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Barbara Fritchman Thompson Diary

Week of 19 April 2010

Latest Update: Sunday, 25 April 2010 1:35 p.m.

Monday, 19 April 2010

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We had a great time. The weather was sunny but cool on Saturday. We drove the parkway, getting off once for a lunch break, arriving at the B & B by 3pm. Very nice, old farm house converted into the B & B. The couple, about mid to late 50's built a home on the hill above the farm house for them to live in. Our meal at the winery was excellent and the breakfast at the B & B also. There was one couple staying in the ground floor room and one in the cabin behind the farm house. Sunday morning it was cold and windy. Marcy and I walked down the road and across the field to a nearby stream before heading back home on the parkway.

This time we got off on 52 in VA to stop at a couple of antique places along the way then drove into Mt. Airy, NC for a walk around downtown and have lunch. From there we took back roads instead of the interstate to get back to Winston. I got home around 4pm.

I am reading a new Kate Shugak, A Night Too Dark, by Dana Stabenow. She is one of my favorite authors.

Remember the project I was working on when I left last week? Well, even though Tina worked on it some Friday there is still hours and hours of work left. I spent all day today but did not stay later than 5:15 deciding instead to go to the Y. I'll probably stay late tomorrow night. It's going to be a long week to try to get this thing finished. Now, I am way behind in my other work.


Tuesday, 20 April 2010

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I had an 8 am dentist appointment this morning then ran a couple of errands until time to pick the folks up. We had an appointment at a local retirement community for a tour and lunch. Very nice place not far from where they live. If and not when dad can no longer drive this will actually make them more independent then if they stayed in their house. They hate to bother us although Frances and I both do not mind at all being called on when needed. It will also offer a much more secure living environment from where they are now especially in the future. Of course, at this point it is their decision. I am hoping they will decide to make the move while they are both in good enough health to enjoy they place and before it becomes a "have to" move.

By the time we did the tour, talked, ate lunch, and I got them back home it was 2pm.  I worked from 2:15 to 7:15 before calling it a day. We are finally getting some rain. So far it has been scattered and light but may getting heavier later on this evening.


Wednesday, 21 April 2010

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Work continues to be busy. Still working on the big document production project. I did not stay late tonight. Instead I fixed dinner then, while Bob did the cleaning up, I mowed the lawn. We had half an inch or so of rain over night and this morning. At least it washed away some of the pollen still covering everything. The grass was pretty high but at least the sun had come out early enough this afternoon to dry things out.

We are watching more Sopranos.


Thursday, 22 April 2010

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No update.


Friday 23 April 2010

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I finally finished the document production project this afternoon. I then spent the rest of the afternoon getting my other work caught up. Next week I will be working on phase two of that same project.

After work I picked up mom and dad to meet Frances at Zoe's for dinner. Bob is under the weather with a stomach bug since last night so he did not join us. I brought him a take out.


Saturday, 24 April 2010

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I spent the morning getting the house back into shape. Two weeks of dog hair and dirt and oak seeds tracked in from outside and I vacuumed the stairs down to the basement.
With rain in the forecast for tonight and tomorrow I wanted to patch some places in the front lawn with dirt, seed and fertilizer and throw out seed in the back. Malcolm had a great time running around. He loves it when I get the wheelbarrow out.

I've paid some bills and cleaned off my desk. Later I need to run to the drugstore and library. We did not need anything from the grocery store this week.

I finished reading the Kate Shugak and have started a new Rhys Bowen, The Last Illusion, in her Molly Murphy series.


Sunday, 25 April 2010

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I spent a relaxing morning reading the paper, checking web sites, and doing some things at my desk before taking Malcolm out to play. We've only had about half an inch of rain. Since the ground was wet but the grass was only damp I decided to mow and get that chore out of the way for the early part of the week. Thunderstorms are in the forecast including for later today.

Rest, read, and relax this afternoon.


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