Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 30 November 2009
Latest Update: Sunday, December 2009 1:30 p.m.
Monday, 30 November 2009
week when Marcia and I were out driving around the loud grinding noise
from underneath the right side of the suspension reappeared. Also, the
screech when it cranks cold was getting louder. Late yesterday
afternoon we drove the car out to leave at Tim's for him to look at
first thing this morning. Not only could he hear the screech but it
would save us from having to leave early enough to rush out there,
leave the car, take Bob back home, and me get to work on time.
the way out to drop off the car I stopped at the Domino's and ordered
the pizza. On the way back we picked it up then made a quick stop at
Walgreen's for a couple of things Bob needed to pick up.
I was
not too far behind when I got back today. It took until this
afternoon to clear up most of the backlog and gave me time to get
started on a new project that come in while I was out. It felt good to
get back into the regular routine.
called me this morning to let me know Tim needed to order parts for the
car that would not be in until at least Friday so we went back out
after work to pick the car up.
After a somewhat warm day
yesterday it turned cooler overnight. It was pretty windy this
morning and by mid-afternoon the rain finally got here. By the time we
took Malcolm for his after dinner walk the wind had blown the clouds
out. It is already down in the mid 40's now with lows tonight back into
the 30's.Several of Bob's readers offered good suggestions for my
tree top problem. With a busy week ahead it will be this weekend before
we can give them a try. Thanks so much. I will let you know how things
turn out.
We are watching new episodes of The Last Detective and some more Dexter.
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Heavy frost last night. I walked to the post
office at lunch time. The sun was out making things a little warmer
with temperatures making it to the mid 50's. Gym tonight.
Bob said Malcolm looked at Bob around 5:15 and gave a yip asking
where I was. Later he pestered Bob to go out front to look to see if I
was outside. With it getting dark early he expects me to be home. Just
what every home needs, a Border Collie to run things. There is an old
Far Side cartoon with a bunch of sheep standing around at a party
talking about no one knowing where to stand, when to eat, etc. The door
is open an a Border Collie is standing at the door. One of the sheep
says "oh thank God . Here Come a Border Collie".
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Happy 55th birthday to me. It was raining
when we got up, it rained all day, it is still raining. I have no idea
how much we've had but with the 10" we had last month we sure don't
need any more rain. Of course this time of year we are thankful it was
not freezing rain, sleet, or snow.
I had a good day at work
getting several cards and one happy birthday song. I picked the folks
up after work to meet Frances at nice little restaurant west of
Winston. They had eaten there before but I hadn't. Steak, burgers,
pasta, fish. Very good food, good portions. They brought me a free
brownie with ice cream in a birthday bowl for dessert. After we ate I
opened my gifts. The theme this year was penguins. Pajamas, book mark,
small ceramic dish, and ornament. Some of these things were inside a
very cute fabric pop-up penguin with wire sides and felt feet.
Thursday, 3 December 2009
[Thursday] [Friday]
We had a little over 2 inches of rain
yesterday. By this morning things had cleared up nicely. It was windy
but not cold. I met Bonnie for lunch. Afterward we stopped at a
arts/craft show being held downtown to help support the Sawtooth Center
for the Arts and local craftsmen. Very nice stuff reasonably priced.
and grocery store tonight. We were running low on a few things since I
did not go to the store last week. We will be needing to do another
Costco run in the few weeks.
I am reading another Teashop Mystery by Laura Childs, Chamomile Mourning.
Trash and recycling are out, time to relax a little before going to bed and starting all over again tomorrow.
Friday 4 December 2009
No update.
Saturday, 5 December 2009
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Bob and I went out for dinner last at Zoe's for a belated birthday dinner.
