Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 12 October 2009
Latest Update: Sunday, 18 October 2009 2:45 p.m.
Monday, 12 October 2009
had a great time at the beach. It was sunny and warm on Thursday when
we arrived up until yesterday. We had one thunderstorm on Friday night.
Yesterday was cool and cloudy most of the day but the cool temperatures
did not stop me from my two walks a-day on the beach. I picked up a few
shells for my every growing collection. In between I read Sorrow on
Sunday by Anne Purser and have almost finished Black Ship by Carola
Dunn, another Daisy Darlymple mystery.
There was a beautiful
sunrise this morning over the ocean due to the partly cloudy
skies. About an hour out of Winston we ran into rain the rest of
the way home. It is only 54 degrees now with the rain still coming
Malcolm and Bob were glad to see me. Bob started the
laundry while I finished unpacking. I was sitting on the couch
reading the backlog of newspaper with Malcolm laying across my
We made a library run late this afternoon and then went to Zoe's for dinner.
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Back to work for me. BTW, yesterday was not a
holiday for the Firm. Other than the government offices, North Carolina
does not take Columbus Day as a holiday. I had three days of backlog
e-mails and work piled up on my desk and chair. By late this afternoon
I had handled, filed, or otherwise taken care of most of it. We
continue to be extremely busy at the moment with a lot of projects to
After a cool start to the morning the temperatures
made it back up into the mid '70's by the afternoon. I went to the gym
then fixed dinner. We've been watching more episodes of Bones.
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Nasty, fall like weather has arrived. We
turned the heat on Monday afternoon, setting it at 66. It did come on
Monday night. I finally had to to don lightweight sweats for the first
time this season. We've had roughly half an inch of rain. The
temperature was around 48 when I left for work then started falling all
day long.
It was not raining when I left work but had started
to drizzle again when we walked Malcolm after dinner. The wind is
bringing the wind chill down into the low 40's and high 30's tonight.
More of the same for tomorrow.
Thursday, 15 October 2009
[Thursday] [Friday]
No update
Friday 16 October 2009
Gym last night. Tonight I made a quick
grocery store stop. It was warmer today but cloudy with a light drizzle
falling when I left work.
I am reading the newest in the Beatrix Potter series by Susan Albert, The Tale of Appleback Orchard.
a rare report of local news on this site, Winston-Salem buried a fifty
year old cop today killed last week in a shoot out with a man who
should never have been walking around free. And, NC is getting
ready to free 20 inmates with a combined 250 infractions in prison due
to an old law that says a life sentence is for 80 years. Good conduct
credits shorten the amount of time served yet each one has at least two
infractions. They justice system in the country has gone to hell in a
hand basket.
Saturday, 17 October 2009
[Saturday] [Sunday]
House cleaning this morning. I hate when it
goes two weeks, twice as much cleaning. I first gave Bob a much needed
haircut. Between the dog hair and leaves tracked in from all the wet
weather, the floors were a mess.
After lunch I took of to run
errands. Bob burned my pictures from last weeks beach trip on a disk. I
stopped by Walgreen's to pick and choose quantities for each print and
dropped off a couple of prescription. From there I went out to Pet
Smart and Lowe's. I picked up winter flowers for the beds and pots and
some more grass seed. By the time I finished out there the
prescriptions and prints were ready to be picked up.
Bob has done five loads of laundry. I still need to put fresh linens on the bed and put away clean cloths.
cool, cloudy, windy day with a chance of light sprinkles through this
evening. It was a good day to hit Lowe's garden shop. There was no one
was out buying plants on a day like today.
Sunday, 18 October 2009
[Sunday] [Next
Leisurely morning reading the paper and doing
a few things at my desk. The temperatures were in the high 30's to low
40's when we got up this morning. By 11 the temperatures had warmed up
but it was very windy. Malcolm and I planted the flowers I bought
After lunch I mowed the lawn/leaves. The leaves were
too wet to vacuum along with the grass being fairly high making it hard
to run the vacuum over the yard anyway. I mowed having to dump the bag
every row or two where the leaves were the heaviest. It took over an
hour rather than the usual 45 minutes to do the lawn. With the wind
blowing like it is there will be about as many down by tonight as there
was when I started this afternoon.
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