Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 18 January 2010
Latest Update: Sunday, 24 January 2010 1:00 p.m.
Monday, 18 January 2010
finished up mulching the back beds this morning. Earlier this morning I
looked out back from the hall bathroom window. There must have been 20
robins running all over the mulched leaves I had dumped in the natural
area. They were tossing aside leaves looking for whatever insects had
come out from all the rain and warm weather. Cardinals were flitting
about, I had a jay on the feeder and a woodpecker in the tree by the
I used the weed eater to cut down the liriope in the
bed at the end of the driveway. That's where I am getting plants for
the wash area on the other side of the yard. I moved several bunches
Last night I started reading another Deborah Knott,
Uncommon Clay. Maron has sent Knott off to Seagrove, NC known for their
red clay pottery. From the mountains to the middle of the state, out
dirt is mostly red clay. From there east it is mostly sand all the way
to the coast. Knott has been assigned to settle equal distribution of
property in two divorce cases. In one case the Nordan's, Sandra Kay and
James Lucas, both come from a long line of potters. Married for 24
years, they turned out beautiful pots using old time methods and kilns.
They have been unable to come to an agreement on spliting of property a
year after the divorce. Before Deborah can settle the problem of
dividing up the couples pottery collection, James is found murdered by
one of the kilns.
High 50's today with lots of sunshine after a little over 2 inches of
rain Sunday. Tomorrow is to be 60'. A nice break from all the cold
weather we've had.
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Well, it was one of those days. I intended to
drive the white Trooper today but the battery was dead. Halfway to work
I realized I had left my gym bag (now my YMCA bag) at home. At work I
took my tea bag to the break room for my morning cup of green tea but
left my cup sitting on my desk. I steep it in the cup then add ice. I
prefer green tea cold instead of hot. I like to use my own cup instead
of the Styrofoam ones the Firm provides. I really hate having Monday's
off, they mess up the whole darn week.
It's too out of the
way to go all the way home for my gym stuff after so. Instead l had Bob
e-mail me the grocery list on the fridge door so I could stop on
the way home from work.
I am now reading another Dame Frevisse, The Clerk's Tale. We've been watching more of the New Tricks series.
Thursday, 21 January 2010
[Thursday] [Friday]
Despite a very hectic day at work I hustled
up enough energy to go to the new Y. There is still inside work to be
done but it is coming along nicely. A large center room is filled with
a wide assortment of bikes, treadmills, and elliptical machines, some
of which I have never seen before. Of course all the machines are new
and different from the ones at Gold's. I walked around picking ones
similar to what I am used to working out on. The way the weights pull
and/or operate are different so I took it easy just trying them out
more than working out. The cardio and weight machines I am not familiar
with I will watch someone else use then give them a try.
advantages in addition to nice new, state of the art equipment include
no parking problems and no blaring crappy music. I use a MP3 player but
the music at Gold's was always so loud it drowned out mine. I am sure
it also helps that the place is much less noisy due to the construction
of the building. I left work at 4:30 instead of 4:45 making it a
little earlier than I would usually arrive at Gold's. The place was not
very crowded at the time but when I left people were starting to come
We just barely escaped the return of winter with
snow/ice/freezing rain. The counties north and west of us are getting
some form of that mess. Our temperatures are hovering just a freezing
keeping things wet and cold. We've had an inch of rain so far.
Friday 22 January 2010
Saturday, 23 January 2010
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Dinner out last night with Marcy at the Diamond Back Grill. I had not been there in awhile. Excellent food, good services, etc.
morning Bob and I ran a couple of errands. He had been borrowing our
neighbor's battery charger each time the white Trooper battery dead. I
suggested we go out to the auto parts place and buy one in case they
were out of town when we needed it. He also needed to go to the
hardware store to pick up something for his science videos.
hooked the battery charger up while I took Malcolm out for some
playtime. It's a fairly nice day, cool and sunny with a breeze. We had
another inch of rain yesterday making the ground pretty wet and muddy.
I am taking a rest day today for a change. At lunch I started watching
the four hour documentary Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers: Runnin' Down a Dream.
Petty is one of my all time favorite rockers who had been around since
the mid to late '70's and still going. I have always enjoyed watching
"rock-u-mentaries". The one is well worth the time if you like Petty.
Sunday, 24 January 2010
[Sunday] [Next
House cleaning this morning followed by
getting my ironing basket empty. Not much else going on today except
lots of rain. I walked Malcolm while it was still only a steady but
light drizzle. I'm not looking to get into too much else this afternoon
except for reading.
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