Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 26 January 2009
Latest Update: Sunday, 1 February 2009 2:00 p.m.
Monday, 26 January 2009
you have been following my recent posts on what I have been reading you
may not realize I am currently reading three series all of which are
police procedurals. When Bob first convinced me to start reading
mysterys I pretty much stuck to Cozy's. I think the first police
procedural I read was a Peter Robinson. Now, I am finding I do enjoy
them as much as I do the Cozy genre.
I am fairly
current on the cozy authors I read and am waiting on new books to come
out. I did pick up a couple at the bookstore that are on my TBR
Today was not too bad at work for a Monday,
first one in several weeks. From there it was on to the gym, late
dinner, and watching something on DVD.
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
No update.
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
We've had two days of nasty, cold, rainy
weather. Yesterday the temperatures stay just enough above freezing to
ward off either snow or an ice storm. Today was a bit warmer and very
foggy. After an inch and half of rain things are starting to clear out
bringing some sunshine by tomorrow.
It's back to being crazy at
work again. The weather has been too messy to walk during lunch but I
did make it to the gym again tonight. The place is very crowded right
now with the first of the year bringing out the two month resolution
folks who join the gym in January and last about two months. I take a
short lunch on gym nights and leave a little early to beat the crowd
and to find a parking place.
Thursday, 29 January 2009
[Thursday] [Friday]
No update.
Friday 30 January 2009
Well the morning got off to an interesting
start. When I arrived at my building I noticed the fire alarm lights
flashing in the darkened restaurant area off the lobby. I started in
the front door to see what was going on when the security guard waved
me back out. I thought maybe they were testing them or something
discarding the fact they would not d a drill at 8:15 in the morning
with the wind chill at 28 degrees.
About that time the fire
trucks had roared up on the other side of the building and in the front
where I and some other employees were standing. We stood outside for
maybe fifteen minutes before we got the all clear. We were told someone
pulled the alarm on one of the floors.
Once I got in to work and
handled a couple of things that came up right away I continued my
project from yesterday which was shifting our files in he file room,
again. I shifted them not long after we moved up to our floor to
make room for some new files. In the meantime our current files started
growing more than we expected and we had run out of room again.
am reading a new Janet Evanovich, Plum Spooky. This is one of her in
between the numbers books where Diesel makes appearances. It's standard
Evanovich lark with the monkey Carl making an appearance from an
earlier book. She is writing them on auto pilot but I still enjoy the
funny scenes. It makes for light reading from the police procedurals I
have been reading of late.
Saturday, 31 January
[Saturday] [Sunday]
I didn't even hear Bob get up to let the dogs
out this morning. I woke up around 8:50 then went back to sleep again
finally getting up around 8:30. Bob started getting our new phone
service wired while I took a run out to the pet store and Wal-Mart.
a very nice sunny day but still on the chilly side with some wind. I
had the dogs out helping me a few yard chores plus some play time while
Bob was finishing up the phone stuff.
Golf is on this
afternoon. The new season has started but some of the early tournaments
are run on the golf channel instead of regular TV. I am not sure when
or if dad and I will ever get back on the course again but at least I
can watch.
Sunday, 1 February 2009
[Sunday] [Next
It has been a very busy Sunday. First off I
gave Bob a haircut followed by the usual weekly house cleaning chores.
After giving the guys a chance to play a little in the backyard I
brought them in for baths. I have been waiting for it to be warm and
sunny even though they stay indoors. Today is to be close to 60
This afternoon I needed to be available for Bob
to do hand pictures. When I had a long enough break before he needed me
again I went out to give the Trooper a wash down to remove the worst of
the salt and grime. They were forecasting snow showers for early this
week which would have made the effort pretty much useless. Today they
have called that round of weather off so I took a chance and washed it
I finished the Stephanie Plum last night and started
another Stephen Booth. This afternoon I will watch the golf and tonight
at least the first half of the super bowl. I want to watch Bruce
Springsteen do his half time show. Knowing the Boss he will not
embarrass himself as the Rolling Stones did. I think he is getting
ready to launch a tour promoting his new album.
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