Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 3 August 2009
Latest Update: Sunday, 9 August 2009 3:20 p.m.
Monday, 3 August 2009
eye exam at my new eye center was this morning at 8:10. Shower,
breakfast, and out of here by 7:30. I was very impressed. In and out in
an hour. I asked them for a recommendation of an optical place since
they do not have one attached to their practice. It was just short
drive over but a 45 minute wait until they opened; according to the
card they gave me. With my eyes dilated it was pretty rough driving
even that short distance even with my transition lenses. A little
before the 10 am opening time I go up to the door to discover the hours
went from M - Thurs, 10 to 5 to Tues. - Thurs. 10 - 5 or by
appointment. Hmm! On to work a half hour later than I should have
Later this afternoon I checked the yellow pages to
see if there was another optical solution. I wear progressive bi-focals
which means not going to just any optical shop to have my prescription
filled. I found one that looks promising with better hours suited to
the general population, 8:30 to 5, M-F. I shall head there first thing
in the morning on the way to work.
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
The new optical place I went to this morning
was a good choice. It will be a week to ten business days until my new
glasses are back. Overall, a very positive experience.
night I finished the tea shop mystery. Tonight I will start the new
Donna Andrews, Swan for the Money. Since I had lunch with Bonnie today
I was not able to start my new book until tonight.
Things are
getting pretty dry again. The rain for Sunday never materialized after
the brief shower that morning. Today was supposed to a 40% chance of
rain/storms. They too, disappeared. South and east of us had rain
yesterday and west of us in Kentucky they are having some major
flooding issues. We are now having our typical dry August
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
I checked the weather just before I left
work. It was 92 with 60% humidity. There was a nasty looking storm to
our west but they often die out before they get to us. The skies were
looking pretty dark with the wind blowing leaves all over the parking
lot while I was at the gym. The storm was getting closer so I finished
up my workout in order to get home before it got here. Bob wanted me to
pick up some KFC for dinner.
Big drops of rain started falling
just as I pulled in the garage. While we ate the thunder and lightening
started up. We have a pretty good storm going right now. It will be
awhile before we can take the dogs out for their after dinner walk.
Thursday, 6 August 2009
[Thursday] [Friday]
No update
Friday 7 August 2009
No update
Saturday, 8 August 2009
[Saturday] [Sunday]
It has been a busy week and a busy last few days. Thursday night I went
out to do dinner with Marcy. By the time I got to her house from work
and we drove to the Thai place it was 6:30. Wonderful food, great
service. It was 8:30 when we got back to her place then chatted a few
more minutes before I headed for home. Last night I had to make a vet
stop to pick up meds, the library, pet store, and grocery store. I was
too tired to even check my mail after dinner and walking the dogs.
morning I gave Bob a haircut before doing the house cleaning chores.
Afterwards we took off to run a few errands including stopping at the
Rural Hall library and the used bookstore that has opened near our
house. Glad we stopped by there. She told us they are moving to a
larger space in two weeks. I turned in a couple of books for store
credit that we saved to go to the big grand opening.
lunch I washed my Trooper. Then I was getting ready to take the dogs
out to play but just as we got outside one of the neighbor's from
down the street were walking their puppy. She had her little two year
old daughter and a niece with her. We ended up talking to her while
Malcolm ran around playing with the girls. He was a little skittish
around the poodle puppy. Duncan was lying in the front yard. He let the
girls pet him and make a big fuss over him as well.
It is not
all that hot today for August, mid 80's but the humidity is pretty high
making it fairly miserable outside. Other than fixing dinner I am
taking the rest of the day to read, relax, and watch some golf.
Sunday, 9 August 2009
[Sunday] [Next
August weather has finally arrived. Since it
is to be a heat index of close to 100 today I got out about 9:00 to
give Malcolm his playtime then mowed the lawn before going over to my
parents house for lunch and a visit.
Now that the bills
have been paid, check book balanced, and my ironing caught up I can
take the rest of the afternoon off. Last night I started reading
another Susan Wittig Albert book in her China Bayles series, Bleeding
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