Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 8 December 2008
Latest Update: Sunday, 13 December 2008 3:30 p.m.
Monday, 8 December
I'm back. We had a great weekend at Myrtle Beach. Both Christmas shows were excellent but this year I thought the Alabama Theater show was better than the Carolina Opry.
We had fairly good weather for the outdoor shopping at Barefoot
Landing on Saturday. On Sunday at Broadway at the Beach it was very
windy but lots of sunshine.
I am reading another Ann Purser, Lois Mead mystery from my TBR shelf that I took along with me on the trip.
had a haircut appointment at five then I ran some errands to run. I
have finished most of my Christmas shopping between online stuff and
the places at the beach plus what I found tonight.
We are still having cold weather for this time of year with temperatures ranging about 10 degrees colder.
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Gym night tonight. Hopefully I will get there
two nights this week. It has been a very busy schedule for me since the
first of the month. I stopped at the grocery store on the way home to
pick up a few things we needed since I have not been in almost two
weeks. About once a month or so I have a long list but otherwise weekly
shopping is just picking up milk, juice, and snack stuff as we run out.
warmed up some today but was overcast. I was just barely sprinkling
when we started out walking the dogs after dinner. Just as we came in
it started raining harder. The bulk of the rain is not supposed to
arrive until tomorrow.
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
I worked through lunch today and left at
3:30. Bob and I needed to make a trip out to Lowe's hopefully to pick
up the last of the stuff we need to finish the kitchen; shelf brackets,
light switches and plates, etc. He also picked up a good set of drill
bits and a neat inexpensive ratchet driven screwdriver set for getting
into hard to reach places. The tools will serve as an early Christmas
From Lowe's we went to Zoes for dinner then home. As
promised the rain came in over night and all day today. We are up to
almost an inch and a half with more on the way. As a matter of fact we
are under flash flood watch as the front comes through tonight and
tomorrow with possibly 1 to 2 inches of rain per hour. This is the
second time we've had major moisture come up from the gulf/south with
warm temperatures. This weather pattern is how we get our major snow
storms. We get the moister from the gulf combined with the cold
temperatures. Both times, so far, it has been too warm.
Way too warm, the southern states have had severe/tornadic weather while the northeast is getting pelted with an ice storm.
Thursday, 11 December 2008
[Thursday] [Friday]
No update.
Friday 12 December 2008
Whew. End of a very long week. I did make it
to the gym last night. Between all the running around I did last week
plus being gone over the weekend followed by another busy week my
batteries are starting to run low.
We had almost three inches
of rain by late yesterday afternoon. The forecast for last night
and this morning was more rain but I think it all left us by the time
we walked the dogs last night second time. Behind it came a cold front
with lots of wind.
I am reading another Dalziel and Pascoe, An
April Shroud. This one is rather interesting. Pascoe has married and
taken off on his honeymoon. Dalziel decides to take a two week vacation
leaving from the little village where the wedding took place.
Unfortunately Dalziel did not get very far due to the roads being
flooded from torrential rains. After stopping along the flooded river
to watch two boats passing, one of which is carrying a coffin, he tries
to proceed on his way when his car becomes flooded over on the road. He
is rescued by the group returning from the funeral who take him back to
Lake House. He soon discovers some very weird things going on in the
old manor house while he waits for the flood waters to recede.
Saturday, 13 December
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Paul and Mary picked up Bob around 8:30 this
morning to go to the gym where Mary and I work out. Mary is getting
certified to teach Body Pump
which requires her to teach the class by herself and be videoed. I did
Body Pump classes for several years but the gym stopped offering the
classes. I had thought about either going along to the gym for a
workout while or taking the classs. Instead I told Bob I had too much
to do so I stayed home instead.
I did the house cleaning,
cleared the stuff stacked three deep on my desk and on the floor of my
office, stripped and washed the sheets and blanket from our bed, took a
shower, and had the dogs out to play by 10:30. I had just sat down at
my computer to check my mail when Paul called to let me know they were
going out for bagels and coffee if I wanted to go along they would pick
me up on the way.
Bob still had some stuff to do at their house
so they dropped me back off on the way home. I spent the afternoon
wrapping Christmas presents. When Bob got home we tackled installing
the range hood. The new tile is just a little bit thicker than the old
ceramic stuff giving us no wiggle room at all for sliding the hood in
the old space. After a couple of tries Bob took the draft baffle off
the back if the hood and fitted it into the hole. We were then able to
get the hood in place.
Next he started measuring and
installing the shelf brackets. We have one more set of those to put up
then he has to secure the boards to the brackets. Turns out Mary went
over the hour limit on her tape. Bob will have to tape another class
but at least they had a dry run.
I am grilling steak and chicken
for dinner tonight. It just made it into the 50's today but will drop
down back into the 30's tonight.
Sunday, 14 December
[Sunday] [Next
I headed out around 8:45 to run some errands on the way over to my folks house.
mom fixed lunch I trimmed and pruned the stuff that had died off after
the first freeze. After lunch I finally got those bulbs planted for mom
I had been trying to get in the ground since mid-October. With all the
rain the ground was a bit soft and muddy. Carolina red clay turns into
Carolina red cement if it gets too wet. Once I finished the bulb
planting I left for home.
While I was gone Bob screwed down the
shelves to the brackets. I unloaded the microwave cabinet so Bob and I
could haul it out the front door. We used my hand cart to roll it down
to the basement. It is amazing how much more open and roomy the kitchen
is without that big cabinet sitting in there.
We've just spent
about 45 minutes shooting hand pictures for the forensic book. I need
to pay bills and wrap a couple of Christmas presents before getting
things organized in the kitchen so I can fix dinner.
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