Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 29 March 2010
Latest Update: Sunday, 4 April 2010 12:20 p.m.
Monday, 29 March 2010
is a little early in the year to be having an exciting weather evening.
As we were watching the Duke game tornado warnings started popping up
for a couple of counties to our south and west. As the evening
progressed our local channel 11 went to solid weather coverage with no
commercials showing details of streets and communities under possible
threat of tornado activity. We were watching another station that
switched back and forth between full weather coverage and full
basketball coverage. In between they had the radar in one corner and
the ballgame in the other. Duke did pull out the win in the last three
minutes of the game to move on to the final four next weekend.
had mostly heavy rain with lightening and thunder. The southeast part
of the county where my folks and sister live were closer to the tornado
warnings. The storms kept coming one after the other up from the south
which where we tend to get our worst weather from. In the winter it is
the moisture over riding the cold to bring snow/ice/sleet. In the
summer it is the moisture over riding the cold brining
At the Y this evening channel 11
said an F2 tornado hit High Point. Several apartments and trailers
where destroyed. Fortunately there were only injuries but no
fatalities. We finally walked Malcolm for last time going on ten
when the rain let up. Most of the bad weather was over for us but the
channel 11 kept their coverage until all was safe for those counties
under the gun.
All told we had a little over 2 1/2 inches with a little more later on this afternoon.
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Orthopedic appointment this morning. As I
guessed, the left knee I wear the brace on is hosed but we are not
having replacement surgery right now. I can continue to increase the
pressure on the dial as needed. They x-rayed the right knee and right
foot. As I guessed, the right foot pain is coming from arthritis in the
joint of my big toe. He called it a very long medical condition but
that is what it translate to. The right knee still does not look as bad
as the left. He gave me shots in both my right knee and right toe. At
some point I may want to explore the Synvisc shots for that knee. He
warned me the pain from the shots might make it hard for me to work but
I went on anyway. It really did not bother me but that may be due to
the fact I am taking Ibuprofen for this creeping crude I came down with
over the weekend. It has been awhile since I had the congested cough
and laryngitis from the change in the weather/allergies. That and
Mucinex D will eventually clear it up. I sound much worse than I am.
doctor also wants me to up my number of days of bicycle riding at the Y
in addition to what I am doing. I am already doing the quad strength
exercises. I will have to decide how to get that extra half hour in
during the week without making every night of the week a late night
getting home. Hopefully the shots will get me through the summer before
I need to decide on the next move for my right knee and/or if my foot
does not get any better.
Bob had five fillings put in today. We decided he would put in one of our favorite Stouffer's casseroles, Chicken & Broccoli Pasta Bake.
The instructions on the box used to something like vent, bake 70
minutes at 3:50, allow to stand. About 4:20 Bob called to tell me I had
bought the wrong product because this box said do not vent, bake for 80
or 85 minutes, let stand. He had already vented the plastic covering. I
told him not to worry to go ahead and put it in. It turns out it is the
same product, just repackaged in a different cardboard tray which
required different cooking instructions. Bob hates change of any kind
so this threw him off a bit. A lot of the quick food makers are getting
away from the black plastic trays. There has been some discussion about
the toxins cooking into the food or something. I thought I would warn
you just in case you do buy this product to look at the new cooking
directions. Back a month or so ago I could had trouble finding it in
the store. I guess they were getting ready to ship in the new container/
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
No update.
Thursday, 1 April 2010
[Thursday] [Friday]
This has been a really wacky week. I keep
getting my days all mixed up. Yesterday I thought it was Thursday,
today I thought it was Wednesday. I guess it is all this medication I
am taking to fight the creeping crud I came down with. The chesty cough
will not go away. I bought some Mucinex cough tables today to see if
that will help break it up.
Last night I went to the store to
pick up a few things. When I got home I had an e-mail we had a book on
hold at the library. I sat up last night to finishing reading the
Sister Fidelma since it was overdue and had reserves so I could return
this evening. I think I will read the next Reginald Hill, The Price of
Butcher's Meat.
Spring has sprung with very warm temperatures
all week. I hate this time of year because it is 80 outside and about
73 in the house. Not quite warm enough to turn on the air because it
gets back down into the 40's and 50's at night.
Scott's came Tuesday to put down crabgrass and weed control. The front
yard really looks nice and thick. The back is looking better. The stuff
has to be watered in sometime in the next 10 to 14 days be we no rain
in site. I guess I get it watered in this weekend before I mow again.
Friday 2 April 2010
We did not get today off nor do we get
Monday. However, a lot folks took today off. Lisa, the secretary I
support, was working along with a few of the attorney's in our group
but only one paralegal. Lisa and I took advantage of the day
to get caught up on projects and paperwork. By late this afternoon we
had gotten a lot accomplished. I am now able to get back to working on
my main long term project of getting our files RFID tagged. While
things are still very busy this week has not been nearly has hectic. I
am thankful for that having worked all week with this sinus mess I have
not been at 100%.
I picked mom and dad up after work then we
came by here to pick up Bob on the way to meet Frances and Marcy at the
Mexican restaurant.
Another very warm day. I am afraid this
early warm weather may bring a cool April and/or May. Even as much rain
as we've had we are under fire danger due to the low humidity and dry
ground conditions.
Saturday, 3 April 2010
[Saturday] [Sunday]
I got out early this morning to hand water
the lawn treatment stuff in after, of course, playing some ball with
Malcolm. It was nice and sunny so I figured the grass would be dry
enough after lunch for mowing.
I cleaned off my desk, paid some
bills, and did some other organizing type stuff until time to fix some
lunch. I mowed the front then took a break sitting outside before
mowing the back. I am still hacking and operating on about 70% energy
so I took things easy. The skies have clouded up off and on all
afternoon as predicted. There is a chance of a passing shower later on
tonight or early in the morning.
Rest, relax, and read this
afternoon. I may sit outside in the sunshine some more to see if it
will help my cough. And, with the warm weather and wearing shorts
again, I have to wash my leg brace every weekend after I do the yard.
As with wearing it all the time, the washing every week gets old too.
Sunday, 4 April 2010
[Sunday] [Next
Happy Easter. It's another warm, sunny
day. I did the house cleaning this morning and had Malcolm out for some
playtime. This afternoon I caught up my ironing and sat outside on the
front porch in the sunshine just enjoying the day.
Duke beat West Virginia last night. It will be Duke v. Butler for the NCAA Championship game Monday night.
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