Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 16 November 2009
Latest Update: Saturday, 21 November 2009 3:40 p.m.
Monday, 16 November 2009
am past three hundred page mark in the 500 plus pages of Hill's Dalziel
and Pascoe, Death's Jest-Book. The title of the novel is the title of a
book by Thomas Lowell Beddoes,
who features very prominately in the book. As with a lot of fiction I
read, I learn a great deal about very interesting topics. In Dialog of
the Dead, Dalziel and Pascoe solve a serial killer called the Wordman
and put an old foe of Pascoe's in jail. As the story continues Pascoe
learns his nemesis has been released from jail on good behavior. He is
now joined the world of academia studying the live of Beddoes. Hill is
a mastermid of duel plots with complicated characters so there are lot
more things going on than I care to write about here.
Today is the last day of our summer like weather. Rain and cold shall be returning.
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Off early enough this morning to get to the
DMV when it opened at 8. The five years on my driver's license runs out
in the next few weeks on my birthday. I arrived about five minutes
after eight. It was a nasty morning; drizzle, wind, and chilly. I would
have sat in the car instead of standing in line to wait on the door to
open anyway. There were perhaps ten to fifteen people already
seated in the waiting area and a couple of people ahead of me in line
to get a number. I had no idea how many were ahead of me because they
were using three different number sequences and the ones sitting in
pairs I assume came together.
I got a number and a piece of paper to study the signs while I
waited. I only had to wait about half an hour. After answering a
few questions, taking the vision and sign test, and getting my picture
taken I was out of there in about 45 minutes. Instead of handing you a
freshly printed license they now mail them to you from Raleigh within
the next 20 days. They give you a temporary driving license on a piece
of paper to use for driving and continue to use the old license for
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Today was eating day. We had the Firm
Thanksgiving luncheon today. Tonight I met Marcy and Frances at the
Chinese restaurant for dinner.
Weather today was more like November; cold, drizzle, wind, etc.
Thursday, 19 November 2009
[Thursday] [Friday]
It has been a long, busy week. We did not get much in the way of rainfall to go with all the clouds and fog.
on the release of those NC death row inmates who thought they were
getting released early for good behavior. Officials in Raleigh have
rescinded the order.
Gym again tonight since I went out to
dinner last night. Bob has helped with the trash and recycling before
taking Malcolm for his after dinner walk. He graciously provided a poop
sample I needed to drop off at the vet office tomorrow to make sure his
giardia is cleared up.
Friday 20 November 2009
No update.
Saturday, 21 November 2009
[Saturday] [Sunday]
The end of the year is fast approaching which
means it getting time for the Thompson Deep Clean. I usually get
started first on the rooms that do not get decorated for Christmas. Bob
agreed we could start with the downstairs. He had mentioned Mary and
Paul may come over to help shoot some videos. I wanted to get that area
cleaned up plus I needed to be able to get to the closet where my
Christmas decorations are stored. It had been awhile since I vacuumed
the floors and squeegeed the stairs.
While we did all that Bob
was doing laundry. After lunch I hauled a load of cardboard off to the
recycling bin and ran a couple of errands while I was out.
vacuumed both the front and back and mowed. I left the natural areas
for another day. All that is down are the little oak leaves with more
still to fall. I almost ran out of gas before I finished mowing
the back.
Last night I finished reading the Hill. Today I am
going to read the first book in a new series for me that Bob has been
reading. The Sister Frevisse mysterys by Margaret Frazer are set in the
Medieval period and based on Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. The first one
is The Novice's Tale. I found the first two and two later in the series
at the used bookstore. The library had most of the others but not all.
Hopefully I can find the ones we are missing when we make another used
book store run.
Sunday, 22 November 2009
[Sunday] [Next
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