Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 12 January 2009
Latest Update: Sunday, 18 January 2009 12:20 p.m.
Monday, 12 January 2009
am enjoying the Stephen Booth mystery. He writes police procedurals
along the line of Reginald Hill and Peter Robinson. His character, Ben
Cooper, is the son of a police sergeant. In this intro novel he is
meets his partner, a young transfer to the Peak District Edendale
quarters, Diane Fry. Cooper and Fry are working together to solve the
murder of a young, rich teenager from a nearby mining town.
Haircut tonight followed by a running a few errands.
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
Work continues to be very busy. I get as much done in a day as I can and start over again the next morning.
have some cold air coming down from the north starting tonight. Today
remained cloudy and a lot colder than the predicted sunshine and high
of 50. I am not sure it even made it into the 40's. The sun
finally came out late this afternoon. I went to the gym tonight since I
was out running errands last night.
Guess that's all the news fit to print for now.
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
No update.
Thursday, 15 January 2009
[Thursday] [Friday]
Everything's relative. Here in the triad we
are having the coldest temperatures in 4 years. Not the lowest, just
the coldest. Record lows of -1 go back to the mid to late 70's.
Obviously if you live in Maine or Minnesota our temperatures are
balmy with the current reading at 25 feels like 17. Tonight and
tomorrow night's lows are to be in the teens. Tomorrow's high is 28
with 15 mph winds.
I sat up reading until after 11 last night to
finish the Stephen Booth. Today at lunch I started another Susan
Albert, China Bayles mystery, A Dilly of A Death. As you can tell by
the title Albert is focusing on the herb dill as in dill pickles. She
starts off early in the book with several pickle jokes that are real
groaners. Albert's character has a dry sense of humor anyway giving
readers a good chuckle once in awhile. China's husband has just
opened his own PI business with his first client being the owner of the
largest pickle business in Texas who suspects an employee of
embezzlement. Just before
the annual Pecan Springs Picklefest, of which China and her
business partner/friend
Ruby are on the committee, the pickle Queen as she is known around
town, suddenly disappears.
Tonight was gym night. Tomorrow night, library and store. I am glad it is Friday. It has been another very hard week.
Friday 16 January 2009
No update.
Saturday, 17 January
[Saturday] [Sunday]
After several pestering nudges from Malcolm
Bob got up around 7:15 to take the dogs out. I intended to snooze
another half hour and get up but ended up staying in bed until 8:45. By
that time both Malcolm and Duncan had been back to look for me. They do
not like it when I stay in bed.
I've put away the
Christmas decorations in the downstairs closet, did my load of
work stuff, balanced the check book and cleared my desk off. In between
Bob had me do some hand pictures.
The morning started off at 7
degrees. It has warmed up to a balmy 25 but feels like 17. I did try to
take Malcolm out back this afternoon to play but the kids on the back
street were riding their skateboards. Among the many things Malcolm is
afraid of is the clapping of the wheels on the pavement when they do
jumps and stuff. He went after the ball one time, heard the
skateboards, then turned and started fleeing up the driveway. I managed
to call him back to get him to go in the basement door.
When we walk them with that going on Bob has to hang on for his life to keep from being dragged back into the house.
have no plans for the remaining of the afternoon except to read, rest,
and relax. It was an exhausting week at work. With this being a three
day weekend I can use tomorrow and Monday to get the usual weekend
chores completed.
Sunday, 18 January 2009
[Sunday] [Next
The weekly house cleaning chores are
complete. I started another Stephen Booth mystery while eating lunch,
Dancing With The Virgins.
Bob needs my help shooting some more
pictures. Later this afternoon I am going over to my folks house. We
are attending our neighbor's 80th birthday party. Gilbert and my folks
are the last ones still living in the neighborhood where I grew up.
There may be some still living on the other streets behind theirs but I
doubt of there are very many.
I had Malcolm out for playtime
around mid-morning, before the skateboarders became active. It is
somewhat warmer today, near 40 but still wind chills in the mid 30's.
What I had hoped would be some snow flurries tonight and tomorrow will
most likely be just rain. It would have been a good time to get some
snow with schools and companies closed tomorrow.
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