Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 24 May 2010
Latest Update: Sunday, 30 May 2010 3:20 p.m.
Monday, 24 May
parents belong to the Amici Club with Carrabba's restaurant. Several of
the people they volunteer with at the hospital eat there and are
members. Every few months they have events for members of the club.
Frances usually takes them but tonight I picked them up after work to
take them. Frances picked up my cousin and his wife then they met Al at
the shopping center where he was dropping off passengers from a trip he
drove. We are with the group, they ate seperatly, then we joined up to
talk for awhile.
Tonight was a complimentary dinner for everyone in the club that
included appitizers, main meal, wine, and dessert. The food was very
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
No update.
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
I am off from work today. Later this morning
the folks, Frances, and myself are going over to nearby Greensboro to
attend the funeral of my uncle. He is my mom's brother-in-law and lived
to be 100 years old.
Last night I went to the Y then decided to mow the lawn after we ate
dinner. I was going to mow tonight but was afraid it may be late by the
time we get back from Greensboro. I could not believe how high the
grass had grown since last Thursday. I caught it instead of mulching
because not only was it about two and half inches high but also a
little damp. We've had rain showers off and on since Monday, one
earlier in the afternoon. I think it grew an inche from the time I left
to go to work yesterday morning and when I got home last night. Bob
mentioned when I came in he thought it was pretty high, so you know it
must have been if Bob noticed. He normally doesn't take much notice of
the status of things in the yard.
I am reading another book in the Victoria Thompson Gaslight Mystery
series, Murder on St. Marks Place. This series does remind me a little
of Anne Perry's Thomas and Charlotte Pitt series set in Victorian
London. Thompson's character Sarah, a midwife, has met up with a police
constable who is widowed and left with a deaf, crippled three
year old son. In this second book she goes to him to help solve the
murders of young girls being picked up at dances. At this time in
history the New York police are as corrupt as the London ones.
Last night we tried another episode in the series, Without a Trace but
found it to be as bad as the first one so we bagged that series.
Thursday, 27 May 2010
[Thursday] [Friday]
No update.
Friday 28 May 2010
Well, the end of a long and busy week. Last
night I had dinner with Nancy and Betsy. We tried a Japanese Steak
House none of us had tried. It thought the food was much better than we
had back in March at Arigatos. From there we drove a couple of miles
down to the Blue Ridge Ice Cream parlor for a cup of ice cream and to
sit outside to visit some more. There was just enough of a breeze to
offset the hot muggy conditions so that we could enjoy the courtyard
area by the ice cream parlor.
Today Marcy came uptown to meet me for lunch. I took a few short
lunches early in the week so we could have longer than an hour for
lunch. It was a little warm but walked a few blocks over to a Celtic
Restaurant for a nice leisurely lunch. I still have enough time left
over to leave at 4:30 this afternoon. Most of our group was working
today rather than take today to make it a four day weekend.
It's a good thing I left early. I arrived home at 5 instead of my usual
5:30. About 5:15 the bottom fell out with heavy rain and pea sized
hail. That storm has been sitting over us for the last hour and half or
so. We've had almost 3 inches of rain. On the radar it looks like the
storm that is just sitting over us is getting ready to be joined by
another even bigger one. We could potentially get another two to three
inches. For the month of May we've had almost a foot of rain. I guess I
won't work in the yard tomorrw. It looks like a lake out back at the
end of our property where it dips down and joins the neighbors.
Saturday, 29 May 2010
[Saturday] [Sunday]
With this crazy week I forgot last night when
I went to bed that it was Friday night and to turn off my alarm. Bob
and I both went back to sleep then he got up a little later on with
Malcolm and let me sleep in. While Bob was downstairs putting in the
first load of laundry he cleaned up the lab stuff he had been piling in
front of the fireplace in the finished area so I could clean down
there. I vacuumed all the corners to get spider webs, did the stairs
and the floors, and dusted. SEveral years ago I bought a used Bissel
upright vacuum from our neighbors yard sale. The middle part
lifts off to become a carry around canister. It makes it easier to do
the ceilings and stairs.
After a brief rest I started on the upstairs weekly house chores;
bathrooms, vacuuming, etc. The storms and showers forecast for today
never did materialize. It will be much hotter tomorrow with a slight
chance of storms so I decided to go ahead and mow. It was almost too
high again to mulch and not as dry as it should have been. It clumped
up a couple of times especially in the front where it is so thick.
There are so many outside things I need to get done this weekend now,
at least, the mowing is out of the way.
Grilled beef short ribs and hash browns for dinner.
Sunday, 30 May 2010
[Sunday] [Next
I went over to my folks house mid-morning to
do a few things for them in the yard and eat lunch. It's a rather warm
day with temperatures in the mid 80's.
This afternoon Bob raked the mable seeds and other debris caught where
the roof over the porch meets the flat portion. He tried getting it
with the rake from the top of the ladder but ended up having to go up.
I then used a power nozzle attahced to the hose to do the edge of the
gutter covers, the shutters, and the windows front and back. The sap
from the trees gunks up the edges of the gutters.
Next up, Malcolm got his spring bath. We took a walk down the street and back to help with the drying process.
I have started reading the third and last book by Donna Ball, Gun Shy.
Raine Stockton is investigating the suicide of a woman in a cabin.
People in a nearby cabin reported a dog barking for several days but no
one seemed to be home. Police arrive to find a yello lab protecting the
front room preventing them from getting to the woman in a back room. By
climing through a back window a police officer confirms she was dead
from a single gun shot to the head. Raine is called in to capture the
dog instead of having to shoot it. Once she finally mangages to get
close enough to get a leash on the dog she is surprised at how well
trained he is. After a complete checkup by the vet she takes him home
until a family member is located or to turn him over to rescue. Upon
closer examination Raine discovers a small tatoo on the back of one ear
indicating the dog is a service dog. Now the big questions. Who is the
women, where is her car, why was a service dog abandoned in a cabin
with no food or water for either the person or the dog?
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