Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 26 April 2010
Latest Update: Sunday, 2 May 2010 3:40 p.m.
Monday, 26 April
have lived in this house 22 years. Other than a bad ice storm one year
and a couple of summer storms we've hardly had any power problems to
speak of until the last year or so. We are always having glitches and
burps, usually when there is not bad weather. Last week we had a five
hour outage with no storms. Last night, just as I got ready to fix
dinner about5:25 it went out again. When Bob called 1-800-Poweron we
were told it would be 8:30. Not wanting to drag out the camp stove and
with nothing thawed to put on the grill I had Bob pull up the garage
door so I could go in search of food. Not knowing if the outage was as
far as Reynolda where all the eating places are located, I had no idea
how far I would have to go to find food. The upper part of our
neighborhood and Reynolda had power.
After we ate I sat on the front porch to read by what was left of
the natural light then used Bob's old booklight. I had bought him a new
one a couple of months ago. 8:30 came and went, no power. At nine we
walked Malcolm and headed back to bed to read. I opened the bathroom
window to get some fresh air in the house. Fortunately it was only in
the low 70's outside but the house was getting stuffy. When the power
came on at 9:45 I had about 20 pages left in the Rhys Bowen.
I am starting a book from my TBR shelf, the latest Diana Killian, Docketful of Poesy that came out in 2009.
It was a rather normal day for a Monday. I am back on the document
production project but can work on it in between doing my other stuff.
Off to the Y after work. Late dinner and watching some more of the
Touch of Frost.
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
No update
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
Work is busy but not crazy. Tonight I mowed
after we ate dinner. It was not all that high but I want to go to the Y
tomorrow night. If I have to mow during the week I would rather do it
by Wednesday night since our yard cart pickup is on Thursdays. We have
had really nice weather but very chilly at night. Frost warnings for
tonight for those folks who have put out tomatoes or warm weather
bedding plants.
The guy behind us has been having some of his tall trees around his
house topped after one fell during the winter. Fortunately it fell away
from their house. We have one tall white pine in the back that leans a
little to the left and has started growing out to the left instead of
up at the top. I would hate to have it fall on someone's house causing
property damage or, worse yet, someone get hurt. During bad weather
from ice storms or summer storms it always looses a lot of big limbs.
The tree cutting guys offered to top it out for us a very reasonable
price. He will cut out the dead limbs and take off the top to keep it
from getting caught in the wind and going over. I thought they were
going to do it yesterday so I came home from work with plans to start
hauling brush to the curb. Fortunately the tree sits at the edge of one
side of my yard that is natural area. I told Bob to tell them to drop
the brush on there to keep from killing the grass until I can get it
all cleaned up. Depending on how much there is I will haul it out in
batches for the city to pick up instead of creating a big messy pile.
Thursday, 29 April 2010
[Thursday] [Friday]
No update
Friday 30 April 2010
I had intended to go to the Y last night but
stayed until 6 at work to help get one of the paralegals get a project
finished. Today I was able to leave at 4. I did a library and quick
grocery store run on the way home.
Since it is a very warm, sunny day afternoon I decided to haul three or
four loads of pine brush up to the streetfrom where they took off the
top of the pine yesterday. There are two fairly large stacks of limbs
and brush to haul to the front. They left a lot of small pine branches
and limbs lying around everywhere that will have to be picked up. It
will be awhile before I get it all cleaned up. I heated up the
leftovers from last night's cassarole Bob had made for dinner.
Rest and relax the rest of the evening.
Saturday, 1 May 2010
[Saturday] [Sunday]
It hss been a very busy Saturday. I got out
in the yard around 9 to start hauling more brush to the curb. I
moved one of the two large piles, the one that was mostly on the grass.
The other one is in the natural area. I will wait to haul it out after
the city hauls of what's out there.
Using the electric blower to clear the driveway and sidewalk under the
deck of the carpet of helecopter seeds then watered my ground cover I
put in a couple of weeks go, the pansies out front and my new bush. It
was really nice working outside this morning. Cool, breezy, and not
much in the way of humidity.
After a quick shower Bob and I headed off to Costco. We went by
ourselves this time because we had such a long list of stuff we needed.
We were out of pretty much everything in the way of meat and staples
plus Bob wanted to look at 42 inch tv's. Our old one was about shot
anyway and Bob will need the new one when he builds the entertainment
PC for the book.
It took a while to get everything unloaded when we got home. I had to
repackage the steaks, chops, and short ribs. The chicken thighs and
breasts, and pork tenerloin can go right in the freezer. While I put
the dry foods away and repackaged meat, Bob sawed off the short side of
the TV stand. The little top can be used as a matching table.
Malcolm had a busy morning helping me. I am sure he slept while we were
gone then he had to help unload the car when we got home.
I'm glad I got the yard work out of the way. It turned hot and humid this afternoon though it is still pretty windy.
Bob has the new TV set up so I best get out to the den and see how it looks.
Sunday, 2 May 2010
[Sunday] [Next
House cleaning this morning then off to the
folks house. Dad did his annul geranium planting. I bring the pots to
him, he removes the old dirt, and put in the new plants then I put the
pots back where they belong. While he did that I pulled some weeds from
the upper garden and put preen around the new plants he had his lawn
guy put on the bank. Once he finished the geraniums I brought him his
hanging pots to put plants in those. I put in his four tomato plants
for him and a another plant that we put up on the top of the hill.
It was well after one o'clock by the time we finished up. We went to
Pizza Hut for a late lunch then I dropped them off at Frances and Al's.
They were taking them to Costco.
Time to jump in the shower.
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