center to pick up a flat of
fall pansies to plant tomorrow.
This afternoon I cleaned up the
inside of my car and gave it a wash. I've had the dogs out back to
play. It is really a beautiful fall day. Blue skies, temperatures in
the low to mid 70's and a slight breeze.
I've made some progress on getting stuff put back away in the kitchen. I will work on it some more this afternoon and tomorrow.
Sunday, 5 October
[Sunday] [Next
I went over to my parents this morning around
10 to visit and see if any help was needed. Dad continues to progress.
He is doing is homework, as in exercises, icing, and keeping his knee
up. I helped mom with a few household chores. I know from experience
how tiring it is for the caregiver to just keep ahead of the game
taking care of the patient let alone trying to get things done around
the house.
This afternoon I did the yard/leaf cleanup. It was
easier to blow the leaves from the front natural area onto the driveway
then vacuum those plus the ones in the yard under the silver maple that
are falling right now. Afterward I mowed the front and side. I then
blew the deck leaves and under the deck, vaccumed those up and mowed
the back. Finally I planted the flat of pansies I purchased yesterday.
Another beautiful fall day to be outside.
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