Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 5 January 2009
Latest Update: Sunday, 11 January 2009 3:20 p.m.
Monday, 5 January 2009
predicted it was a very busy Monday at work. A side note on the
economy. The restaurant housed on the main floor of our building closed
as of last Friday. When the building we are in was built they put in
six or eight retail spaces on the main floor. The only one to be
occupied has been the first one, the now closed restaurant space. This
is the second one to go bust. It was run by a local food
service/catering company. They have several restaurants in the downtown
area including the Reynolds Building where I eat on occasion. I am sure
the rent is very high for those spaces as is on the floors above.
I was off to the gym on the way home. It will be good to get back into a regular routine again after the holidays.
I finished the Dalziel and Pascoe and started the most recent Susan Albert Beatrix Potter book, The Tale of Briar Bank.
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
Last night, just as we stepped out onto the
porch to take the dogs for last time out, there was tremendous clap of
thunder followed by a flash of lightening that was almost blinding.
Malcolm made a quick turn to come back into the house, Duncan seemed
total unconcerned. Bob manged to get Malcolm to go out into the yard
while I led Duncan out toward the street. About the time I got to the
street there was another clap followed by another brilliant burst of
lightening. It was just drizzling rain at this point. I hurried Duncan
back in, Bod had already given up and brought Malcolm back in.
the time I got settled good into bed to read it was pouring. Malcolm
paced around awhile before I finally convinced him to come up on the
bed with me. He was finally happy when he could lay with his head and
chest across my chest. The storm lasted a good half hour before it
started moving on off. Malcolm settled down enough by then to lie down
beside me.
This morning the rain gage showed an inch and half of
rain most of which fell during that storm. Today the temperatures
hovered just enough above freezing to keep the light drizzle today from
being ice or freezing rain. There is an old wives tale about
thunderstorms in winter and snow following somewhere between 7 and 12
days. I have heard variations on the number of days.
We are watching season 2 of Battlestar Gallactica.
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
We ended up with a total of 3 inches of rain
since Monday night. When I left work this afternoon it was pouring down
rain the next block over with the sun shinning. The wind was blowing so
hard down the street behind me I could harding keep from bowling over.
By the time I made it to the gym the sun was trying to come out from
behind the clouds just before it set.
My new phone came today. Bob was letting it charge this afternoon before doing whatever he needs to do to activate it.
Thursday, 8 January 2009
[Thursday] [Friday]
The first week back after the holidays is
always hard, one being having to work an entire week. It has been one
of the busiest weeks at work that I can remember. Not only catching up
from the holidays but just a lot of work coming in at one time. And, I
love it. I like to be busy, it makes the days go by much faster. But, I
am looking forward to tomorrow being Friday.
After work I had to make a library, pet, and grocery store run.
Finally, we had some sunshine today though rather windy and chilly.
Friday 9 January 2009
No update.
Saturday, 10 January
[Saturday] [Sunday]
I've spent the day working on getting the
house put back in some kind of order. Most of the living room stuff is
out of my office and back in the living room though not in place as
yet. I made the mistake of going in search of something from the hall
bath linen closet and ended up vacuuming and reorganizing in there. I
took the dogs out for playtime and picked up the sticks that blew down
from the high winds last week.
This afternoon Bob and I
installed the new switches/outlets in the kitchen to go with the new
tile. That was a bear of a job. Small junction boxes with not much in
the way of room to work. We had to use extra long screws to get them
mounted back in the boxes after having to force them back far enough to
get the screws started in the holes.
Last night I finished the Beatrix Potter book. Next up, a new author, Stephen Booth.
Bob has read the first three in his series which I reserved from the
library while I was catching up on other series we had checked
out. Black Dog, is the first book in the series which are set in the
Peak District of England. I'll let you know my thoughts.
Rain to come in early tonight. It warmed up to the low 50's by this afternoon.
Sunday, 11 January 2009
[Sunday] [Next
Today was pretty much a repeat of yesterday.
I did the weekly house cleaning and finished organizing the living
room. Paul brought over a computer to get Bob's help on this afternoon.
It needed some new parts and a software upgrade.
Steak and
chicken on the grill tonight with boiled red potatoes in their jackets.
More Battlestar Galactica tonight. We are into season 2.5. Weird
numbering system.
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