Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 10 August 2009
Latest Update: Sunday, 16 August 2009 2:00 p.m.
Monday, 10 August 2009
muggy, and miserable. Today was the worst day of the year so far with
temperatures well in the mid to high nineties and heat indexes of 100.
Things have cooled off a little with the sun going down. I had a 5:30
haircut appointment then home to fix dinner.
At one time
the skies clouded over looking like we might get a storm/rain but that
never materialized. Last night, once the sun was off the two flower
beds in the front I gave them a good watering. The front yard is
looking pretty good. The back yard has the usual places where I loose
grass every year due to lack of rain but for the most part is still
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
I am so excited. I am on vacation as of 5pm
today and I will actually be going away starting tomorrow. Usually by
August I have been on a least one trip and maybe two. Things haven't
worked out this year for me to get away until now.
My friend
Bonnie is picking me up at 9 tomorrow morning. We will be heading west
toward the NC mountains; the Boone, Jefferson area. From there we are
taking the Blue Ridge Parkway south which takes us past Asheville and
further into the NC mountains all the way to the where it ends in NC. I
have seen the entire Parkway from where it starts at Skyline Drive in
Virginia all the way to Asheville. I have never done this last section.
Other than our starting point we have no plans, no
reservations, etc. other than a few places we have picked out we want
to see along the way. Otherwise we go where the road takes us. I will
be home sometime Saturday afternoon.
Hopefully we will have good
weather. Rain and thunderstorms rolled in late this afternoon dropping
the temperature from 94 to 72. That ended our recent, very short lived
hot spell. Storms and cooler temperatures are predicted for here the
rest of the week. We may see some of the same along our way but
hopefully not get a complete wash out. We hope to stop at easy walking
trails along some of the national forests we pass through.
See you Saturday when I get back.
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
No update
Thursday, 13 August 2009
[Thursday] [Friday]
No update
Friday 14 August 2009
No update
Saturday, 15 August 2009
[Saturday] [Sunday]
I'm back. We arrived at our house at 3:30.
And, we had a wonderful time. Three days, 854 miles, and lots and lots
of beautiful scenery. We had a perfect trip with no glitches. Found
good hotels; delicious local places to eat seeing a lot of small town
America. When it rain/stormed we were either in the car or inside
eating. It was hot and muggy even in the higher elevations but the
weather did not stop us from doing any of our outdoor stuff. We walked
a lot, did a few easy hiking things, and a little bit of shopping in
the small town shops. Things just west of us are green and lush. No
drought in the mountains. I may have some pictures to post next week.
called Bob Thursday to check on Duncan because he was not doing too
well when I left. Bob knew I had the cell phone on. Had he turned worse
we could have made a beeline for home. I called again this morning to
find out he had perked up some yesterday. In the past Duncan has not
done well when I go away. Not sure if that was the overall problem or
if he is on the downhill slide. Although we drove over 800 miles we
were never further than three to four hours from home via highway speed
had we needed to abandon our trip midway.
I went over to the Chinese place to pick up some takeout for dinner.
Sunday, 16 August 2009
[Sunday] [Next
After getting everything unpacked and put
away from the trip I did the weekly house cleaning. Bob downloaded my
pictures from both digital cameras. I took two, one with the standard
wide angle lens and the other with a long lens. I sorted through them
for a few to post here next week and a some to print to show my family
and friends. Bob also burned a complete set for Bonnie. As usual I take
a lot to make sure I get at least a good set representing all the
things I see.
Malcolm and I went out back to play and pick up
sticks. After a lunch break I mowed. Things are very dry here. All the
rain we saw while in the mountains never made it this far. Still, most
of the grass was high enough to mow plus getting up the leaves. I mowed
down the liriope in the front bed since it was also already covered in
I've a few things to do here at my desk. Golf and
reading this afternoon. Bob and I think Duncan my have another urinary
tract infection so we started him on another round of antibiotics
I started a new J.A. Jance while on the trip, Fire and
Ice. Jance has combined her Joanna Brady and J.P. Beaumont series into
one book. Right now both are working on solving murders in their
respective home states of Seattle Washington, and Cochise County,
Arizona. At some point the two murders will intersect taking Beaumont
to Arizona where the two characters will try to work together to solve
both of their homicides.
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