Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 15 December 2008
Latest Update: Sunday, 21 December 2008 2:20 p.m.
Monday, 15 December
Pictures of my tree and Christmas village and the new shelves Bob installed in the kitchen.

Tuesday, 16 December 2008
I shall add some to Bob's story
about cooking his dirt on his journal page today. Actually when I
arrived home from the gym last night I opened the door from the garage
into the finished area of the basement where the stairs are to find Bob
standing there with a paper plate of dirt. I said to him "gosh dear,
thanks for having dinner ready".
After dinner last night we were
cleaning up the kitchen. I asked him where the dish towel was that
usually hangs on the stove. His answer " I used it to carry my hot dirt
downstairs". Welcome to my world.
We shot some more hand pictures last night after we walked the dogs first time.
was a really nasty day today with drizzle and wind. Not nearly as bad
as what they have going up with the ice storms up north. I have seen
many of those in past winters down here.
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
No update.
Thursday, 18 December 2008
[Thursday] [Friday]
Gym last night. When I got home we shot a
couple of more pictures for the chapter Bob was trying to finish up. By
the time we finished, ate a light dinner, and I checked my mail it was
already going on 8pm.
I am reading a new Peter Tremayne,
the Sister Fidelma books set in 7th century Ireland. As I have
mentioned before I do not read a lot from this time period but I do
like this series. As with most of his books, the novel is set on a real
event which took place during this time. Tremayne, whose real name is
Peter Berresford Ellis, is a Celtic scholar. I think the main reason I
like the books is the historical aspects as well as his characters. I
think this series would make an interesting PBS television show.
this week we started watching The Pallisers, an excellent British
series based on a series of books by Anthony Trollope. Made in 1974 we
recognize a lot of our favorite actors at an early age. Susan Hampshire
from Monarch of the Glen plays the lovely Lady Glencora Palliser. There
are 26 episodes. We are doing two a night.
Today is the fourth
day of either rain, fog, drizzle, clouds, or all of the above. We have
not seen much of the sun since last weekend. The middle of the
week it was cold and wet, today and tomorrow is to be warm and wet.
Friday 19 December 2008
No update.
Saturday, 20 December
[Saturday] [Sunday]
I have spent the day catching up on washing
and ironing my work pants and shirts and doing little odds and end jobs
that needed done. My ironing basket has not been empty since my knee
surgery because I have been unable to stand long enough to iron more
than a few pieces at a time. Last weekend I told Bob to skip washing
that load and I would get it all caught up this weekend.
While I
had that load washing I ironed what was already in the basket. I
organized the pile of stuff on my desk, paid some bills, and wrapped a
couple of presents that came in the mail this week. I still have a
couple more to arrive. I hope they get here before Thursday.
afternoon I ironed the load of stuff I washed this morning. With an
abbreviated work schedule during the holidays the work washing/ironing
baskets will not get filled up as quickly. I don't have enough shirts
and blouses to let things get too piled up or I will run out of things
to wear. Having a lot of clothes hanging in the closet has never been
my style. As I wear it out, I throw it out, and buy something to
This morning was once again overcast/foggy but I had
the dogs out back for playtime anyway since more rain is due in this
afternoon and tonight.
Sunday, 21 December
[Sunday] [Next
We had another inch of rain over night. The
ground is really saturated with all the rain and lack of sun and wind
to dry things up.
This morning I vacuumed up the dog hair and leaves from the corners and middle of the floor and cleaned the bathrooms.
started hanging the lower kitchen cabinet doors. Bob had to measure
each door frame to see where to drill the holes. We went from hinges
mounted on the front of the doors to hinges mounted behind the doors.
Once again it is hard to retrofit stuff to a 40 year old house. While
Bob was taking a break between doors I pulled out the stuff on the
bottom shelves to pull up the contact paper. It needed to be pulled up
before we can mount the new catches. All the bottom cabinets now have
doors which is all we will try to do today.
I finished reading
the Sister Fidelma last night. I still have a backlog of library books
to get caught up reading that Bob has already read.
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