Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 13 April 2009
Latest Update: Sunday, 19 April 2009 4:00 p.m.
Monday, 13 April 2009
went over to Frances and Al's for dinner yesterday afternoon. As usual
Frances made a delicious meal: pork roast, squash casserole, macaroni
salad, deviled eggs and mashed potatoes. I bought the rolls and a
couple of pies from the freezer section that I baked yesterday. Tonight
for dinner we had the leftovers making a nice quick meal since it was
gym night.
I have almost finished the Lou Allin. Next up, the second book in Diana Killian's series, Verse of the Vampyre.
More rain forecast for tonight and tomorrow. I hope it rains heavy enough to see if my sodding project is going to work.
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
We got about 3/4 of an inch over night last
night, enough to wash in the Scott's lawn treatment they did yesterday
afternoon. Halts for crabgrass and weeds liquid plus some dry
fertilizer. Since I knew it was about time for them to come I have
waited to fill in some thin spots in the front with soil, seed, and
fertilizer. It was cloudy and gloomy all day today but it never rained
again. The sun has been trying to come out since around dinner time.
Do you remember Alvin and the Chipmunks
The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)? While Alvin, Theodore, and
Simon are singing, Alvin is always acting up causing David Seville to
yell ALVIN! constantly. That's what it is like around here. It seems we
are constantly yelling, MALCOLM, as he gets in trouble for bothering
Duncan, barking unnecessarily, or just plain getting into
mischief. At almost 10 years old he shows no signs of slowing
Duncan has been better at night waking me up only once
or twice. He still lies on the hardwood floor instead of his rugs. He
stamps his paws to get turned around since he can't get up until
someone comes and gets him.
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
A stressful day at work yesterday as the Firm
went through another round of layoffs. I feel very thankful to still
have my job. Law firms, like the rest of the corporate world, are
having to retool their business practices and trim budgets.
As you can guess things were rather somber today however we must
continue to move onward and upward. The sun finally came out late this
morning. We had another trace or so of rain sometime during the night.
lunch time it was warm enough to be out in shirtsleeves. A few of us
from our group took one of the paralegals out to lunch to celebrate her
birthday. Good thing it was gym night after that big lunch.
Thursday, 16 April 2009
[Thursday] [Friday]
I had my six month teeth cleaning appointment this morning at 8am. I was at work by 9. All is well.
have almost finished the Diana Killian. Her ex-boyfriend Chaz has made
a surprise visit to try to talk Grace into coming back home to the
States and her job teaching at a private school. When he arrives he
finds Grace has just witnessed the murder of the host of a party she
had attended the night before. Also, someone has been stealing antiques
and jewelry making her current British love interest Peter the number
one suspect. He has a prior life as a jewelry thief and currently runs
an antique business. Grace is being stalked by a "witch" in the village
who can supposedly cast spells on people. All of a sudden the director
and wife suddenly disappear. Grace is suspicious of Peter having a
relationship with the wife of the director and is convinced they are
both up to their necks in murder and jewel robberies. Grace and Chaz
take off after Peter as he flees to Scotland with Grace thinking the
worse but wanting to find out the truth. Top]
Friday 17 April 2009
Whew! The end of a long and stressful week.
Oddly enough I started a library reserve last night by William Tapply,
Bitch Creek which I could retitled my week as.
This is the
first book in a new series with Stoney Calhoun working in a rural bait
and tackle shop in Maine owned by Kate. We know he was discharged from
a Veterans Hospital in Virginia with a settlement check after being hit
by lightening. Unfortunately he has no recollection of the first 33
years of his life. Periodically he gets snatches of memories while
looking at things or in his dreams. He has both a telepathic sense of
things going to happen and a photographic memory. Tapply uses this
novel as a venue for his real love of fly fishing more than he
does in his Brady Coyne series. He also has a very interesting
relationship set up with Kate. Stoney and Kate along with another guide
Kyle conduct fishing tours in the remote streams and lakes around
Maine. When Stoney decides he does not want to take out a customer for
trout fishing even though is his turn, he gives him to Kyle. When Kyle
disappears Stoney goes off in search to find out what happened to Kyle.
As with the other Cohen series and Craig's Martha Vineyard series don't be put off by the fly fishing part of the plot.
Finally warm today with highs in the 70's after last night's low of 40. Lots of sunshine too.
Saturday, 18 April
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Beautiful spring day. Cool this morning but
it has reached 78 degrees this afternoon. I picked the folks up around
9:30 to go out to plant store. Dad wanted to get his flowers even
though some of them cannot go out yet. I picked up a few things
but I can't really shop for stuff and help him and mom too. A lot of
what I plant has to wait another few weeks until the last threat of
frost and/or cold temperatures at night.
We stopped for lunch on
the way home. After we unloaded and stored the stuff to plant later I
helped get his hanging basket plants put in and the ones that could in
the bed out front.
Malcolm ran around outside helping me with a
few things before I mowed. That's it for today except for throwing some
steaks and chicken on the grill.
Sunday, 19 April 2009
[Sunday] [Next
Not as warm today with partly cloudy skies.
Duncan had a rough night last night which translates into us not
getting much sleep. I think part of the problem was it being so warm in
the house from it being so warm and sunny yesterday. All night he woke
us up panting and trying to get up to get to the water bowl that we
keep in the bedroom. The warm house contributed to me having a hard
time getting to sleep myself. About the time I would doze off Duncan
would wake me back up. At one point early in the morning hours I was
getting concerned about him. He and I finally went back to sleep around
4 before he woke me again at 6:30. After I helped him up he went out in
the foyer and fell back to sleep.
House cleaning chores this
morning followed by finishing up a couple of projects in the yard I was
too tired to get to yesterday afternoon. Malcolm had a good time
running around helping as usual. The rain predicted for tonight
was supposed to come in earlier this afternoon but so far has held off.
This afternoon Bob put the rest of the catches on the kitchen
cabinet doors. We still have two doors to hang and two to fix. I am not
up to moving the fridge to get to those two doors today.
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