Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 20 April 2009
Latest Update: Sunday, 26 April 2009 3:20 p.m.
Monday, 20 April 2009
was up and out at 7:20 this morning to pick up mom to take her to
volunteer at the hospital. Dad had an early appointment and Frances had
an early appointment.
We had very little rain overnight nor
today despite all the clouds. There is a big storm sitting just west of
us if it gets here at all.
Last night I started a new Death on
Demand mystery by Carolyn Hart, Dare to Die. Annie and Max are throwing
a big party that was supposed to held in their renovated antebellum
home. Repairs were delayed when an upstairs toilet floods causing some
major damage. They decide to throw the party anyway at the harbor
pavilion not knowing they were setting themselves up for an island feud
among the long time residents. The cause of the all the problems is a
young woman who has returned to the island after running away several
years ago. Obviously murder was involved then as it will in the present.
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
No update.
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Today is earth day. We have green covered in
yellow. While I love spring I hate everything being covered in pollen.
This spring the azaleas,
redbud trees, and dogwoods are as pretty as I have seen them in years.
With the wet winter and not getting a late hard freeze everything
bloomed out really nice.
Right now the cars are yellow as is
the door frame, the mail box, etc, etc. We had a brief storm yesterday
afternoon but it was not enough to wash away all the pollen.We had lows
in the 40's the last few night with tonights low of near 40 to be
the coldest so far with lots of wind. I had another battle of the winds
walking up the street this morning but thankfully no rain.
I am
reading another Laura Childs Tea Shop Mysytery, Shades of Earl Grey,
set in Charleston, SC. I stayed awake late last night to finish the
Carolyn Hart.
Thursday, 23 April 2009
[Thursday] [Friday]
No update
Friday 24 April 2009
No update
Saturday, 25 April
[Saturday] [Sunday]
I picked up Bob after work to make a library
run and go eat at Zoe's. We came back home, fed and walked the dogs
then loaded both in the car to drive out to my friend Bonnie's house.
She had been wanting us to come out to see what we thought of the
observing conditions. Their house is way off the road with the back
facing a mountain. The tree line along the property is low enough to
get to all but the lowest objects in the sky. There is not a lot of
local lights or nearby town light domes. We sat on their back deck
enjoying the nice, warm weather. We kept seeing lightning flashes from
a storm way off to our south that missed Winston.
also wanted to see the dogs. We were not going to take Duncan but
loading him in the far back for just the trip out and back was not too
bad. He just laid in the grass at Bonnie's much like he does here.
Malcolm had a good time running around in the wide open spaces.
I started reading another Reginald Hill, On Beulah Height. The first
chapter starts out giving an account of a young seven year old living
in a remote English village. Shortly before the Water board floods the
village to make a reservoir three young children disappear. As I am
reading this plot I kept thinking I had read another similar plot of a
small town being flooded. Sure enough, about the same time Hill was
writing his novel, Peter Robinson was also writing In A Dry Season
using the same premise. The murder investigations are completely
different but a drought in both books causes part of the town to
Errands this morning including a run to Wal-Mart to
get a few weekly grocery items and the pet store. The temperatures have
reached the high 80's though we will not reach the record of 90 set in
1960. I had the dogs out helping me with yard chores before putting
them in so I could mow. Today is the last day to bagged the grass. I
can start mulching next time I mow. I took the bagger off for a good
hosing and did the upper and under deck of the mower.
the power nozzle I cleaned the edge of the front gutters of sap and
dirt. I still need to do the back ones. After doing a few things I
called it done for the day. I picked up one of Sam's/Wal-Mart ready
made 16 inch pizza's to bake for dinner. Several people have mentioned
to me how good they are.
Sunday, 26 April 2009
[Sunday] [Next
After a quick run through the house with the
vacuum and cleaning the bathrooms I took off for mom and dads at 9:30.
Dad had four rhododendron he wanted planted in the far back bed. I dug
up an old dead one I forgot I was supposed to dig up last fall and a
dead azalea. While I planted bushes dad planted his geraniums in pots.
took a lunch break then I finished up planting a few smaller plants out
by the light post. He sits in one spot place and I bring the pots to
him then move them back when he gets them finished.
I had
planned on washing my car this afternoon but it really is not worth it
until all the yellow pollen has finished falling. I took Malcolm out
for some playtime then called it a day.
Bob told me Duncan
fell down the basement steps while I was gone. Bob was doing something
and heard Duncan doing his usual scrabble noises on the hardwood. Just
as he got to the top of the stairs all he saw was a white tail tip. He
thought it was Malcolm going down the stairs but instead it was Duncan.
He was lying on his side but got up, looked at Bob and smiled a big
smile. Bob helped him back up the stairs. He went out back with us when
I got home apparently unharmed. Many years ago when the Bilbrey's first
started coming down to see us they still had their first dog Sally. I
think they had given her some calming medicine for the trip. She walked
in the house and right off the top step thinking it was a flat floor
and did the same thing. Rolled all the way to bottom. Thankfully she
was not hurt either.
Another warm day but a nice breeze is
blowing. Steaks and chicken on the grill with French bread for an easy
dinner. The Sam's pizza turned out to be pretty good. We have enough
left over for dinner tomorrow night.
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