Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 9 November 2009
Latest Update: Sunday, 15 November 2009 2:30 p.m.
Monday, 9 November 2009
Monday. I learned how to do some new legal searching stuff today. Lots
of fun to learn not only how to do the search but also how to interpret
some legal references I was working on.
Otherwise, not much in the news except for tropical storm Ida.
We should start getting the remnants of Ida coming on shore down in the
gulf sometime tomorrow. She's turning east once she comes on land into
Florida/Georgia but we are getting rain from the outer bands.
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
No update.
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
We are up to almost five inches of rain so
far since Ida hit the state yesterday. In addition to rain we are
getting nasty wind gusts of 20 to 30 mph. The walk to work this morning
was nasty. I didn't even try to put up my umbrella even though it is a
golf/wind proof one. I had on my rain slicker. It was not raining all
that hard and what was coming down was going sideways.
The walk
to the car this afternoon was just as bad. It was raining pretty hard
so I did put up my umbrella. Holding on with both hands, I managed to
stay fairly dry until I got to the corner where I cross to go to the
deck. The top part of the umbrella that makes it wind proof so it does
not turn inside out was literally pulled as far out as it could go. I
was holding on for life at this point, thankful I weigh too much to be
blown over. I put the umbrella down rather than fight the wind about
half a block to the shelter of the deck.
I braved the elements
again in and out of the gym. We just got in from walking Malcolm,
taking out the trash, and hauling the green yard cart to the curb with
the wind and rain still howling away.
I started reading
another Dalziel and Pascoe, Death's Jest-Book, sort of continuation of
the Hill's previous book Dialogues of the Dead.
Thursday, 12 November 2009
[Thursday] [Friday]
No update.
Friday 13 November 2009
I am glad to announce it has Finally stopped
raining. Well over 6 inches after all was said and done. What a
surprise it was this morning to open the door to let Malcolm out and to
get the newspaper and see a dry sideway and a partially dried street.
The sun tried to poke out from heavy, dark clouds off and on during the
day but no more rain. It also warmed up again with temperatures making
it into the mid 60's.
I have been driving all week with my
right low beam burned out. I left work at 4 to get to Tim's before he
closed to get it replaced then on to the store for a few groceries.
Saturday, 14 November 2009
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Malcolm and I have had yet another busy,
tiring day in the yard. Before I started outside I caught up on my
ironing first to get that chore out of the way.
First I had to
collect all the limbs and sticks down from the storm. I trimmed off
dead hosta leaves and cut back some other late blooming flowers now
done for the year. Next, I used the blower to get the leaves from under
the deck and the two natural areas under the trees I left from last
week. Naturally they were soaking wet but I hoped by blowing them out
into the yard the sun and breeze would dry them enough to vacuum them
up later in the day.
By the time I stopped for the lunch the
front lawn and leaves lying on top of the grass had dried enough to
vacuum then I mowed the front. The leaves still sticking to the wet
ground will come up later. The leaves had dried enough in back to get
them up without clogging the vacuum. I have to go very slow getting
small amounts at a time but it beats trying to blow them down the hill
to the back corner where I keep dumping to fill the sink hole I have
back there. By the time I finished getting the leaves up I was too
tired to mow the back. It can wait until tomorrow or next week.
am taking a break after my shower before heading off to run a couple of
errands. Bob had finished the laundry. I think more episodes of House
arrived today.
Sunday, 15 November 2009
[Sunday] [Next
Another unseasonably warm day with highs this
afternoon in the mid 70's. I did the weekly house cleaning chores and
washed the bed linens. After an outdoor playtime Malcolm got his winter
This afternoon I did hand holding pictures for Bob for his
microscope articles of Make. I've cleaned off and organized my desk,
balanced the check book and payed bills.
Once I put new sheets
on the bed and fold the others I done for the day other than cooking
dinner. It's a nice day to site outside and read for awhile.
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