Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 11 January 2010
Latest Update: Sunday, 17 January 2010 2:30 p.m.
Monday, 11 January 2010
Happy Monday. Over the weekend we watched another new British drama/comedy Bob found called Pie In The Sky. I highly recommend giving this one a try.
Breg brace sales rep delivered the new straps and pads for my brace to
me at work today. I've worn the pads that go along my shin and thigh
down to where they are not very comfortable anymore. The straps are
getting slick making the brace slid around too much. Straps and pads
all come off the frame for easy washing which I do every week.
Gym tonight. Not nearly as cold today but there are flurries in the forecast for tonight.
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Last night I stopped by the new YMCA. They
will not be open until next week but had staff in the lobby area
answering questions and taking applications. They will not have a pool
but will have a track. Seeing that I am fed up with Gold's I decided to
go ahead and join for six months.
It was back to the old gym tonight. We are watching more Pie In the Sky.
Thursday, 14 January 2010
[Thursday] [Friday]
Friday 15 January 2010
Last night I started reading another Dame
Frevisse, The Squire's Tale. Yesterday I had four scoops of mulch
delivered. Guess what I will be doing this extra long holiday weekend?
The cold weather has finally broken with high's yesterday and today
back up into the 50's.
As I mentioned previously, I have
started driving the white Trooper a couple of days a week. Sometimes
when I come home Bob and Malcolm come down to the basement to meet me.
Bob always makes sure the garage door is closed before opening the
basement door. Malcolm comes running over to greet me as I open the car
door. I park my Trooper close the door, Bob's is on the other side.
Tonight when Bob opened the door Malcolm went running over to my car to
wait on me to open the door for his usual greeting. Um, Bob where is
she? The door is not opening. He did not realize I was in the other
car. I called him twice before he finally realized where I was.
Embarrassing dog moment for sure.
Saturday, 16 January 2010
[Saturday] [Sunday]
I started on the mulch pile about 9am.
Temperatures were in the mid 30's without any wind making it a nice day
to be outside. I started out in a light weight jacket until around noon
when temperatures made it into the low 50's. Not much in the way of
sunshine with rain coming in tonight.
I wish I had a large
enough area to dump in the front instead of at the end of the driveway.
Two thirds of the pile goes in the front, up hill. I made three or four
trips starting at the bed furtherest across the yard then stopped to
spread. The is the biggest bed in the front. I finished it around
10:30, took a break and started on the smaller beds along the front of
the house. After another fairly long break I finally finished up the
front around 2 and started one of the back beds before finally giving
up around 2:30. I have roughly one third of the pile left for the back
beds to do on Monday.
Malcolm was out helping, barking at
the wheelbarrow running around hither and yon. I made him go in several
times just to rest. At one point I was taking a short water break in
the chair on the front porch. He was inside lying by the door. He could
barely keep his eyes open but once I made a move toward the wheel
barrow to go back around for another load he was up barking and howling
his displeasure at being left inside. This afternoon he finally got so
tired he nudged the basement door open and went inside.
Sunday, 17 January 2010
[Sunday] [Next
We had about two inches of rain overnight. Showers off and on the rest of the day and somewhat cooler.
did a quick vacuum of the house and bathroom cleaning this morning
before going over to my folks house for lunch and a visit. Otherwise,
rest and reading this afternoon after I pay some bills and clear up
some things on my desk.
Another new show last night, George Gently. Good British cop show along
the lines of Morse and Lewis. George leaves Scotland Yard after his
wife is murdered by a man he had been trying to catch. Intent on
retiring he took one last case about a murdered biker in the County
Durham, England. I'll not give more away in case you want to watch the
first show in the series that sets things up for the ongoing shows.
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