Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 2 March 2009
Latest Update: Sunday, 8 March 2009 3:00 p.m.
Monday, 2 March 2009
had our first significant snowfall overnight, around five inches, since
2004. Last night it had started falling pretty heavy by the time we
took the dogs out around 9pm. I took these pictures this morning
when we let the dogs out. I left for work around 7:50 and arrived about
my usual time. It took me roughly 30 minutes. The roads were
covered in either snow or packed ice/snow from the plowing. Traffic was
pretty heavy by the time I got out to University Parkway, a main road
into town. I was about the only one in our group who showed up on time.
Most of our group stayed home. A couple of attorneys and paralegals
came in later in the morning. Needless to say I got a lot of my backlog
of work knocked out. By the time I left this afternoon the sun had
melted and dried the main roads and even most of the roads in our

Tuesday, 3 March 2009
The kids had another day off from school due
to the residential streets still being covered. with snow and ice.
Black ice was the main concern. I had no problems getting to work via
my normal route. Most of the roads I traveled were dry with just a few
patches of ice from where the snow melted and refroze. The worst
streets were downtown.
Business as usual at work today playing catch up from most everyone being out of the office yesterday.
was very cold last night and will be again tonight. A lot of snow is
still on the ground, trees, and bushes that are in the shade. We are
due for a warm up starting tomorrow.
I am reading another Stephen Booth Peak District mystery, One Last Breath.
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Dinner out tonight with my friends Nancy and
Betsy at Macaroni Grill. Tomorrow night, dinner with Frances and Marcy
at Chop House. I try not to abandon Bob more than one night a week but
it does happen. I told him it was just like me being gone on a trip but
I come home at night.
Speaking of which, tonight driving home is
the first time I have come close to hitting a deer. He was in my lane
on the road where I turn off to come into our neighborhood. I saw in
time to slam on brakes as he bounded on off into the yard to my right.
He was big fellow.
Thursday, 5 March 2009
[Thursday] [Friday]
No update.
Friday 6 March 2009
We had a wonderful time at dinner last night.
Excellent food, service, atmosphere, etc. Chop House is a somewhat
upscale dining experience located about four blocks from where I work.
I went in yesterday morning a little later than usual and worked until
5:20. By the time I walked to my car and drove around to the restaurant
it was close to the time for Frances and Marcy to arrive. There is a
parking deck close to the restaurant but they valet park your car for
Spring is trying to arrive early starting with highs
today in the mid 60's. I sat outside at lunchtime and read then
finished my lunch hour with a short walk. It was very hard to be inside
all afternoon working when I wanted to be outside enjoying the warm
weather. Snow and single digit temps on Monday, highs tomorrow in the
On the way home I made a stop at the library and the
grocery store. We needed just a few weekly staples as we are fairly
well stocked up from our recent Costco run.
Saturday, 7 March
[Saturday] [Sunday]
This morning I did the usual house cleaning
chores. After I finished I took the dogs out to help me pick up all the
limbs and sticks knocked down from last weeks snow and wind event.
course Malcolm loved being outdoors running around. Duncan was very
happy lying in the grass enjoying the warm sunshine. It is a perfect
day to be outside. Mid 70's, blue skies, a breeze once in awhile. We
will all have a touch of spring fever after this weekend even though we
know it will turn cold again. Not sure about the snow. We can get late
March and early April snows.
After lunch I took the dogs out for
a little more playtime then cranked up the mower to get up the small
leaves, dead grass, etc. It filled the yard card leaving just enough
room for the smaller sticks. I mowed the liriope in the front but had
to use the weed eater for the patch in the back. I had not mowed it
down late last fall so it was too high to try to mow. My daffodils and
crocus are up.
I am done for today. Golf and reading this
afternoon. Maybe a movie tonight. Bob fixed his chicken casserole for
dinner last night. We have enough for leftovers tonight.
Sunday, 8 March 2009
[Sunday] [Next
With the time change it was dark when I got
up this morning at 6:30 to go play golf. The sun was just coming up
over the trees when dad I teed off around 8:45. It was nice weather.
Cool but not wind. As the sun got up higher it warmed up nicely. We
only played nine holes. Dad did really well. I played very well. I
tried wearing my pre-surgery knee brace but it really does not do much
in the way of support for walking. Shifting my weight on the downswing
does not bother it all that much but I am still protecting it somewhat
when I come through.
Mom fixed a nice lunch. On the way home I
made a quick stop by Frances' to drop off some stuff from mom and pick
up a very nice blue bowl to go on my new shelves as a decoration.
course when I got home I had to take the guys out back for some
playtime. Then I ironed a bushel basket of work pants and shirts.
to the den to watch some of the NASCAR race and the basketball game
later this afternoon between Duke and Carolina. Big ACC game and the
last regular season game before the ACC playoffs start next week.
night I started a new Hamish Macbeth by M. C. Beaton, Death of a Witch.
Bob had started it but gave up several chapters in. I agree with him,
her Hamish books have become rather boring in plot and character but I
am still enjoying it as a light read in between all the police
procedurals I am reading. Also, while I have a lot of books on my own
TBR shelf, Bob has a backlog of library books to get caught up on while
I only have a couple.
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