Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 17 May 2010
Latest Update: Sunday, 23 May 2010 1:20 p.m.
Monday, 17 May
steady rain started last night about the time we took Malcolm out
around 9pm. As of this evening we had 3 1/8 inches of rain. Some areas
had more, some less. This morning it poured down while I was getting
ready for work but had turned into a steady rain by the time I got to
work. I don't think the temperatures made it out of the high 50's today.
A busy day at work. I had a haircut appointment at 5:30. Bob put a
new rice cassarole in the oven we bought from Costco this last time. It
was pretty good.
I am reading a new author, Victoria Thompson. She writes the
Gaslight Mystery Series set in Victorian era New York. I picked up the
first book in the series, Murder On Astor Place, for Bob. He liked it
well enough to have me request more in the series. We have the first
three or four I think. She is a good writer and I love this time
period. Her main character, Sarah, is the widow of a doctor who becomes
a midwife. She gets involved in her first murder investigation when a
teenage friends' sister is killed in a bording house where Sarah is
delivering a baby. Sarah comes from a wealthy background where being in
"trade" is unheard of during that time. She no longer speaks to her
parents because of an incident invovling her younger sister and their
family. I won't give it all away in case you want to read the book.
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
No update.
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
I am on a Tuesday/Thursday Y schedule this week because of my Monday night haircut.
Tonight after work Bob and I drove over to Paul and Mary's to take them a piece of my lungwort plant for their yard. In return they gave me some fresh lettuce from their garden for my dinner tomorrow night.
The city picked up the brush piles leaving a lot of small limbs and
debris. When we got back I pulled the yard cart to the curb for
tomorrow's pickup and swept up all the remaining mess. The cart is
pretty full but there was enough room in the top.
Last night we watched the pilot and first three episodes of Without a Trace.
The pilot and first episode were okay, nothing great but not really
bad, so we decided to give it a chance and watch the other two
episodes. They were much improved in the acting and the writing so I
guess we will try a few more.
Thursday, 20 May 2010
[Thursday] [Friday]
Last night before we left to go over to Paul
and Mary's I thought about mowing when we got back home. Even though I
just mowed Saturday with all the rain I guess the grass went back
into fast growing mode. Then I decided it could wait until Friday night
or Saturday. I went to the Y after work. The local news was showing
rain and thunderstorms starting perhaps tomorrow night and most of the
Rather than try to dodge the showers I fixed a quick dinner and then
mowed while Bob cleaned up the kitchen and walked Malcolm. I think
today was the first day in several we had sunshine and blue skies.
Time to go cool off and watch something until bedtime.
Friday 21 May 2010
No update.
Saturday, 22 May 2010
[Saturday] [Sunday]
I was up at 8:30. I had shopping to do at
both Lowe's Home Center and Wal-Mart. I picked up bedding plants and a
few other odds and ends at Lowe's than around the corner to Wal-Mart
for a few things. We did not need much in the way of groceries this
week. It had started to sprinkle just as I finished up at Lowe's. By
the time I got to Wal-Mart the rain was coming down pretty good.
Luckily I made it to the door before the bottom fell out. By the time I
finished up it had slowed back down to a steady rain.
This afternoon I pulled all the pansies out of both the front beds and
replaced them with vinca and begonias. Even with the three inches we had
the other day plus what we had this morning things are still pretty dry
once I dug past the top layer of soil. I still need a few more for
another bed and some of my pots I put on the deck stairs.
I am reading the second book in a series by Donna Ball, Rapid Fire. She
lives in a small town near the Smoky Mountains working part time for
the Forest Service, running grooming and boarding kennels, training
dogs, and doing search and rescue. Her dog, Cisco is a golden
retriever, who acts a lot like Malcolm. She has a friend who rescued a
border collie that sometimes acts like Malcolm. Fortunately, yesterday
I was reading at work back in the file room where I eat lunch
instead of in a restaurant because Ball had me laughing so hard almost
choked on my food.
Sunday, 23 May 2010
[Sunday] [Next
Sometime during the night the rain woke me pounding on the windows. We had about 2 inches over night.
House cleaning this morning. This afternoon the neighbors down the
street are having a birthday party for their son. Mimi invited me down
to say hello and to see some small animals such as rabbits, guinea
pigs, snakes, and a hedgdhog brought by an organization that does
birthday parties. It seems the rain is following me everywhere
this weekend. Just I arrived the sun went in, a cloud came overhead,
and it started raining. They had the basement garage area cleared so
the kids can play inside but I don't think it will last very long.
I am off to run some errands then meet up with my folks and Frances
somewhere for dinner. My cousin and his wife from Allentown, PA are
coming into town this afternoon for a visit on their way back home from
Myrtle Beach, SC.
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