Today is another wet, cold Saturday. We barely missed snow and/or ice. The mountains are getting snow.
morning I picked Frances up at her house around 9:15. We took off for
High Point to go lamp shopping. I had done a Google search for lamp
stores in High Point, printed out locations, etc. High Point is about
15 minutes from her house. Of the eight stores I found listed,
several for very near to each other. I used Google maps to get us from
Winston to the first store on Hampton Street. The directions said to
turn left on English, right on Hampton. Except, English was one way, a
right turn only. We drove a ways before I turned off on a side street.
Frances called the number, it was disconnected. She started calling all
the other numbers. All had been disconnected or changed except one,
they were not open on Saturday. We headed back to Main street High
Point where we had passed one store earlier. They had no floor lamps.
The owner said most or all of them were either out of business or only
open during the Furniture Mart.
Frances suggested we go to
Home Depot, the next block down. Bingo, I found a very nice bronze
finished swing arm lamp with a matching table lamp. I bought two floor
lamps to replace the one on my table and the table by the kitchen door.
Bob got a new lamp for his table. The three up here will go downstairs
in the finished area to replace those down there.
We drove back
to Winston making a stop at Walgreen's then on to Panera Bread from
lunch. While at that shopping center we went to Dollar Tree and Tuesday
Morning. I found some Christmas gifts at all those stores. Final stop,
gift certificates for my folks at a place they like to visit. One last
stop, at the Walgreen's near our house to buy the lighted penguin for
the front yard. He only stands 28 inches made of chenille fabric on a
wire stand. Very cute little fellow.
We have put together two
lamps and the penguin. He is now installed out on the lawn. We have one
floor lamp left to go before time to cook dinner.
Sunday, 6 December 2009
[Sunday] [Next
We've been as busy as beavers all day. I
unloaded the downstairs big freezer to start defrosting while I pulled
the bedding from the air mattress so Bob could wash those sheets with
ours. The freezer was not all that iced over but doing it before it
gets bad is much easier and less mess to clean up. I folded the
blankets and bedspread and did a general tiding up of the boxes and
stuff we had hauled back down again until after Christmas.
to whoever suggested the twist tie solution to my tree topper problem.
I used one long tie to get the cut off branch secured to the tree than
used several more to make sure it was tied on tight. So far, it looks
like it is holding its own up there.
While I was doing my chores
Bob had started one of six loads of laundry which included my work
load. For months he had been wanting me to get one of those old
fashioned over the door hangers to hang my shirts up as he sorted them
rather than having to take the time to spread them out across the back
of my chair in the bedroom. I started looking for the over the door
hanger when Marcia and I were out shopping but could not find one
anywhere. When I can't find something I am looking for I always let
Frances know. Her and Al are champion "finders" of things. Sure enough,
they came found what I wanted. It was one of my birthday presents.
Currently I am listening to another one of my birthday presents, the Christmas 25th Anniversary Collection by Mannheim Steamroller. I have some of their earlier Christmas CD's.
cleaned the bathrooms and ran the vacuum to at least get the leaves and
dog hair. By the time I finished that the freezer was ready to be wiped
down and turned back on.
To continue the story of my MP 3 players from Bob's page.
My Sansa 250 I use at the gym needed to be reloaded with music. As Bob
relates on his page, when he connected the USB cable to the player he
did not get a list of music on the player. After messing around with it
for awhile I mentioned that it was not a coincidence that he had blown
up another of my players. He brought the player and cable back to my
office where it worked fine. We decided he would load the music on my
PC for music management (and safety for my players). After the upload
he decided he should vacuum the back and inside of my system. The fan
had been increasing in noise level lately. Once he did that and
rebooted the fan was louder and the PC didn't recognize my the 4 GB
Sansa Clip it had recognized earlier. We loaded music on the Sansa 250
for now.
I'ved had Malcolm out back to play and help refill the
bird feeder. It is cold today, mid 30's right now with a forecast high
of 41. I'm not sure it will make that even with the sunshine. I still
have some bills to pay and the rest of my desk to organize. Next, I
will get some wrapping done before calling it a day.
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