Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 6 April 2009
Latest Update: Sunday, 12 April 2009 2:50 p.m.
Monday, 6 April 2009
poured buckets this morning. With 25 to 30 mph winds I did not even
trust my golf/wind umbrella. Instead I trudged up the hill getting
soaked from the thighs down. That front went through quickly followed
by some clouds and sun. Tonight the temperatures drop back down into
the 30's with high winds and flurries in the forecast.
We watched
the last episode of Palin's World in 80 Days last night. I finished up
the Diana Killian. It was excellent. I highly recommend the series. I
have the other two that are out on my shelf. She has a new one in this
series coming out this month.
Today at lunch I started the newest
Inspector Banks, All the Colors of Darkness, by Peter Robinson. He is
at the top of my list as one of my favorites.
Carolina plays Michigan State for the NCAA crown. It does not start
until 9. I am predicting a Carolina win by 10 points. They have looked
very impressive though Michigan State has a tough defense.
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
No update.
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Not much going on. Gym, work, reading. Work
is steady but not as hectic as it was a couple of weeks ago. I have a
couple of projects going that I can work on as I have time.
warmed up a little today but it is still very windy. I walked up the
street to grab a bite to eat and get some fresh air. We had a light
frost last night. I don't think it hurt the azaleas that are just now
blooming nor did it hurt my tulips.
I've had my brace a week
tomorrow. I quit wearing the cotton sleeve under it on Sunday. It was
more uncomfortable that the straps on the brace. The straps are bit
restrictive when I ride the bikes which is not much of a problem
because now I can walk on the treadmill again.
Thursday, 9 April 2009
[Thursday] [Friday]
No update
Friday 10 April 2009
The Firm is not closed today but I took a
much needed vacation day. I have not had a day off/three day weekend
since January. Most of my group took today off so I decided to join
I put my load of work pants and shirts in to wash while
I had the dogs out back to play. A nice warm sunny morning is to turn
nasty this afternoon with high winds, rain, and strong storms. As
a matter of fact is has just started to rain as I type this.
my load finished I put a load of throw rugs in to wash then took off on
errands. I dropped off a load of cardboard at the fire department, two
bags of packing material at the UPS store, and two bags of stuff at the
Goodwill trailer on the way out to Tim's to have the oil changed in my
This afternoon; I need to iron, perhaps work on some
other indoor projects and/or just hit the couch with my book. I am
after all on vacation. Last night I did the library and grocery store
run and picked up takeout Chinese for dinner. Tonight, leftovers.
Saturday, 11 April
[Saturday] [Sunday]
I gave Bob a haircut this morning before starting on the house cleaning.
had over 2 inches of rain most of which fell between 10 last night and
2 this morning. The afternoon showers did not last long. The sun
came back out until about 5 when it clouded up again. It started
raining with garden variety thunder storms around 6. The rain and
storms finally let up enough at 8:30 for the guys to go out. We
made back in just before more storms and heavy rain started up again.
60's, and a few clouds today. I had the dogs out for a long playtime
this morning while I did some stuff in the backyard. It finally got too
windy to be in the back so we came in for an early lunch. It seems like
we have had a lot of very windy days so far this year, more than I can
remember with the 20 to 30 mph gust range.
I started reading a Lou Allin
mystery that is new for me though it is 2006. had to order
Murder, Eh. from one from a Canadian bookseller. I am not sure how I
first discovered her books. Her character, Belle Palmer, is a realtor
living in Sudbury,Ontario. Her dog Freya in the books is modeled on her
pet German Shepherd. Allin is into old black and white films making
references to them sometimes in her story.
Sunday, 12 April 2009
[Sunday] [Next
Happy Easter. It is a beautiful day but too
chilly this morning for dad to play golf. The temperatures were still
hovering just around the 40 degree mark at 8 am with a little wind.
Instead I went out Home Depot to pick up some sod. I bought eight very
nice 2 ft by 5 ft pieces for the wash area in the back by the corner of
the house. Seed and soil wash down the hill or into the natural area
where I don't want grass. The eight pieces covered most of the area I
wanted to try. If it works I will go back and get some more to fill in
the rest of the area.
After I put down the sod I did a few other
light landscaping jobs I had been wanted to get done then came in to
eat lunch. By the time I finished lunch and a rest the grass was dry
enough to mow.
Yesterday afternoon we did our Costco taking
Paul and Mary along with us. Afterwards we ate at a nearby Thai place
before heading back across town. By the time we dropped them off, got
home, and unloaded our stuff it was almost 8 o'clock.
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