Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 8 June 2009
Latest Update: Sunday, 14 June 2009 2:20 p.m.
Monday, 8 June 2009
picked up a book from my TBR shelf yesterday that I had purchased
sometime back at the bookstore. I had heard of the Miss Zukas librarian
mysteries before I started reading mysteries. The series is written by
Jo Dereske. The first title Miss Zukas and the Library Murders
introduces librarian Helma Zukas as a public librarian in Bellhaven,
Washington. I almost bailed after the first 25 pages of the book.
Dereske obviously is or was a librarian. I enjoyed the scenes with the
patrons in the library as being all to real from my 20 year career. Her
writing is not all that great and she makes Helma out to be a bit more
eccentric than I would like in representing my calling. At one point
during the book Helma mentions the favorite line I heard many times
when introduced as being a librarian, "you don't look like a
Anyway, I plowed on finding things getting
better as I went along or I was getting used to her writing. At this
point I am intrigued enough to find out who killed the transient found
in the fiction section of the library and why he was murdered.
and humid weather continues. In was already warm by lunchtime when I
walked up to the drugstore at lunch to pick up a few things. It
is still currently 83 degrees and feels like 86 at almost 8pm.
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
No update.
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
I did finish the library mystery. I will not
tell you "who done it" in case you do want to read the book. I am now
reading the second and last Tapply book in his Stoney Calhoun series,
Gray Ghost. I hope he writes more in this series.
instead of going to the gym I came home and mowed. With evening
thunderstorms in the forecast I was not optimistic about the weather
holding so I packed my gym back too. Had it rained I would have gone to
the gym as usual. When I checked the radar at 4 things were still clear
in the immediate area. It was pretty high having just been mowed
Saturday but I was able to mulch. We had a brief storm last night
dropping only 1/4 to 1/2 inch of rain from the fringes of a major
storm. The small town Clemmons, just to our south west, got nailed
again. They get more storms with trees down and/or small tornadoes more
that any area around here.
I have had my knee brace roughly
two months now. For the most part it does what it is designed to do;
support my knee to allow me to put full weight on my leg to walk almost
without a limp. Some days, even with the brace, I have trouble walking
and some days it is just aggravating to have on especially in the hot
weather. But, I could not do my job, yard work, or go to the gym
without it. As one of my co-workers said to me one day, "it is what it
is" and it will stay that way so I might as well learn to live with it.
We are watching another episode of The Murdoch Mysteries.
Thursday, 11 June 2009
[Thursday] [Friday]
We had a pretty bad storm last night dumping 1 1/2 inches of rain. The power blipped a couple of times but never went out.
about ridiculous. Our Firm received an FYI directive today to warn
anyone going to the nearby Hall of Justice (where the courts are) not
to wear their retracting string badge holder. The courthouse was
confiscating them and not giving them back. They said they could be
used as a weapon by strangling someone with the string. A. what right
do they have to confiscate them and B. who came up with that scenario?
I have broken several in the short time I have been with the Firm from
pulling too hard or the string frays and breaks. If you pull hard
enough to strangle someone I imagine the string would break first.
was at the gym roughly half an hour when a huge thunderstorm rolled
over us causing part of the gym to loose power. I quickly grabbed my
stuff from the locker room to head home not wanting to be in a large,
metal building with possible severe weather on the way. The bottom fell
out just as I started out the door for the car. It was pouring buckets
quickly adding yet another inch of rain. It went through while we ate.
We quickly fed and walked the dogs because we have another line of
storms on the way.
Friday 12 June 2009
No update.
Saturday, 13 June 2009
[Saturday] [Sunday]
I picked mom and dad up after work, make a
quick stop at the library, and then picked up Bob to meet Frances at
Zoes for dinner.
This morning I gave Bob a haircut before
doing the house cleaning while started the laundry. He washed my work
clothing and sheet loads first before starting the darks and white
loads. Since I threw the bedspread in the sheet load it needed to get
dry so we could remake the bed this afternoon and I wanted to iron my
work stuff this afternoon too.
I took the dogs out after I
finished the housework. No yard work today. Since I just mowed
Wednesday it is not all that high today. I picked up sticks and pulled
a few weeds while I was playing ball with Malcolm.
After I finished the ironing I took the dogs back out again. The
temperature is in the mid 80's but the humidity is still less than 50%.
With no yard work I have to be outside doing something at least part of
the day when the weather is nice. And of course, Malcolm thinks anytime
I am home we are supposed to go out and play. I don't like to let
Duncan lie outside too long when the temperatures start to get up in
the mid 80's unless there is a breeze.
Golf and reading this afternoon. I think we have the final episode in the The Murdoch Mysteries to watch tonight.[Top]
Sunday, 14 June 2009
[Sunday] [Next
We had another thunderstorm hit last night
around 9 just as we were ready to take the dogs for last time out. We
finished watching the last two episodes of Bones on the disc while we
waited for the storm to move through making it 10:30 before we took
them out. I read one chapter of my book before turning out the light.
was up at normal weekday get up time this morning to pick dad for golf.
It was good to get out again. We only played nine. Dad did very well
considering his age. I did okay. I am still not trysting myself to
fully shift my weight onto my braced left leg. It is more a mental than
physical thing I need to get past. The course was wet with some
standing water in a few of the fairways but overall very playable. The
weather was perfect, sunny and cool with a fairly good breeze.
I got home I played ball with Malcolm out back before going ahead and
mowing the lawn. With afternoon, evening thunderstorms in the forecast
all week I decided I might as well mow it this afternoon and get it
over with.
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