Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 22 March 2010
Latest Update: Sunday, 28 March 2010 2:40 p.m.
Monday, 22 March 2010
Monday started busy as usual. I am reading another Ali Reynolds mystery, Cruel Intent.
I went out to dinner at a new place, Ombu. Very upscale but delicious
food. A nice relaxing evening to get the week started off. Now I have
to go play some ball with Malcolm.
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
No update.
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
I am reading a new Cynthia Riggs mystery,
Death and Honesty. Her mystery series is set on Martha's Vineyard, very
cozy, very light. I do enjoy her 92 year old character, Victoria
Trumbull, an honorary deputy sheriff for the county. Having been to the
island, each time I read her series it feel like I am revisiting the
The cold and rain from Monday and yesterday gave us another 1/2 inch of rain. Today it reached the mid 70's. Very warm indeed.
We've been watching more of Cold Feet and Breaking Bad.
Thursday, 25 March 2010
[Thursday] [Friday]
Friday 26 March 2010
While this week has been busy it has not been
as hectic as it had been until today. Today was one of those
days...start something, get interrupted, try to finish, get
interrupted, etc. etc. etc. I knew getting my desk cleaned off on
Wednesday would not last very long.
I have been having some
serious knee problems for the last six weeks or so. I was hoping it was
the cold, damp, snowy weather but now I am sure it is not. The pain
medication I have been on since the first surgery does not seem to be
working as well. The brace knee is acting up as well as the right knee
that I first had the surgery on. Now my right foot has joined in the
act. I finally called my orthopedic doctor to make an appointment just
to see if we can change meds. Surgery is not an option as this point.
For a while it was not good, worse, better, not good worse. Now it is
pretty much not good, worse. Guess I will find out next week.
rain this afternoon. Low's tonight back down into the mid 30's. I had
to stop to gas up the truck on the way home, then make a library and
grocery store stop.
Saturday, 27 March 2010
[Saturday] [Sunday]
I gave Bob a haircut this morning then
started on the house cleaning. Included in those chores was cleaning up
the work room which did not take all that long. It was mostly cleaning
up and organizing. Bob has started getting computer parts in already.
Once I finished up the house I took a break to check my mail and clean
off my desk.
After lunch Malcolm and I went outside. I picked up
sticks and pulled weeds and grass where I don't need it to grow. I
mowed and gave the lawn its first edging of the season. It's always
hard the first time getting the groove edged in again. By the time I
finished edging and sweeping up it was 4pm.
A very nice day,
sunny but cool with a pretty good breeze at times. I am reading a new
Sister Fidelma mystery by Peter Tremayne, The Council of the Cursed,
set in ancient Ireland. Steak and chicken on the grill tonight. Duke is
still alive in the NCAA. They won last night but played too late for me
to stay up and watch.
Sunday, 28 March 2010
[Sunday] [Next
Very lazy this morning. I woke up a little
after 8 thinking Malcolm had been a good dog letting us sleep in. I
found out Bob had taken Malcolm out around 7pm then came back to bed.
Very unusual for me to not only not wake up when he took him out but I
did not even wake up when Malcolm gave me my good morning slurp. At
this Bob got up. I had intended to snooze another few minutes and get
up but I went back to sleep waking up after 9.
On the way over
to my folks house for a visit and lunch I made a quick stop at the
bookstore to pick up a book for Bob I had seen a review of and a couple
of new crossword puzzle books for me. I work the Sunday puzzle in our
paper which takes anywhere from one day to three depending on how hard
it is. Once I finish it I have been working the ones in an old book I
found in a drawer. I don't like the daily one that runs in our paper. I
work the puzzles while we watch our shows on DVD.
On the way
home from my folks house I needed to stop and put gas in the white
truck and the two gas cans for lawn machinery. Normally just gassing up
the car, I stand back behind the car until the fueling is finished. If
I have cans I stand by pump to fill them. I filled the car and started
filling the second can. I had my side to the pump and my back toward
the rear of the car. All of sudden I saw something liquid spewing at my
feet like water from a hose. I quickly turned around to see gas spewing
from a hole in the hose about at ground level. In my hast to turn
around I had dropped the nozzle. I did a quick retrieval to get it back
in the pump to make it turn off. It is not one of those pumps you pull
down the lever to stop the gas. By this time I had gas all over the
cans, my shoes and the bottom of my pants. I hit the call button. After
the second time I pressed I got an answer. I told her what happened.
She came out a few minutes later so I could show her what happened. She
told me she thought they had just replaced the hoses. I wiped off the
cans as best I could grabbing a towel from the back to put them on in
the car. Had it happened when just fueling the car it would not have
got me unless the break, it looked like a tear or a puncture, had been
on the other side of the hose where I would normally have been standing.
just happened to be outside with Malcolm when I got to the house. I
told him what happened and to meet me with my robe in the garage so I
could pull off my clothing and shoes. Even though it did not get my
shirt I was not sure if would not have the gas fumes on it too. He
started my cloths washing while I jumped in the shower. He just brought
me my shoes. They still smell like gas even after washing. He put them
outside where it will eventually evaporate.
It is a cold, rainy day. Rest and relax this afternoon.
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