Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 24 November 2008
Latest Update: Sunday, 30 November 2008 2:30 p.m.
Monday, 24 November
very rarely get sick. Late yesterday afternoon I started feeling a
little funny but at dinner thinking I would feel better. Instead I went
to bed at 8 and was up most of the night. I cannot remember ever being
as sick. This morning I called the doctor's office as soon as they
opened. Bob drove me over. I pretty much knew it was gastroenteritis
but the usual over the counter medicines had not touched it.
dropped me off back home they went to have my medicines filled. I have
most of the day lying on the couch resting. My appetite is still way
off but I am also being very cautious. I had planned to get the
leaves up in the back yard today before the rain came in tonight. Bob
took the blower and rake and moved them all to the natural areas when
they will rot down over the winter.
They missed the weather
forecast. It started to lightly drizzle this afternoon while Bob was
out taking care of the leaves.
I had also scheduled a vet
appointment for Malcolm for his yearly checkup for today. Bob had to
take him for me. I am feeling better this afternoon. I should be mostly
back to normal by tomorrow.
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
I went to bed last night around 8:30 and
slept well all night. Bob got up with the dogs around 7, I was up
shortly thereafter. I feel close but not quit back to full
The Wilson Pest folks were coming by at 8 for our
yearly termite inspection. I also had a 9:50 follow-up appointment with
my knee doctor and I needed to take the turkey neck and giblets by my
mom's house for her to make the dressing with tomorrow.
doctor was pleased with how the knee is going. Just keep doing my
exercises and let the knee do what it can. I see him again in 8
weeks. Afterwards I ran a couple of errands while I that side of town.
afternoon I will relax and take it easy and not try to push things too
much. I am eating very lightly and drinking a lot of fluids to get
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Bob came down with the intestinal bug I had
even though I was not supposed to be contagious. His started late last
night and like me, was up most of the night. Hopefully he will also be
like me and recover in the next 12 hours since tomorrow is Turkey Day
at the Thompson house.
So, I have dog and nurse duty for change.
I left the house long enough to run a couple of errands and go to the
gym for a quick workout. I need to keep on my knee exercises.
was very cold overnight but has warmed up nicely into the high 40's and
lots of sunshine. Not as much wind. I shall spend a quiet day taking
care of Bob and the dogs.
Thursday, 27 November 2008
[Thursday] [Friday]
Happy Thanksgiving. Bob seems to be
recovered. I finished reading the Tapply last night and started the new
Anne Perry, Christmas Grace. Perry has sent Charlotte's sister Emily
off to visit their fathers estranged sister in Ireland. After their
aunt Susannah ran off and married an Irish Catholic Susannah lost touch
with the family. Now the week of Christmas widowed Susannah has
requested either Charlotte or Emily come to her small Irish Village to
settle family matters before she dies.
It is a beautiful day.
I will start Thanksgiving dinner preparations later this afternoon but
will otherwise spend the day reading and relaxing.
Friday 28 November 2008
No update.
Saturday, 29 November
[Saturday] [Sunday]
I guess I will let the cat out of the bag. We
had a wonderful visit with Marcia, Brian, Molly, and Lucy. They arrived
last Sunday and left this morning for home. Of course, I came down with
what I thought was a stomach problem Sunday night that turned out to be
a stomach bug. As I said earlier Bob came down with it Tuesday night
and Marcia and Brian on Thursday night.
On Monday while I
recovered Brian and Bob removed the leaves from the back yard just in
time for the Scott's lawn service to show up Wednesday to put down my
winter feeding. If the leaves had still been piled in the back yard he
would have had to come back or skip me altogether. I don't know what
would have happened.
We had a lovely Thanksgiving Day. Brian
cooked bacon and eggs for a big brunch then we snacked until
dinnertime. The folks and Frances came over around 3:00. We used the
team method of cooking with mom, Frances, me, Marcia, and Brian all
helping with various stages of the last minute preparations. They
stayed until around 7pm.
Unfortunately Marcia and Brian came
down the crud during the night. Brian's was a mild case, Marcia was hit
much worse. She spend Friday in bed which made us have to miss the
crafts fair. I went out to the grocery store and also picked out my
Christmas tree. Bob helped me get it in the house and in the stand.
The tree is now decorated as is the little tree in the den. It has been a cool, gray day but not rain so far.
finished the Anne Perry on Thursday and am not reading the second book
in Deanna Raybourn's Lady Julia Grey series. As I mentioned when I read
her first one I fell in love with her writing in the first chapter.
Lady Julia has such a dry sense of humor making either witting comments
and/or thoughts. If you like late Victorian England I highly recommend
her first two books. The third book in the series is due out the first
of next year.
Sunday, 30 November
[Sunday] [Next
First thing this morning I gave Bob a much
needed haircut before starting on the house cleaning chores. Afterwards
I finished up the Christmas decorations getting my village set up and a
the tabletops in the dinning room.
It is a nasty day outside.
We just barely missed getting either frozen and/or white precipitation.
Instead we've had a little over an inch of very cold rain with
temperatures just barely breaking into the 40's. I have bills to
pay and perhaps will work on my Christmas cards.
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