Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 2 February 2009
Latest Update: Sunday,7 February 2009 4:50 p.m.
Monday, 2 February 2009
guess there is no use in trying to outsmart the weather. It was just
sprinkling as I left work with the temperatures somewhere in the 60's.
By the time I left the gym the temperature had dropped about 20 degrees
and it was raining. The forecast overnight is snow with no
accumulation. The cold weather comes in tomorrow night. I am not sure
how many more times we can dodge the moisture/cold not getting here the
same time. Oh well. if they don't salt the roads I will still come out
ahead on the car washing.
Another hectic Monday at work.
Fortunately my library training comes in handy in being able to juggle
doing two or three things at the same time.
We watched the
Super Bowl to the end last night. It was one of the better games going
down to the wire. Bruce did good with his halftime show changing the
words of Glory Days to football from baseball.
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
The rain last night never did turn to snow
but stayed on the roads long enough to become patches of black ice by
this morning. School in most areas was delayed two hours except our
neighboring county to the east. They had more precipitation.
this afternoon the clouds rolled in and by the time I left work it was
pouring snow. The roads had warmed back up enough for them to be just
wet but we had about 1/4 an inch on the grass and bushes. Right now it
is clear out but we are supposed to get more snow tonight with cold
temperatures by morning. Should be great commute to work either way.
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
More snow during the night did not
materialize but the cold came in behind it. Today the high barely made
it out of the 20's with 15 to 20 mph winds. Tonight temperatures in the
teens with wind chills close to 0. One more day/night of cold than we
get another shot of warm weather to tease us into thinking spring is
around the corner. I have some early, small crocus' up.
finally had a sane day at work without six things going on at one time.
It was too cold to walk at lunch. The real cold air makes my knee
stiffen up too much. It was gym night anyway. I may try to walk
tomorrow since it will be cold but not as windy.
Thursday, 5 February 2009
[Thursday] [Friday]
No update.
Friday 6 February 2009
No update.
Saturday, 7 February
[Saturday] [Sunday]
It's been a slow week for news which is the
reason for the two days of not posting. Other than work, gym, and the
usual shopping that's about all that has been going on this week. I
finished reading the Stephen Booth and am currently reading a very
strange mystery written by an Irishman, Ian Ransom. The Case of the
Missing Books is the first in his Mobile Library mystery series.
Israel Armstrong, Jewish vegetarian, arrives in the small, northern
Irish town of Tumdrum to began his career as the branch librarian.
After a very long journey from his home in England he finds a sign
announcing the library branch has been closed. From the closed
library he proceeds to the Department of Entertainment, Leisure and
Community Services per the sign. There he finds a plump lady in charge
who, after some wrangling, convinces Israel to take the newly opened
job of Mobile Library driver.
The plot sounds normal but the
continued bumbling around by Israel in various circumstances created by
the very strange people in comes in contact with. The bookmobile is an
old, rusted out van, his sleeping accommodations are in a chicken barn,
and when he finally is allowed in the closed branch of the library
where the books are being held to go in the bookmobile he finds the
books have gone missing.
Israel is somewhat of misfit in
society to begin with. He has a lawyer girlfriend back home but has
never been able to hold down a job after his mediocre college
performance. He left a job working in a small bookshop after having had
several temporary library jobs to take what he had hoped to be his
first real job.
In the weather news, Mother Nature has decided
to bring us an early taste of spring. I did the usual house cleaning
chores this morning before taking the dogs out for some backyard
playtime. Today's high is to be in the 60's with more of the same
tomorrow and lows tonight only down in the 40's.
Sunday, 8 February 2009
[Sunday] [Next
Another beautiful springlike day. I went over
to the folks house around mid morning for a visit and lunch. After
lunch dad and I took off for the golf course. Yes, we actually did a
little golfing. I will not call it play golf since we sort of just hit
the ball around the course. We started out on the first hole driving to
about 125 yards out from the green and hitting short clubs in to get
warmed up. It has been almost a year since we last hit balls at the
driving range and longer than that since we actually played a round. As
we progressed along each hole we dropped the ball farther out to
hit longer clubs. We both finally took the driver from the short tees
on 7, 8, and 9.
Dad and I both did well considering the long
layoff. The course was packed so we had to wait a long time before
being able to hit our shots which gave dad time to rest. He said his
knee felt fine, my did okay. I very careful not to take a full, hard
swing. As the weather gets warmer we may be able to go back to
playing at our regular Sunday morning tee off time.
I have a
summons for jury duty for tomorrow. We have to call the night before to
see if our number is included in those jurors who need to report. I'll
check later on tonight.
The red potatoes are on the stove
boiling while I got a quick shower and updated here. Steaks and chicken
on the grill for a nice easy dinner.
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