Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 7 December 2009
Latest Update: Sunday, 13 December 2009 7:45 p.m.
Monday, 7 December 2009
co-workers took me out to lunch today for my birthday. We would have
gone Friday but the three paralegals I work for had a training
Bob called this morning to let me know one of the
parts had come in for my Trooper. Tim said the other one should be in
tomorrow. I went to the gym from work then called Bob when I was
finished to let him know I was leaving for Tim's. Hopefully he can get
everything done tomorrow if the other parts gets there.
finished reading the tea shop mystery last night. Tonight I think I
will start another Sister Frevisse. I'll have to check the list to what
the next one is in the series that we have.
Cold this morning, high 20's but it warmed up nicely to the mid 40's by this afternoon.
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
We dodged another weather bullet getting only
a cold rain instead of freezing rain and/or snow. The temperatures
barely made it to the low 40's with tonight going back down into the
high 30's with the rain continuing. I forgot to check to see how much
we had when we walked Malcolm after dinner.
As I pulled into the
driveway after work Bob came out the basement door to let me know Tim
had called about 10 minutes after 5 to say the truck was ready. So, off
we go to pick up the truck. Dinner, dishes, walk the dog, it's already
almost 8pm now.
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Another 2+ inches of rain most of which fell
last night and early this morning. It rained so hard it washed some of
the leaves piled in the gutters out into the street. Thankfully the
temperatures stayed at 38 overnight or I would have been creeping along
on black ice this morning.
It warmed up to the mid 60's this
afternoon. When I finished at the gym I didn't bother to switch to my
long sweat pants. It is supposed to get back down into the 30's again
tonight. The mid west is having a time of it with blizzards and a foot
or more of snow.
Busy at work. Lots of end of year stuff to get completed.
Thursday, 10 December 2009
[Thursday] [Friday]
Colder today. Highs in the mid 40's with wind
keeping the wind chill in the 30's. Tonight is to be in the mid 20's
with mid-40's again tomorrow. But, nice and sunny. I did a quick walk
after I ate lunch to get get some fresh air.
Dinner tonight with Betsy and Nancy at River Birch Lodge. Excellent salmon and shrimp combo with grilled asparagus.
It's late already and I still need to round up the trash and recycling.
Friday 11 December 2009
Saturday, 12 December 2009
[Saturday] [Sunday]
The long range forecast all week had been
cold by dry today. The first Saturday in weeks it did not rain on
either Friday and or Saturday making it too wet to do the last round of
yard work including the week I was home for Thanksgiving.
day dawned dry but cold. We had a heavy frost again last night with the
temperatures getting down in the low 20's. I did some stuff around the
house this morning waiting on the temperatures to get at least into the
mid 30's and the promised sunshine to melt off the frost. The sun has
tried to come all day without much success. Around 10:30 Malcolm and
started working on getting the leaves from the natural areas along the
front of the house. Bob came out with the ladder to get the ones that
accumulate at the peak where the roof covers the front porch. Rather
than climb up on the roof he used the dirt rake and leaf rakes to get
them down. I started vacuuming while he blew the rest of the leaves
from the natural areas.
When I went out this morning to get
started in the yard I could hear the county leaf trucks getting the
leaves from the street behind us. I told Bob I was going to try get the
front finished before they got to us. The back leaves I dump in the
back corner of the yard where I have the sink hole. After I vacuumed
the front I mowed then took a lunch break. More leaf blowing in the
back from under the deck and natural areas then vacuuming. I was so
tired by the time I finished the back I skipped mowing it. I don't have
as good a stand of grass back there as I do in the front for it to
really need mowing.
I threw some seed out by hand since we have
rain/sleet in the forecast for tonight and tomorrow and hosed off the
vacuum and lawn mower before stowing them away for the winter. About
the time I finished up outside the leaf folks were doing the ones in
front of our house.
I'm done for the day except fixing dinner. Rest and reading for me this afternoon.
Sunday, 13 December 2009
[Sunday] [Next
We are up to an inch and a half of rain.
Other than some ice on the trees and maybe some bridges we escaped
getting any freezing rain/sleet bu just a few degrees. Most of the rain
is supposed to move on out by late this afternoon.
This morning
I ironed before doing a quick run through the house with the vacuum and
cleaning the bathrooms. I just made my list of which rooms to clean on
my days off during the holidays. The past two years I was out of
vacation from having knee surgery and recovering from knee surgery
making it hard for me to really have the time or ability to do a proper
job. This year, if I don't have to use any time before the holidays I
will have three days plus the weekends to get everything done.
lunch I finished wrapping gifts. I reorganized and cleaned up all the
paper, bags, etc. to be packed away after Christmas. I've still got
laundry to put away and a few other things to do before taking a break
to rest and read.
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